
Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Not only we see internal dialogue that contradicts that reasoning, it doesn't even make sense. He'd be at worst exchanging one girl for several others, and that isn't likely. Moreover, it couldn't be a reason for changing the sexual relationships he already in.

Yeah, and that kind of care was so destructive it scarred him for life. Understandably, he feels rather hesitant to try and care for anyone else with education like that.

If he wanted to indulge without feeling bad, he would simply not feel bad. He instead wants to not want to indulge, and feels bad because he can't, one way or another.
I mean, it was more the lack of care that scarred Sensei, and Ami. Pre Sekai's death, Sensei seemed more or less fine. Post her death, he ditched his girlfriend and fucked a kid and after being mind fucked, he's gotten to this point. Ironically, once Sensei restored Sekai, he seemed to start caring more. Definitely a fucked up situation nonetheless.

That's not how feelings work. Hence why people do drugs and drink to distract themselves, instead of just "not feeling bad". I think it's more like Sensei actually just wants to stop feeling bad for indulging, hence the Nodoka stuff:
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She doesn't make him feel bad for fucking a teenager, or bringing in other predators like Haruka. She protects him from the bad feelings:
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Which is why he hides feelings from everyone else:
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But treats her as an outlet for them.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Anyway, How long did it take you to read the game?

Doing the math, because I haven't finished yet and I don't remember the exact dates either, it took me two months to reach these last events; not reading evey day because stuff, and also at the same time reading other things but mainly this.
At first I thought I was reading it pretty fast but when I realized that I had already been reading this for two whole months (I'm now finalizing chapter 3) it seemed like too long. Lately I haven't had much time to finish the third chapter but I want to do it quickly so I can take some time and re-read it to settle certain things, see differences and at the same time see how long it takes me to read it from beginning to end.

Which leads me to wonder, has anyone here read the game more than once? The game it's pretty extense by now but I usually read/watch things twice at least so I can have a better persepective from things.

Also when I was about start playing this, I was reading in a russian forum a disscusion about Selebus being or not a graphomaniac or something, and at first while reading the first chapter, I must say that I totally agreed with that, there were too many paragraphs that I considered very unnecessary, and the fact that Selebus was always so attentive to how many words he wrote per update and how often I've read this being the longest VN ever and things like that, it kind of emphasized to me more the fact that he is a graphomaniac.
Though to be honest, I don't know if it is because of the habit of reading this, the love I have for the game or because Selebus has been able to improve in his writing, I don't notice that type of things as much anymore, however for a game that has more than two million words, it doesn't seem to me that the game has advanced that much, not only in the main plot, but also in the story of each character, I think the events usually have a lot of text but little progress so yeah, kinda weird
I've read it in around a week, albeit I skipped most of the grind through URM. I've only played through it twice, but I plan on doing so again during the hiatus.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
A reminder that Sensei literally shot down Imani last update.
You know, the fact that one of the first girls he's ever rejected happened to be one of the few black girls in Kumon-mi, probably doesn't look good. Sensei over here pulling a Wakana:
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Just with his dick apparently.
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Jun 22, 2020
Anyway, How long did it take you to read the game?
About a week and a half or two of active "playing" and reach 3.0 or so for content. I basically skipped every Molly scene at the time because I found her extremely boring, though. Did eventually re-read when I re-"played".


Nov 26, 2020
He does hold back, but that's because he literally has all the time in the world to slowly chip away at them. He's not in a particular hurry. I would also argue that his current streak of actually caring for the girls is a more recent development and an inconsistent one at that.
i agree with this when it comes to Sensei he smart and he knows to play the long game if he has too. he not going to jump on the frist change he gets if he thinks it scare them off afterwards. he a groomer so he knows he has to get them to trust him frist. this was what he was doing with Yumi with helping her find a job because before that Yumi was trying to avoid Sensei and wouldnt even let you in her dorm room before that. but by helpping her find a job Sensei had a way in and was slowly getting her to open up to him and trust him. but then Nodoka happen and then the reset.

