Help me out Moon man.
Like I said, I am almost convinced Akira's first virginity taken was Sekai
Her checkmark is WAY bigger and it makes sense story-wise, Akira is Ami's father, which means that at the very least he impregnated Sekai before Nozomu, I don't know why everyone here wants to dismiss it, you have no grounds to do so but the fact that Sekai's first dick was Akira's is a real possibility based on the biological fact.
Secondly, we know Maya was sexually abused, which means that there is no guarantee that her virginity was intact before Akira went in
My V-Card order is
Sekai, Ayane, Ami, Makoto > 2nd reset > Kirin, Chika, Niki
The "common" V-Card theory is
Maya, Ayane, Ami, Makoto > 2nd reset > Kirin, Chika, Niki
Molly wasn't raped, otherwise there would be 8 checkmarks, like I already said, there HAS to be blood or it won't count.
the last possibility that just dawned on me is the fact that the BIG checkmark, could be not Sekai's but Akira's himself.
It would be very interesting if for some reason the board counted Akira himself