
Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
That's a fair assessment, maybe she's that desperate for affection that she thought crossing that line would've pleased Sensei. Guess I didn't really look at it that way. Also I don't know if I missed anything or not but wasn't she since the start of her route open to incest with Sensei anyway? Hell at a main event she was masturbating at the thought of him too and the both of them haven't even done much of anything aside from sharing the couch. (Or I think that scene happened first or later, might have to go back and take a gander at it again when she was sick.)
I don't think it was to please him, but rather to keep him from leaving her. She wants him to be hers alone and her to be his alone and the threat of the other girls taking him away scared her into crossing the line.

Remember the opening scenes when player Sensei was doing some exploration of the house? Yeah, she wasn't exactly pleased when his exploration found her for obvious reasons for a normal relationship. I think she had stronger than normal feelings, but not strong enough to cross the line until she was threatened with losing him.

I dunno about this. Some things have definitely hinted at her being into incest for a while. Like some of her mangas and stuff, and I figure that interest was because of Sensei. Part of me wonders if the initial dream sequence was actually a dream, though there's a lot to suggest that it was/is.
That's what I think too. I'm fairly certain she was into that sorta stuff even prior to Player Sensei being a thing. The whole slip of the tongue as well when you have that maid outfit sex scene during the morning in her bedroom also gave me the impression that she was very much head-over-heels for her Father and just uses the now Player Sensei as a stand-in for her Father-Daughter fantasies. Also I highly doubt that first dream sequence between Sensei and Ami was real seeing as if you do decide to have sex with her for the first time she's very much a virgin.
A while, but not the whole time. She's also been threatened by the other girls taking him for a while as well. She may have been into incest on a fetish level, but not so far as to try for real. I'm like that as well, so I know where she's coming from if that's the case.

I still think it was an isolated memory coming up in the middle of that maid event, but who knows, she is definitely unhinged at this point and she could have literally been thinking anything.

The initial scene was definitely a dream as she does mention her virginity later in a different event and there was penetration in the one you're referencing.

She might've had a thing for Daddy, but, I think her feelings for Sensei are very genuine on their own.


Active Member
Dec 16, 2019
The initial scene was definitely a dream as she does mention her virginity later in a different event and there was penetration in the one you're referencing.
There are potential explanations for this, but it does seem most likely that it was a dream. Just little things make me wonder from time to time.


Active Member
Nov 15, 2017
There are potential explanations for this, but it does seem most likely that it was a dream. Just little things make me wonder from time to time.
Hell, I'm not even sure it's canonical at this point. Sel's said he regrets putting it in, so I'd just view it as a bonus scene until it matters one way or the other.
Nov 21, 2020
No, no, not sexual abuse from her parents, that's not what he's saying at all. She was actually rather close with them both as well as old Sensei. With as close as she was to them, she felt the loss on an extreme level and with old Sensei being the only one left, her attachment subconsciously transferred to him and doubled what was already there. She was likely already closer than usual with old Sensei, but that loss amplified her attachment to old Sensei to incestuous levels. That's what we're saying on that.

I'm afraid you are correct on her fearing the loss of player Sensei, but not why. She isn't afraid because he's the last of her family, but becausehe's the last person with which she has a stronger than normal emotional attachment. She saw him getting closer to other girls and, because she was already attached closer than is normal, she sees them as a threat to that attachment.

This is a typical yandere trait, anyone who gets close or takes time away from said yandere and the love interest of said yandere is a threat. She fell into this sickness because of the loss coupled with the already overly close attachment she had to player Sensei that was further amplified by that loss. She likely also fell into incestuous levels of attachment as a result of the other girls as well.
Well, the poster I was responding to did reply saying they think Ami and her father did have a romantic/sexual relationship, and since Ami would had to have been underage at that time, it would have been sexual abuse but I don't really wanna get caught up in semantics like that :) I think Ami did not have a romance with her father. It's possible but I think it's more likely that Ami either had incestuous thoughts that became amplified after their passing or that she developed these feelings after her parents passed away.

I think we agree on why Ami is afraid of losing Sensei for the most part. Him being the last of her family is only part of what I think scares her.

