How do you manage to get stuck here? You have a working event tracker and see wich charas have new/unseen stuff left and you have only 1-5 (visit, visit at work, call, invite, visit on weekend) ways to trigger them. Only some secrets and unlocks need other stuff to be done before, but its easy to tell if you cant trigger them that you need to do other girls open stuff before.
Cckerberos has an event guide that lists the triggers for every event. Just click the name in the quote below to jump to the post with the guide in it:
Treasures of Nadia has 11,000 patrons and a team of experienced individuals working on it.
I am one person, have 700 patrons and zero programming experience prior to this game.
You're going to have to wait a little bit for me to figure some things out.
Should i ask if we can take any messages written in that specific "tone" in-game (ex. the game acknowledging the player and their interaction with other players and their knowledge) as coming directly from the dev a.k.a. you? Or is it yet another metanarrativistic layer?
Just what is the damn "d-word"?? Danish Dentist? Disgusting Damn-demic Disease? Dark Dingy Dingoes Digested my Descendant? Delawarian Democrat Defeated de Donald? Dutch Dinosaur? Deep-water Dugong? Dallas Duckboys? Donna's Double-D Dilemma? Diet?
How do you manage to get stuck here? You have a working event tracker and see wich charas have new/unseen stuff left and you have only 1-5 (visit, visit at work, call, invite, visit on weekend) ways to trigger them. Only some secrets and unlocks need other stuff to be done before, but its easy to tell if you cant trigger them that you need to do other girls open stuff before.
I should really start playing this game during the day and not at ~1am like I usually do. Miku's and especially Makoto's events didn't exactly help me sleep. Already the "darkness within her" line made me cautious and pause the game for a bit. Even though you slowly see more and more signs and realize where it's leading to, even while it was happening I kept thinking "This can't be happening"
I'm amazed that, for me, they almost always involve unexpected characters. Last time it was Yumi's question and now Makoto's actions. I was so certain it's going to be Ayane. Event name, yandere-talk, that totally-not-foreshadowing-picture Selebus posted a while back, but no.
You know, that was the first idea that popped in my head before the trafficker line was brought up and there is something that could be seen as support in later builds, which I will not detail because the specific update it is in isn't public yet, and I pretty much totally dismissed that theory right out of the gate. There is now potential there for some religious fanaticism to be part of it, which would then free the scar up to be totally unrelated and just some medical mishap. I wouldn't go the isolationist route just yet, but definitely religiously fanatical to an extreme level. Maybe it is this group that is behind all the weird happenings in Kumon-Mi, maybe even behind the war itself. Maybe Kaori is a spy, a propagandist, or just some nutcase escapee from this group. This actually makes even more sense than the black market theory from a big picture standpoint as some religious groups can be violently fanatical to the point of drugging an entire populace or just outright murdering them. This then supports my 'hallucinogen causing the happy scenes' theory as a result. Things are really starting to connect here.
I tried downloading the newest version of the Mac Port zip file. But when I do it tells me it's an Incomplete Archive, even though I downloaded it several times in full. What's up with that? How do I fix it?
I should really start playing this game during the day and not at ~1am like I usually do. Miku's and especially Makoto's events didn't exactly help me sleep. Already the "darkness within her" line made me cautious and pause the game for a bit. Even though you slowly see more and more signs and realize where it's leading to, even while it was happening I kept thinking "This can't be happening"
I'm amazed that, for me, they almost always involve unexpected characters. Last time it was Yumi's question and now Makoto's actions. I was so certain it's going to be Ayane. Event name, yandere-talk, that totally-not-foreshadowing-picture Selebus posted a while back, but no.
I know, I expected maybe Rin to pull something like that and ONLY on a bad homie save, which I was not on. Makoto was the absolute last person I would have ever expected, but it happened.
Things are starting to fall into place here. Practically no hospital would go to a course of drugs that would put a patient in this kind of mental state unless there was no alternative. However, there might be such a hospital run by these religious fanatics we theorized earlier and they may intentionally do this as both treatment and part of an indoctrination procedure that would, should it be successful, ensure absolute loyalty to the group and their cause. However, maybe Kaori was one of those who failed, her mind slipping into what we know now as a sort of defense mechanism or just out of the sheer amount of damage they did to her in the process. Then again, she could be fully indoctrinated and be acting as a spy, a propagandist, or other covert agent to convert the people of Kumon-Mi. Maybe Sensei isn't the only one having hallucinations, maybe we do in fact have an NPC that is affected by my theorized hallucinogen. Maybe she failed to bring the proper protective equipment or was just sent in without it as an expendable agent on a suicide mission. Maybe she was the one to plant the hallucinogen in the first place.
But where is the evidence that aliens are even involved? Human influence seems more plausible at this time. I'm not discounting the alien theory, I just don't see supporting evidence that doesn't also support the religious fanatic theory above.
I think we should start expecting the unexpected at this point, it seems like nothing is off the table here and we could possibly see it happen again with anyone else. If it does, I may have to replace my computer due to it hitting the wall on the other side of the room because I jumped so bad.
Not sure how some of this needs to be spoilered, so I'll be careful and only reply to the elements of your comment that I don't think need to be. For me, EVERY girl has been in the 'must protect' category for a while now, it's Sensei who has been in the 'must suffer' category all this time. This game doesn't even deserve AAA status, it puts pretty much the entire AAA side of the industry to shame, it deserves so much more.