Are you saying D:Ream lied to us?As for the second half of your comment: I've said it before and I'll say it again; this is a denpa game. Things are almost certainly going to get much, MUCH, worse before they get better.IF they get better.
Are you saying D:Ream lied to us?As for the second half of your comment: I've said it before and I'll say it again; this is a denpa game. Things are almost certainly going to get much, MUCH, worse before they get better.IF they get better.
That's it, you're one of us now.I've never posted anything on this site before, but Bluejay got me so fucked up I just had to vent somewhere.
I'd really like to see a happy ending eventually, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. At the very least, a DDLC style bittersweet ending.
According to Selebus the game's gonna be split into 3 parts, with the 3rd part being "Purity Routes" and final true ending. I'mI've never posted anything on this site before, but Bluejay got me so fucked up I just had to vent somewhere.
I'd really like to see a happy ending eventually, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. At the very least, a DDLC style bittersweet ending.
People are already snapping, the last update shown that quite clearly. It's just... it is not allowed. I'm willing to say that a good portion of the cast would not be present anymore if it was an option. That said, i think it will either come to a major breakpoint in story, or we'll start turning things around. And if that happens... well. Wanna bet who would be the one that gets her sht turned around for the better? Just for the heck of it?Oh no, Rin definitely has a bit of D deficiency going on if you know what I mean.I think she's going to be fine, she has support extremely close to her, even from the one she was shot down by. I have faith she will pull through even if it takes a full class intervention to stop her going to extreme measures. Yeah, I think it is safe to say the entire cast is more or less unstable, I mean that pretty much got spelled out in Ami's and Makoto's last events of the update. We'll get there, we're already seeing an impact with a few girls and even Sensei himself. You could be right, though, we could be that one final push everyone needs to snap completely.
As I said, Ami and Makoto show clear signs of this. I'm leaning more toward Rin getting her act together first, but Yumi is a possibility. Ayane, Makoto, Ami, and Miku are pretty much all lost causes as much as it pains me to admit it. Very slim maybe with Maya because of her role so far.People are already snapping, the last update shown that quite clearly. It's just... it is not allowed. I'm willing to say that a good portion of the cast would not be present anymore if it was an option. That said, i think it will either come to a major breakpoint in story, or we'll start turning things around. And if that happens... well. Wanna bet who would be the one that gets her sht turned around for the better? Just for the heck of it?
I would say Yumi, because irony. Who would be a better target for achieving to get their life back in order than her? For multiple reasons that happened during the interactions with Sensei.
And a slightly different data flow could result in a different conclusion. For instance, a case could be made that Hitchcock's The Birds is the background meme. Replace all the bug/spider references with bird ones- Noodles, the chickens, ravens at the shrine, etc.I think your expectations as to the amount of analysis I have given to a theory I have called "A"lien "S"pace "S"pider might be a bit high
I will however explain my thought process:
1. Be Selebus
2. Want to make people cry (which is synonymous with number 1)
3. Have a character who speaks as if they are not human and has a spider tattoo
4. Have a nebulously defined space war
5. Remember Starship Troopers
6. Consider what would be a truly horrific moment to add to a sex scene that would achieve 2
7. Pedipalps (think Edgar from MIB)
8. Feel smug while vomiting a little bit in my own mouth
If I thought I was seriously expected to engage with the concept of a space war (outside of it being a convenient maguffin to explain the lack of men) it makes sense to me for it to be against aliens as otherwise it would be a colonial war for/on a planet and it would be like "The Martian War" or something similar.
Unless Gundams exist I guess.
LIL confirmed to be in the Gundam Universe?
Remember that Peter betrayed Jesus in his own way- and as was remarked above, the knife Peter is holding made the Ami connection appropriate. Also, James the Lesser (Molly in your parody) was Jesus's (younger) brother. Any significance in THAT choice in your "Who's Who"?Yeah I fucked up, lmao
Ami is more the unconditional love type, Ayane does technically have a condition to hers, one that could lead to a very bad time if it is ever broken outright, her and only her. She's been showing some yandere tendencies from the very beginning and we could already be in very hot water with her after the beach trip scene where Kirin walks in on her and Sensei.I thought it was weird that Ayane was in Judas' spot due to her unconditional love for the MC but knowing it's supposed to be Ami makes things concerningly more sensical.
I mean, technically in the bible there are 3 betrayals of Christ by his disciples after the last supper.I thought it was weird that Ayane was in Judas' spot due to her unconditional love for the MC but knowing it's supposed to be Ami makes things concerningly more sensical.
I think she realizes that he'd be into it, she's just mistakenly under the impression that he's a good person and that the ball's entirely in her court.She doesn't seem to think he's into her in that way judging by the conversation she has with him during the beach event while she's freaking out before confessing.
Sana's an introvert, but I'd say her life is still within the realm of being normal.Also now that the new update came, i realized that every single girl in the original class has their life eff'd up one way or another, with Makoto closing out the circle.
Many Happy events are required to move the story forward. There are things you can fuck up to miss events and/or scenes, or get MUCH worse scenes than you otherwise would haveSo, without going to deep into what is going on in the story, are there any true "bad" paths to take? or can I in a way fuck up certain characters story paths? I sometimes am starting to feel that progressing through the happy scenes and triggering them might actually be bad? or is everything essentially a path forward?
I disagree. She's got some pretty damn serious social anxiety. Having a panic attack over someone mentioning pasta is not within the realm of being normal. Likewise, she did mention she was an outgoing, much more energetic person when she was younger. Something very bad has definitely happened to her. We just don't know what yet.Sana's an introvert, but I'd say her life is still within the realm of being normal.
Using the cheats secretly marks your save as a cheater. As of version 0.10.0 part 1 ( haven't checked part 2 [Edit]alex2011 has confirmed there are no consequences in part 2[/Edit]) there are no repercussions in the code for cheating. However, this is a denpa game (see horror tag) and it wouldn't surprise me if there were serious repercussions in the future.Just downloaded this game. Would yall say it's worth just using the 100 affection cheat so you don't have to repeatedly hang out with the same girls just to get their affection up and see the same dialogue, or is it better to play without that cheat? Would I be missing out on any content? Are there any other cheats that are worth using? Thanks.
Thanks for the answer, def gonna try it without cheats even though it is a bit tedious. Don't want the cheats to maybe bite me in the ass later onUsing the cheats secretly marks your save as a cheater. As of version 0.10.0 part 1 ( haven't checked part 2) there are no repercussions in the code for cheating. However, this is a denpa game (see horror tag) and it wouldn't surprise me if there were serious repercussions in the future.
I personally suggest trying without cheats at first, and if it's too grindy for you just getting a bit of affection and/or lust with most of the characters then using to edit the _love and _lust variables for them in your save file.
Also, once you unlock any repeatable event with a character, I suggest repeating it at least once since there are some changes between the first and second time you do any repeatable event.
Don't forget that, by default, the "Skip" button won't skip any new/changed dialogue, so hanging out with a girl after the first time can be done in under 5 seconds without fear of missing something new. Likewise, new events are usually unlocked at increments of 5 affection or lust (depending on the type of event) and I don't think any events require more than 35 affection or 10 lust to trigger (I could be wrong, but it won't be off by much).Thanks for the answer, def gonna try it without cheats even though it is a bit tedious. Don't want the cheats to maybe bite me in the ass later on