I think it depends how you view or the way you consume the story. When i start playing the game about a year ago, i knew this game was (i dont know the correct english word for it) mentally challenging for the player. It was basically a test of how much fucked up shit you can watch before you puke. But i was telling myself that it's just a game, a story told by selebus. When i stop enjoying i could i just stop playing and delete. Right?So I am pretty small brain, and I get that Akira is objectively a bad person, but I am very confused and would love to get some insight on the "Optimal playthrough" as it is now. So I playe dup to the 4.0 update, doing everything to make all the events green. Minmaxed, ect, but all throughout I was under the impression that the "Correct" path was as fence sitting as possible, as of the last two patches relating to the rich girls little sister, I can't recall her name right now, and the big choice with Io... getting the green path has reached new levels of skeezebag. IDK if I want to keep going getting the green path if it is so morally objectinionable and logically flawed... but... I really... REALLY dont want to replay the whole thing again and fix choices if somehow it ends up all hunk dory or doesn't matter in the end. Just the cheater pants bugs the shit out of me, this one is pretty next level.
I mean things might have gotten better after that particular event, I stopped playing 4.1 the second I was faced with the Io choice and saw it was the green path, but I saw there was a new update and I want to play, I love this game, but god damn does this dude conflict me between getting the good ending and actually picking the choices I want to. So far these have been really the only conflicting choices I have had to make...
It's similar to eating spicy hot chicken with increasing the level of hot spice. At which point you stop adding spice? Or do you stop at all?
Do you enjoy the challange of hot chicken? To extent of ghost pepper (stomachache) hotness.
Are you just curious about how far it can go in the spice scale?
I was a kind of person who found the ketchup too spicy but wanted to taste all the hot chicken that selebus gave me because i never seen this much spice in a chicken before. But then i came across a pepper(Io option) that i could not dare to eat.
And i did not add that specific spice to my already very spicy chicken. The result? When Io told Uta that "for the first time in my life it didn't end in utter tragedy" this is the best perfectly spiced chicken ever.
TLDR: All in the end this is a game for your enjoyment, when a game gave you a choice to make that would make you mentally suffer in in real life just choose the other option.