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spoiler tags to stop a wall of text.

butterfly boy

Feb 13, 2023
i agree with this when it comes to Sensei he smart and he knows to play the long game if he has too.
Sensei isn't smart, he's a fucking idiot. He:
- got caught having sex with Ayane by Kirin. Literally could have prevented this by not having sex in the same hotel that all ten of your students could enter.
- had sex with Chika loud enough to be heard by Tsubasa, TWICE.
- somehow thought it was ok to allow Miku to use random drugs
and many more. He only gets away with everything because he is universally loved by every girl. That is basically how every story in this game is written:
Sensei does something bad -> Girl gets hurt -> Girl forgives Sensei anyways because she is head over heels in love with him.
Anyway, How long did it take you to read the game?
I first read this game in v0.27 and it took me around 1 week of at least 12hrs/day.
Also when I was about start playing this, I was reading in a russian forum a disscusion about Selebus being or not a graphomaniac or something, and at first while reading the first chapter, I must say that I totally agreed with that, there were too many paragraphs that I considered very unnecessary, and the fact that Selebus was always so attentive to how many words he wrote per update and how often I've read this being the longest VN ever and things like that, it kind of emphasized to me more the fact that he is a graphomaniac.
Though to be honest, I don't know if it is because of the habit of reading this, the love I have for the game or because Selebus has been able to improve in his writing, I don't notice that type of things as much anymore, however for a game that has more than two million words, it doesn't seem to me that the game has advanced that much, not only in the main plot, but also in the story of each character, I think the events usually have a lot of text but little progress so yeah, kinda weird
Agreed, this game is incredibly wordy with lots of monologue, cryptic text, and needless banter every conversation. It should realistically be around 1.2M - 1.6M, maybe even 1M words.
I also think that Selebus might be intentionally drawing his game out to milk his patrons.


Engaged Member
Sep 5, 2021
It took me super long to finish any update, let alone the entire game, because I had to constantly Alt Tab to avoid raising questions that I don’t know how to answer.
Lmao, perks of being in my own place, i can watch all the dirty disgusting hentai i want at a normal volume and there ain't no one to around to judge me or complain about it.


Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
...and Molly

He he he
I mean he hasn't really rejected her, he just hasn't fucked her yet. He's still a little traumatized from feeling like a rapist and Molly brings back the bad feelings. Of course, he can't resist her forever and she's already wore him down quite a bit.

Edit: nevermind. Realized she's white. I get it now lmao.
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Engaged Member
Sep 29, 2019
Well... you know, i still live in a society, i do have neighbours and my place isn't sound proof. :p

Point was i don't need to play it really quiet so my mom doesn't hear...
Yeah, that's fair. Darn society getting in the way. If you want to be deafened by an overly loud porn video, more power to you I say.

Unless you're my neighbor, lmao.


Conversation Conqueror
Feb 28, 2017
It is grooming when the goal is fucking them. Affection points, mate.

Honestly, I thought Sensei being insane by the repetition thing was a given. He does continue to do stuff expecting different outcomes at times. His life is very repetitive.

Nevertheless, his grooming definitely worked on Yumi and Rin. Yumi literally gave him the opportunity to do something to her, after he helped her:
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He just fucked up with the Nodoka stuff before going for the kill, and Rin's more or less open for business whenever he wants her:
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There's just a girlfriend in the way, and Otoha hasn't been groomed enough yet.

Sensei definitely expected that helping them would lead to him fucking them:
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There's unquestionably an ulterior motive here.

Yumi also does like Sensei. She's tsundere. Nodoka did know, and that's why she did it. Yumi got cucked.

Ami is a little girl who Sensei has literally sent to her room when he wanted. Hell, she's even giving him space because he asked for some, and has straight up admitted she'd kill herself if he died. This point is just ridiculous. Sensei definitely had a choice and he chose to face fuck his niece infront of a girl that loves him. Ami was trying to cuck Maya though for cucking her. Noriko only got caught in the crossfire here, because Sensei's a slut.

Of course it matters who's worse, and "You don't really need a ranking once two or more people go into criminal territory", doesnt make any sense. Saying a word wrong can make you a criminal, but according to that statement, they might as well be a mass murderer, as it doesn't matter once you "go into criminal territory". I'd also put the likes of Kirin, and Yumi as worse than Nodoka. Not as bad as Sensei though.
Yes and that makes his other actions grooming, but it also disqualifies the actions I listed because he doesn't seem to be doing them for that purpose despite his overall goal. It isn't insanity in this case, his self questioning shows a thought process that doesn't involve expecting things to turn out differently than what is to be expected from the actions he took in the cases I mentioned, a result which in no way includes getting him closer to his overall goal.