She's still my least favorite, but she is growing on me.
I worked with troubled kids for 3 years so she has a bit of a soft spot for me. Yes, she's rough around the edges. She's hostile, aggressive, and wants the world to know she doesn't need anybody, but that's all an act. I'm excited to (hopefully) watch her life get better and learn to let people in and not lewd her once lol
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Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
You mean when he finds her at the bathtub? Not that I'm trying to look too deep into this but I'm fairly certain it must've just been a normal reaction as a teenage girl seeing as the last time the both of them were in the same bathroom it was when she was much more younger. That could've just been her in shock that the Sensei she thought she knew suddenly did an action that wasn't fitting. Doesn't really mean she didn't have those incestuous feeling for him. Also she could've done many other things to please him if it meant him not leaving her, like I've said before I'm sticking to the theory that her slip of the tongue that morning between them was much more than just her trying to keep him from leaving her. It could've also been an isolated incident but it doesn't make it any less weird with the whole assigning nickname stuff that's transpired prior. Which is why I want to be granted in the future of this game to be able to look further into the Arakawas.
That's precisely what I mean, I was being vague to not have to use inline spoilers as I use those when specific details are stated. While it is true that most of it was her as a teen, there was no indication of anything else. You would think she would at least have a faint sign of arousal or some other sign of incestuous feelings. It was only later that we saw signs that she was attracted to him sexually.

The slip of the tongue was not related to her trying to get him to stay, that, I believe, was an isolated incident of remembering them, which can happen at the worst of times. However, the act of having sex was.

She saw that the other girls were getting close and, since she is unaware of any other sexual relations as of right now, she offered what she thought was the one thing they weren't giving him. She was intentionally appealing to his baser insticts to keep him wrapped around her finger, not even aware he had been with others or that he already intended to do this with her on his own terms anyway.

I'm not sure this would have worked on old Sensei, but it did on player Sensei because he let it.

Hell, I'm not even sure it's canonical at this point. Sel's said he regrets putting it in, so I'd just view it as a bonus scene until it matters one way or the other.
I just view it as some sort of hallucination triggered by a certain entity that also forced him to kiss a certain other girl.

Well, the poster I was responding to did reply saying they think Ami and her father did have a romantic/sexual relationship, and since Ami would had to have been underage at that time, it would have been sexual abuse but I don't really wanna get caught up in semantics like that :) I think Ami did not have a romance with her father. It's possible but I think it's more likely that Ami either had incestuous thoughts that became amplified after their passing or that she developed these feelings after her parents passed away.

I think we agree on why Ami is afraid of losing Sensei for the most part. Him being the last of her family is only part of what I think scares her.

I worked with troubled kids for 3 years so she has a bit of a soft spot for me. Yes, she's rough around the edges. She's hostile, aggressive, and wants the world to know she doesn't need anybody, but that's all an act. I'm excited to (hopefully) watch her life get better and learn to let people in and not lewd her once lol
I don't think they did. I think they were closer than normal, but not that close, I agree with you on that. I think the incestuous thoughts came after as a result of her connection to old Sensei as well as her father being forced into one even stronger connection toward player Sensei.

Even then, I don't think she would have crossed the line of actually doing something on her own without the threat of the other girls taking that connection away.

Knowing the genre of this game, Denpa, we might not see her life get better for a few years IF it does. I can say the same on all characters.

That said, I do hope it does on the true route.

On Yumi's aggressiveness, you can also see a bit of a maternal side in it, especially around Chinami. Along with Chika, she's been forced into a sort of big sister or mother role and, while Chika is the mom/sister who doesn't mess around, but lets the kid take some chances like meeting player Sensei, Yumi is the mom/sister that finds the idiot dumb enough to bully their kid/younger sister and beats them to a pulp.

I've said this before, but she's like a mother bear, fierce when needed, gentle when not. That's what has me starting to like her.

