That depend if it's inside Kumon-Mi. I don't remember well all the cities name, and their reach, so... maybe you have something, maybe not. I let others infirm or valid your take.
Niki might just have blown everyone out of the water after Glasswalker, but the Kirin stocks are kinda going up right now. Helps that I skipped Prisoner on purpose. Obviously not as high as Ayane or Niki but the fact that she's gone from bottom of the pack to middle of the pack is wild.
Does that lump on the left wall look like Jabba the Hutt to anyone else or is that just me. I was also not expecting the vore mall to show up this quickly so that's interesting.
That depend if it's inside Kumon-Mi. I don't remember well all the cities name, and their reach, so... maybe you have something, maybe not. I let others infirm or valid your take.
IIRC, Kumon-mi is somewhere near Tokyo -- so ~300 miles/500km from Kyoto. And Kyoto is one of the biggest cities in the country--not likely to be inside the claustrophobic confines of this weird town we're stuck in.
Yeah.... You're starting to understand some of why many of us rate Nodoka so low. There will be much, much more. And yeah--Yumi was the victim there, definitely.
P.s.: will read the rest of your reactions later. I just checked the tierlist because of the picture of Yumi you dropped. I immediately recognized the event.
You cut off Sana's question to Maya, that if I remember correctly was about where she was from. And yeah, Maya has no recollection of where she came from. It's been suggested that no Maya ever had that recollection because, again, she was something that should not exist. Akira points out that the original Maya never talked about her parents during "Baby finches".
Yeah.... You're starting to understand some of why many of us rate Nodoka so low. There will be much, much more. And yeah--Yumi was the victim there, definitely.
I don't know if it merits an entire post, but this replay has made me much more accepting of everything Nodoka does (with the exception of the Yumi thing, which was just strictly malevolent for no reason), it painted Io in a harsher light (she was never my favorite in the first place, and it's even less now - not that I hate her either, she just gravitates between pitiful and toxic), and Pareidolia, well, maybe this one merits a post:
But I've been considering that he really is putting himself into a position to take blame for Akira, and that the things Akira does are actually him doing it, and from that perspective Pareidolia really is just the ultimate bro. And he doesn't interfere nearly as much as I remember either. Maybe more on that later.
You cut off Sana's question to Maya, that if I remember correctly was about where she was from. And yeah, Maya has no recollection of where she came from. It's been suggested that no Maya ever had that recollection because, again, she was something that should not exist. Akira points out that the original Maya never talked about her parents during "Baby finches".
It's funny because I just got through the Nodoka/Io think during Imani wars and it didn't hit not nearly as much as the first time.
I don't know if it merits an entire post, but this replay has made me much more accepting of everything Nodoka does (with the exception of the Yumi thing, which was just strictly malevolent for no reason), it painted Io in a harsher light (she was never my favorite in the first place, and it's even less now), and Pareidolia, well, maybe this one merits a post:
But I've been considering that he really is putting himself into a position to take blame for Akira, and that the things Akira does are actually him doing it, and from that perspective Pareidolia really is just the ultimate bro. And he doesn't interfere nearly as much as I remember either. Maybe more on that later.
I can't really see a parallel between the scenes other than aesthetics however. Nao-chan doesn't seem to be in Akira's service, and neither does Akira seem to be one of the competitors in a (divine) war.
P.s.: will read the rest of your reactions later. I just checked the tierlist because of the picture of Yumi you dropped. I immediately recognized the event.
Fucking Nodoka. Yes I hate her for what she did to Yumi but for me it started with the sexual harassment of the other girls. Even the POS MC doesn't just grope them. Every time she touches another girl I get incensed. She is such a damn cunt. She continues to do bad things and I am not convinced the good things she does makes up for it. MC also makes me so angry for not doing anything about it. I am also disgusted by the Miku groping scene and glad it was taken out of the game.
I could be totally biased here but I think Nodoka is worse than Kirin. I don't believe Kirin knows what trauma she is imparting but Nodoka does in fact know and delights in it.
Yeah Io sucks too but I feel it is defensive and not entirely malicious, more reactive and selfish. Nodoka is just a total bitch. Again, maybe biased by how much I dislike Nodoka.
Let me preface all this by saying I have been drinking tonight.
Fucking Nodoka. Yes I hate her for what she did to Yumi but for me it started with the sexual harassment of the other girls. Even the POS MC doesn't just grope them. Every time she touches another girl I get incensed. She is such a damn cunt. She continues to do bad things and I am not convinced the good things she does makes up for it. MC also makes me so angry for not doing anything about it. I am also disgusted by the Miku groping scene and glad it was taken out of the game.
I could be totally biased here but I think Nodoka is worse than Kirin. I don't believe Kirin knows what trauma she is imparting but Nodoka does in fact know and delights in it.
Again, MC is a cowardly asshole. Makoto has some redemption in this later though.
Fuck you Sel.
Rin has been pushing them together if I remember right.
Couple other points:
I agree it is difficult to keep going when your favorites have no more events.
I often feel that Sel hates his players. Don't even get me started on the shitty Maya memories we have.
Yeah Io sucks too but I feel it is defensive and not entirely malicious, more reactive and selfish. Nodoka is just a total bitch. Again, maybe biased by how much I dislike Nodoka.
And sober or drunk, I completely agree that Nodoka is way worse than Kirin.
Kirin does what she does because she’s horny and, let’s face it, isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.
Nodoka does what she does because she can.
(Which isn’t to say that I dint find her an interesting, compelling, occasionally amusing character. But girl’s a psychopath. That it took until the last reset for someone to kill her surprises me. )
ETA: I’ve been thinking about the old saying, “Never stick your dick in crazy.”
Its a lesson I learned the hard way.
Most of the cast are pretty nuts, tbh. Otoha’s the least neurotic I can think of. A number of the others are teetering on the edge of psychosis.
But as of the end of 0.46, there are three girls (and a ghost) I think definitely qualify: Nodoka, Chika, Ami, and of course Mama Crazy herself, Sekai.
It's always fun to come back and just read through what everyone is saying ans discussing here, also from the previews it seems I may have to go against what I was planning, waiting a few updates to play, since it looks like there's a good bit of focus on Rin, I may just play it when it comes out lol. Man did not expect to enjoy this game as much as I do, think it's only the second or third one where I want to play the next update as it drops rather then wait for a couple (Of course after me being new and doing that with most of the first games I played till I realized I can just wait and get a bigger chunk)
Just did "I really want to stay at your house," I don't think I've ever regretted the Ami route until now, goddamn. Legitimately considering starting over again and being a good uncle.
Edit: Actually I don't hate the way this event continues, it was just really awful right after the closet. Bad uncle it is then. Maybe once everything's wrapped up I'll do a good uncle run but that day is not soon. On second thought after seeing the other version of the event, bad uncle really does feel canon. Good uncle kinda abruptly cuts out. I know that might be more because things are written with green path in mind, but I didn't feel like I missed anything missing Prisoner or White Oak Doors/Toys.