As far as the giving him an opportunity, an obvious test from Yumi I saw from a mile away, she's not the type to go from being kissed against her will to actually letting the person who did it have her. She wasn't letting him potentially take a shot at her, she was testing whether he would make a move if she dropped her guard and he just so happened to pass to her admitted surprise.

Rin is still pretty firmly on the girls side of her sexuality, but yes, has shown signs like in a specific past event of hers, I don't remember the in game name, but I think it is dorm 45 in the code, where she actively kisses him at the end on the good homie route. However, she's currently dealing with Otoha, so she isn't open necessarily, at least not yet.

She does like him, this is apparent to the player and has been since the first Christmas event when she gifted that notebook. If she still fully hated him at that point, she would not have done so. However, even with this, she shows only hostility and neutrality depending on the situation. In the cases shown in your comment above, she's showing the latter, neutrality. Neutrality is not an indication to most people that someone likes another, even for someone as smart as Nodoka.

Yeah, Ami's a little girl, but she's also insane clinically speaking to the point where she would take what she wants given the right, or would that be wrong, circumstances and would eliminate any threat she became aware of. She shows blatant hostility when he brings other girls over without even knowing the intent behind bringing them, even ones she personally knows and has a good relationship with otherwise, and let's not forget her actions toward Ayane and Maya, her best friends out of the entire cast. Yeah, he had a choice, a choice between letting what happened happen or being forced into what happened or worse, which is less an actual choice and more an illusion of a choice that was already decided for him. She's a devious little thing that will do whatever it takes to get her way, even if it means force. Also, you mentioned her backing off a bit, this is planned, she saw a threat to getting what she wants coming directly from Sensei himself and so she is biding her time. Make no mistake, she is not just backing down because he asked, she's doing it to avoid the consequences of not doing so, which includes potentially losing him entirely, a circumstance that must be avoided at all costs in her mind. That's how yanderes operate, they do anything and everything that is necessary to keep the relationship going.

Yeah, it matters who is worse when the characters are just doing bad things, but both of them did things that get the same general result, that's why it doesn't matter who is worse between these two. Both are going to end up doing some serious harm to another character at some point, that's what really matters and that's why it doesn't matter who is worse between two characters within criminal actions territory. The next part I agree on, both could be mass murderers, doesn't matter how many victims each one had, they still killed four or more as per the definition and even a single death at their hands is bad enough that they both deserve the same thing, jail or worse. No, Kirin and Yumi aren't worse than Nodoka, Nodoka committed sexual assault by making Yumi masturbate, Yumi is only guilty of bullying Futaba, who is very much still alive, so no murder at this point, and Kirin is guilty of blackmailing Ayane and Sensei. These are both not as severe as Nodoka's sexual assault of Yumi.

Sensei isn't smart, he's a fucking idiot. He:
- got caught having sex with Ayane by Kirin. Literally could have prevented this by not having sex in the same hotel that all ten of your students could enter.
- had sex with Chika loud enough to be heard by Tsubasa, TWICE.
- somehow thought it was ok to allow Miku to use random drugs
and many more. He only gets away with everything because he is universally loved by every girl. That is basically how every story in this game is written:
Sensei does something bad -> Girl gets hurt -> Girl forgives Sensei anyways because she is head over heels in love with him.

I first read this game in v0.27 and it took me around 1 week of at least 12hrs/day.

Agreed, this game is incredibly wordy with lots of monologue, cryptic text, and needless banter every conversation. It should realistically be around 1.2M - 1.6M, maybe even 1M words.
I also think that Selebus might be intentionally drawing his game out to milk his patrons.
Oh no, he's not stupid because those things happened, he just didn't care enough to prevent them. He was focused on his main goal, which was being served in both of the first two points you listed.

The game is not being drawn out to milk the patrons, the game is being drawn out because this is not and has never been sex focused, it is and always will be story focused. With a story, you put in as much detail, build your characters up as much as, and build your world up as much as you possibly can. This has always been a passion project for Sel, we are simply being given the privilege of playing it instead of him keeping it for himself and in return we are providing him the ability to work on what he likes full time instead of having to take away time from it to go to a separate job.
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