Yeah, it's kind of best you don't try to get into the semantics of this game. Seeing as we've already established that this game doesn't really have any moral-grandstandings. You're a grown man trying to get into the pants of teenage girls. Also yes I am trying to allude into the theory that Ami had more than just "love" for her Father, hence my posts. I'm not trying to specify that she had anything sexual in nature between them either. Just that she likely had incestuous fantasies for her late Father, hence my talking about the nickname assigning and the slip of the tongue later down her route. That is all.
On the first part, basically, yeah, there is no real high ground in this game morally, at least not on this route. She might have had some incestuous feelings, but she seems to have never acted on them until the events of the game. She also might not have wanted to until she was pushed into it by the other girls getting too close for her comfort.
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Nov 21, 2020
Yeah, it's kind of best you don't try to get into the semantics of this game. Seeing as we've already established that this game doesn't really have any moral-grandstandings. You're a grown man trying to get into the pants of teenage girls. Also yes I am trying to allude into the theory that Ami had more than just "love" for her Father, hence my posts. I'm not trying to specify that she had anything sexual in nature between them either. Just that she likely had incestuous fantasies for her late Father, hence my talking about the nickname assigning and the slip of the tongue later down her route. That is all.
Yeah I think that's a fair assessment. I personally don't think she had those fantasies prior to her father's death but it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility and wouldn't really shock me if that was revealed to be true.
Nov 21, 2020
I don't think they did. I think they were closer than normal, but not that close, I agree with you on that. I think the incestuous thoughts came after as a result of her connection to old Sensei as well as her father being forced into one even stronger connection toward player Sensei.

Even then, I don't think she would have crossed the line of actually doing something on her own without the threat of the other girls taking that connection away.
Yeah I agree with pretty much everything you're saying here. I think the thoughts came after and even if they didn't I don't think she would have actually tried something unless she felt backed into a corner by another girl.

Knowing the genre of this game, Denpa, we might not see her life get better for a few years IF it does. I can say the same on all characters.

That said, I do hope it does on the true route.

On Yumi's aggressiveness, you can also see a bit of a maternal side in it, especially around Chinami. Along with Chika, she's been forced into a sort of big sister or mother role and, while Chika is the mom/sister who doesn't mess around, but lets the kid take some chances like meeting player Sensei, Yumi is the mom/sister that finds the idiot dumb enough to bully their kid/younger sister and beats them to a pulp.

I've said this before, but she's like a mother bear, fierce when needed, gentle when not. That's what has me starting to like her.
I don't have much hope that things will get better for Yumi, considering the genre, but I want to believe that it's possible haha. I have a feeling that things will be better/worse for the girls depending on whether you romance them or not and Yumi is someone I really want to see succeed, so I'm staying away from all her lust scenes. That, and she reminds me of some of the people I've helped in real life so pursuing her feels weird for me lol
Nov 21, 2020
That's what I'm saying too. It wouldn't surprise me either if this indeed turned out to be true. Hell like I've said before, Makoto might be in the same boat but likely less incestuous than Ami's current predicament. But in this case Daddy issues are to be expected seeing as most of the Male Population in this game either died or was sent to space. I don't blame the girls for missing their father figures or other male counterparts. It's to be expected. Only thing I find weird is Ami's relationship to her late Father. I have so many questions in regard to being shown so little but in turn is honestly a pretty big reveal for me because I was under the impression that this girl only had Sensei on her mind 25/8 up until now.
I think you're right about Makoto. Makoto's mother also thinks Makoto is seeking a father figure in Sensei, and yeah, with the male population being essentially 0, the girls having father issues makes a lot of sense. Now I'm interested to learn more about Ami's feelings/relationship with her late father.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I mean it's been established that Ami isn't exactly happy with how she feels she's underdeveloped in terms of her body, that could've played a role in her embarassment in that scene. Just because the person she's come to adore barges into the bathroom doesn't have to mean it's a deadset for her to get aroused and try to woo him right then and there. At the end of the day like I've said prior, she's still a teenage girl. She's also not Sara nor Ayane, Mika nor Kirin or even Haruka if you push her to that sorta stuff. As I've said, most of the stuff I'm saying is pure speculation. Not concrete evidence that Ami was thinking a certain type of way, I'm only saying it's really weird that she'd bring up her Daddy when she's getting nailed to the bed by her Uncle. Whether that in itself will become an isolated incident can't be said for sure and that kind of makes me wonder about the history of their family in general. I mean if this was isolated why would Sensei acknowledge it and NOT say anything about it? It's telling that this'll be further explained later down the line. I mean it's not a for sure thing either, but just saying.
Yeah, typical reaction from the IBTC is to complain about their size or not want them to be seen, so it likely did play a part. Still, there was nothing to indicate anything other than embarrassment. Arousal was just one thing that could happen, ust an example really, but there was no indication she was anything but embarrassed.

Usually, with types as forward as her, I mean she literally reverses the situation in one of the events AND acts on it, unlike player Sensei when he did it, they at least have an afterthought about it or something mixed in. A little turned on by it after the fact, possibly disappointed he didn't try to go further, stuff like that.

