We have just solved the game, Ami's cooking must be laced with copious amounts of Anabolic Steroids. Which if you read the adverse effects of, includes such things as:
Psychiatric/neurological: mood swings, irritability, aggression, violent behaviour, impulsivity/recklessness, hypomania/mania, euphoria, depression, anxiety, dysphoria, suicidality, delusions, psychosis, withdrawal, dependence, neurotoxicity, cognitive impairment.
Which you could just read as descriptions of Akira (Well, I guess aggression & violent behaviour are mainly only during blackout sex). But how does he avoid all the other adverse effects
. This is the important theory crafting we need to engage in to ensure Selebus includes another 4th wall breaking rant about how we all have the reading comprehension levels of 3rd graders.