I would say that the portrayal of the things presented are good and fine as they are. Actually i would say that it's a good choice that they are portrayed this way. Gives insight to how things look like under the shell that's commonly known. Gives the game additional quality in informational value. Connecting something you do for fun with something that will give you valuable experience in your life is often amazing. Especially with people that do end up like Rin. With her particularly, it is... scary, how accurate it was. And i'm saying that from first hand experience. Most of people do find themselves in that exact spot that you find her in back in the dorms. Knowing and seeing it may or may not help you and other people, but it's always to have that kind of knowledge just in case.
On the other hand i do agree and think that it would be nice to reimburse the initial piece of information. Giving a warning is already enough, but it doesn't hurt to make them click on the standard annoying "I understand" button. Maybe even double down and give them a second window right after it, saying that you are not joking and that they should be prepared for possibly disturbing things.
Absolutely, and his portrayal makes it seem like he was one of those real life people with first hand experience on the subject, which is a scary thought in and of itself. I'm not sure if I should, but I feel I must and I'm going to be real for a moment here. If anyone here feels like these characters, please, seek someone to help even if it is one of us. I know my ear is always open if you need to let off some steam or get something off your chest, just message me and we'll talk. Don't let yourself end up like Rin.
I really need it for rin Lol
I dont have the save before fingering chika but you can tell me which is better starting over again or using cheats
The cheats are good for those that don't mind the potential consequences of the cheater save flag or that just want to see how something could have played out differently. If you don't want to submit to the secret cheater flag later in the game, which will inevitably have something bad happen, don't use the cheats.
Btw a question guys
Is the secret event is the one with blue color font on eventslist?
No, those are invite over events or call events, where you ask the girl to come over or call her. I don't remember which. Secret events are the ones listed at the very bottom of the event tracker and are the really strange events that make very little sense at first. They look like any other event in the tracker except being at the bottom in their own section.