It didn't have to lead into outright seduction on the spot.

You're right, she's not as forward as Ayane, oh boy does that girl need to calm it down before she does something she regrets, not that I mind, but she's still quite forward.

Pretty much everything that is said on this thread, unless it is in the game already, is pure speculation. As I've said, some people here love to theorize because the game gets our mind going about what may happen next based on how things end in each build.

It was kind of weird she brought that up in the maid event, especially with this being the only time so far. Actually, that and her outright hostility during each girl's first invite over are what has triggered the comments about her getting ever more unhinged with almost every character event.

I wouldn't be surprised if she starts carrying a knife around It won't be for her protection, of course. Oh no, it would be for player Sensei's protection. Protection against anyone who would take him from her, be they a former friend turned threat or a stranger on the street.

Yeah I agree with pretty much everything you're saying here. I think the thoughts came after and even if they didn't I don't think she would have actually tried something unless she felt backed into a corner by another girl.

I don't have much hope that things will get better for Yumi, considering the genre, but I want to believe that it's possible haha. I have a feeling that things will be better/worse for the girls depending on whether you romance them or not and Yumi is someone I really want to see succeed, so I'm staying away from all her lust scenes. That, and she reminds me of some of the people I've helped in real life so pursuing her feels weird for me lol
Same on all counts, I do want Yumi to improve, don't get me wrong. What I don't like is how she started. Not the way she ws written, I mean her actions in the beginning as if she were real.

I think you're right about Makoto. Makoto's mother also thinks Makoto is seeking a father figure in Sensei, and yeah, with the male population being essentially 0, the girls having father issues makes a lot of sense. Now I'm interested to learn more about Ami's feelings/relationship with her late father.
Definitely given what Maki has said. Really, the only one without daddy issues because of the war or some other thing from before the game is Ayane and she practically hates the guy, which is a different daddy issue entirely.
Nov 21, 2020
Same on all counts, I do want Yumi to improve, don't get me wrong. What I don't like is how she started. Not the way she ws written, I mean her actions in the beginning as if she were real.

Definitely given what Maki has said. Really, the only one without daddy issues because of the war or some other thing from before the game is Ayane and she practically hates the guy, which is a different daddy issue entirely.
Oh I completely understand why people would immediately be put off by Yumi's behavior at the start of the game, and she does plenty of things later on that give people reason to not be a fan of her too. If you don't want to be friends with someone like Yumi after meeting her, then she's done her job. She's chasing everyone away so they can't reject her later on once they get to know her.

Yeah, Ayane definitely resents her father for being so absent in her life. It must really suck to be Ayane and realize that, like everyone else, your father is absent from your life, but he's absent because he's just not around. Your friends' and classmates' fathers are either dead or fighting in a war and can't be present in their daughters' lives. Ayane's father is just not there.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
Oh I completely understand why people would immediately be put off by Yumi's behavior at the start of the game, and she does plenty of things later on that give people reason to not be a fan of her too. If you don't want to be friends with someone like Yumi after meeting her, then she's done her job. She's chasing everyone away so they can't reject her later on once they get to know her.

Yeah, Ayane definitely resents her father for being so absent in her life. It must really suck to be Ayane and realize that, like everyone else, your father is absent from your life, but he's absent because he's just not around. Your friends' and classmates' fathers are either dead or fighting in a war and can't be present in their daughters' lives. Ayane's father is just not there.
She's also showing a classic anime trope in her specific case. At first, she was trying to chase everyone off, but she's realized by now that there is one person immune to that, player Sensei. So, instead, she's got a bit of a tsundere thing going on, which becomes clear with what she gives you during the Christmas event.

The rich do have their share of troubles, especially the ones who earned that status like the big company owners like Ayane's father, and Ayane is dealing with them. He's so busy running his bubble wrap business that he has literally no time for his own family. At least he's there, not completely gone with no chance to even try to repair the damage like Yumi's, which is one way I connect personally with Yumi of all people.

That's fair. But yeah glad you see where I'm coming from, shit's just weird when before all of that she could only ever think about Sensei 25/8 and bringing up her Father when they had sex in that scene felt sorta jarring to say the least. Overall like I've said I've come to dislike her more to be quite honest, maybe some huge character development might happen down the line and my dislike for her might go away but for the time being, her disdain during those invite over events, her latest behavior with Maya of all people, the yandere-esque personality she's developing currently is all telling me that I shouldn't stay attached to this character for now. She's exuding instability at this point and not in the endearing way that Ayane does it with her yandere-shtick. If anything Ami is growing more callous towards even her closest friends, and THAT is concerning. I have the feeling that if she gets any further backed into a corner she might do something that'll hurt everyone involved and that includes Sensei.
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Be careful using the 'hppy' events as justification, they are weird and sometimes the things going on there make zero sense on any level until later, so the whole picture may not be there and may change the narrative completely from what it looks like at any given moment.

She is most definitely unstable and I have no doubt the accident mixed with the other girls trying to win over player Sensei is to blame. That last sentence before the spoiler is why I would not be surprised if she suddenly reveals a knife from literally nowhere any time she senses a potential threat.
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Nov 21, 2020
Yeah same, I get why most would be put off with Yumi's behavior but she kinda has that daughter quality that I don't feel right with corrupting if given the option later. I kinda enjoy the dynamic both Sensei and she display and it's kinda cute how slowly she starts warming up to him later down the line, or rather is forced to warm up to him thanks to Chika.
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I feel the same way. She is kind of like a daughter and the dynamic she and Sensei have is pretty great. I personally think it's the best in the game. I definitely wish that scene's outcome was at least optional, but I also think her hostile attitude toward Sensei wouldn't be as believable in the later chapters of the game if he didn't give her a reason to keep pushing back on his attempts to get closer. Still, I 100% would have liked for the objective of that scene to have been handled in a different way. It's an uncomfortable moment to say the least.
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Apr 16, 2020
Be careful using the 'hppy' events as justification, they are weird and sometimes the things going on there make zero sense on any level until later, so the whole picture may not be there and may change the narrative completely from what it looks like at any given moment.

She is most definitely unstable and I have no doubt the accident mixed with the other girls trying to win over player Sensei is to blame. That last sentence before the spoiler is why I would not be surprised if she suddenly reveals a knife from literally nowhere any time she senses a potential threat.
Yeah that's certainly a sure-fire way to get yourself all confused and mixed up if trying to rely on, I'll admit to being guilty of trying to connect them, i.e.
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but I hope you get where I'm coming from. I've been enjoying this discussion thus far.
I feel the same way. She is kind of like a daughter and the dynamic she and Sensei have is pretty great. I personally think it's the best in the game. I definitely wish that scene's outcome was at least optional, but I also think her hostile attitude toward Sensei wouldn't be as believable in the later chapters of the game if he didn't give her a reason to keep pushing back on his attempts to get closer. Still, I 100% would have liked for the objective of that scene to have been handled in a different way. It's an uncomfortable moment to say the least.
My thoughts exactly, though hopefully with that given reason for her to resent Player Sensei we also end up building something worthwile that doesn't involve anything lewd. She's also my favorite of the series, Sana being a close second, Rin being the third and Io creeping up that ranking (nothing too solid to confirm that yet though). Io aside those three are more daughter-like above all else.
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Nov 21, 2020
She's also showing a classic anime trope in her specific case. At first, she was trying to chase everyone off, but she's realized by now that there is one person immune to that, player Sensei. So, instead, she's got a bit of a tsundere thing going on, which becomes clear with what she gives you during the Christmas event.

The rich do have their share of troubles, especially the ones who earned that status like the big company owners like Ayane's father, and Ayane is dealing with them. He's so busy running his bubble wrap business that he has literally no time for his own family. At least he's there, not completely gone with no chance to even try to repair the damage like Yumi's, which is one way I connect personally with Yumi of all people.
I don't watch anime so I'm going to go ahead and assume you're right about the tsundere trope. However, one thing to consider in your analysis of Yumi is Chika: Chika is Yumi's long time friend, so at least one other person has stuck around, gotten past all of the walls she's erected, and become Yumi's friend before Sensei. Her gift at the Christmas party was so heartwarming and wholesome to me. In my opinion, it signals that Yumi is letting her guard down, if only slightly, to show Sensei that she appreciates his efforts and considers him a friend, even if she won't outright say it. She's afraid of what might happen if she acknowledges their friendship and is still wary of the whole thing. Will he laugh in her face? Will he abandon her? She doesn't know and she's not willing to take that risk yet, but she's trying and it's very sweet.

I think part of Ayane resents her father's fortune and his business empire and wishes they had a more normal standard of living. If I'm remembering things correctly, Ayane does take immature shots at her father's business, calling it stupid on occasion, which I assume is because she sees the business as why she never gets to spend time with her father. She probably wishes he had a normal job. They wouldn't enjoy the same standard of living as before but she probably thinks she'd at least have a normal relationship with her father.
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Nov 21, 2020
My thoughts exactly, though hopefully with that given reason for her to resent Player Sensei we also end up building something worthwile that doesn't involve anything lewd. She's also my favorite of the series, Sana being a close second, Rin being the third and Io creeping up that ranking (nothing too solid to confirm that yet though). Io aside those three are more daughter-like above all else.
That's what I'm hoping for too. I'd love a meaningful platonic relationship between the two. My top 3 is essentially the same as well haha, though Sana is just barely above Yumi. Sana and Rin definitely feel more like younger cousins that I like hanging out with than like romance options to me.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
I don't watch anime so I'm going to go ahead and assume you're right about the tsundere trope. However, one thing to consider in your analysis of Yumi is Chika: Chika is Yumi's long time friend, so at least one other person has stuck around, gotten past all of the walls she's erected, and become Yumi's friend before Sensei. Her gift at the Christmas party was so heartwarming and wholesome to me. In my opinion, it signals that Yumi is letting her guard down, if only slightly, to show Sensei that she appreciates his efforts and considers him a friend, even if she won't outright say it. She's afraid of what might happen if she acknowledges their friendship and is still wary of the whole thing. Will he laugh in her face? Will he abandon her? She doesn't know and she's not willing to take that risk yet, but she's trying and it's very sweet.

I think part of Ayane resents her father's fortune and his business empire and wishes they had a more normal standard of living. If I'm remembering things correctly, Ayane does take immature shots at her father's business, calling it stupid on occasion, which I assume is because she sees the business as why she never gets to spend time with her father. She probably wishes he had a normal job. They wouldn't enjoy the same standard of living as before but she probably thinks she'd at least have a normal relationship with her father.
Tsundere is a personality archetype where the girl, or rarely the guy, tries to hide their feelings by being mean or even violent. Yumi fits this because she is still openly hostile toward player Sensei, but is occasionally docile or even does things like what she did for the Christmas event, giving him the thing she did, I mean.

I have to agree about her gift, it was actually kind of cute what she gave to him. That's what signaled to me that we are indeed making progress when it sometimes doesn't look like it. I'm not quite sure about the friend part, but she is realizing she doesn't have to keep her guard up around him.

Ayanae has openly taken shots at the family business and her father by extension, in the beginning, in fact. Literally the only 'family' she has a good relationship with is her butler, who she likes to talk to from time to time when at home.

That's what I'm hoping for too. I'd love a meaningful platonic relationship between the two. My top 3 is essentially the same as well haha, though Sana is just barely above Yumi. Sana and Rin definitely feel more like younger cousins that I like hanging out with than like romance options to me.
That doesn't seem very likely except on the routes where she isn't a romance target, namely the 'purity' routes if what I've heard of them still stands. This is the 'dark' route, which I do believe counts as one of the general routes.
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Nov 21, 2020
Tsundere is a personality archetype where the girl, or rarely the guy, tries to hide their feelings by being mean or even violent. Yumi fits this because she is still openly hostile toward player Sensei, but is occasionally docile or even does things like what she did for the Christmas event, giving him the thing she did, I mean.

I have to agree about her gift, it was actually kind of cute what she gave to him. That's what signaled to me that we are indeed making progress when it sometimes doesn't look like it. I'm not quite sure about the friend part, but she is realizing she doesn't have to keep her guard up around him.

Ayanae has openly taken shots at the family business and her father by extension, in the beginning, in fact. Literally the only 'family' she has a good relationship with is her butler, who she likes to talk to from time to time when at home.
Ah okay. Then yeah, I'd say she fits the archetype. Her gift was very cute. And yeah, it's also very important because it does show that you're making progress.

Ah okay, thank you for the clarification on Ayane's family business. I thought she had made some remarks early on.

That doesn't seem very likely except on the routes where she isn't a romance target, namely the 'purity' routes if what I've heard of them still stands. This is the 'dark' route, which I do believe counts as one of the general routes.
I don't expect things to have a happy ending but I'm still gonna hope for one, and if I have to wait a long ass time to get a route where Yumi isn't a romance option to get it, I will.
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