- Oct 1, 2023
- 773
- 1,817
It's Ayanewho's the girl meant to be?
That's a very oddly specific question, are you who I think you are???
It's Ayanewho's the girl meant to be?
Damn man, this might have meant something if you hadn't spent your entire time in this thread doing this exact thing and would have faced the exact same IRL consequences for doing so. Calling people who skip resets porn-addled degenerates who can't appreciate good literature and all - the same people who've read the millions of un-sexy words in this game in the first place. Awesome.Going around making absent-minded theories as to the inner workings of someone's mind and explaining behavior in a way convenient to you is pretty absurd. If you did that to people in real life they'd punch you in the face or otherwise ostracize you.
Someone with such banal motivations as merely really wanting to get what they paid for out of a vending machine might be kicking the machine to jostle that drink loose, too. Each one of your arguments centers around people (on both sides here) being irrational and unreasonable, and this is a perfect example.Ever heard of the fundamental attribution error? It's a bias in which people observing others explain behavior by identifying them as "fundamental attributes," like someone kicking a vending machine to get a drink is just "an angry person" and that's why they're kicking the machine. Whereas if they are the one kicking the machine they instead explain it with momentary or circumstantial reasons, like, "I'm not an angry person today is just a bad day."
Selly isn't a victim, man. He's demonstrably an irrational tyrant who both cares a lot about how much money he's making, and treats the very people and organizations responsible for his income like absolute shit. Name one other crowdfunded project of any kind with regular content updates that's had completely stagnant growth for 3 out of the 4.5 years it's been in development. That's not a coincidence.The position that authors are in is one where thousands of readers are constantly psycho-analyzing them and reading into statements and assigning them fundamental attributes to explain any given act of behavior. That is more depressing than anything. And so far from Selebus being a particular misanthrope in this regard, it's weird people online being weird but not getting the normal social rebukes since it's the internet.
This explains a lot about your behavior. You think you're "just being honest" and people are "just getting offended," when in reality, every one of your arguments has been in naked bad faith, an uncharitable interpretation, and/or you shadowboxing against imagined counter-arguments - none of which people have actually said or demonstrated - and you calling them complete idiots for it.I would be much more offended by an author lying to my face and talking circles around me to extract more income than one being frank and honest even if their honest opinion happens to be a hostile one. Seriously, why do people bemoan dishonesty so much but then react with such violent negativity to actual honesty when they come across it? Really says a lot.
It's 2024, man. Much like the plot of Subahibi, the interplay and expression of ideas and philosophy in the real, modern world is fluid and dubious. Instead of discussing archaic philosophical works themselves, people have started to embody the distillations of their lessons, because they've consumed analyses and derivative works of them rather than the works themselves. The mores of didactic technological evolution have selected for works that show in efficient ways rather than tell in needlessly tedious, inefficient ones.Almost nobody engages in idealized philosophical debate. It's too hard for people.
It's so fucking funny to hear you talk about the exact thing that you've been doing. Holy shitTheir minds are too inflexible and focused on arguing against what instinctively feels wrong to them rather than searching for a deeper truth.
Assuming you're not him, you and Selly have an enormous amount in common. Both of you see yourselves as the one shining lighthouse of rational intellectualism in the dark, and it is merely spirited debate on its face that drives people away from you. When in reality, you don't ascribe a single sliver of viability to any single argument of your interlocutors when they deviate from your preconceived notions by the slightest degree. That is the real hostility in play here, and it doesn't "shatter fragile hearts," it paints you as an eminently conceited, pretentious, narcissistic, pedantic, shrill, grandiloquent child.The litany of Tarski is a rare and forgotten song. Ergo, I don't see any reason to demean Selebus's aggressive manner of argumentation. People are, indeed, fragile things, and it is the case that any ounce of hostility can shatter fragile hearts. But one concerned about and focusing all of their dialogue on not upsetting anyone will likely not be able to find themselves honestly speaking about anything. If some shattered hearts are what it takes for honesty I will take it. And those who can't handle it are indeed free to hide away out of side while bemoaning what a meanie someone was to them.
A perfect example of how it's an absolute requirement for you to deny any degree of reasonability in anyone else's ideas by blowing them completely out of proportion. These are the only a priori conditions in which your extremely over-leveraged position of every single person other than yourself and a select few others being completely useless and stupid can flourish.It's kind of insane how much absurd psychoanalysis people will unload on you simply because you want a game to be negative in experience as well as content sometimes. As if making people grind for SENSEI QUEST is the greatest affront known to man and makes you an irritable miser.
Is Selly's openness in the room with him now?People should be more appreciative of Selebus's openness. What comes off as ego is in fact a willingness to engage in open dialogue.
There's an entire world of grey between customer service voice and having a persistent stance of zero good faith or charity of interpretation - and they're even on the same side of the graph in terms of helpfulness - but you are one of the last people I'd expect to understand that distinction.Most authors will think their readers are retarded but keep it to themselves and try to manipulate them with faux friendliness like every corporation out there. It SHOULD be a breath of fresh air to have an auteur openly argue about their ideas and put them to the test - they say only the best friends fight on a rooftop and smile about it after. It's really not Selebus's fault that 4 years and 10000 posts later people are still too close-minded to accept any video game experience that doesn't fellate them from start to finish.
See, this is the problem with pseudointellectuals. Not only are you a passive-aggressive coward responding to me in a reply to someone else, but you find one single interpretation of something complex that contradicts its core existence or purpose in one extremely specific way, and you use that to invalidate the entire thing, despite its complexity. This is the very essence of a bad faith strawman argument, and pure intellectual cowardice. Yeah man, every single person who plays Elden Ring cheeses summons, and grinding to overlevel enemies is both easy in and of itself and makes every enemy a walk in the park. Incredible. Go play the DLC and see how far you get at max level.(And my God if another teenager tries to talk about how epicly oppressive Elden "Most Popular Game of all time in which you can easily grind to overlevel enemies and summon help for any minorly challenging boss" Ring is I'll choke on my laughter and die. So kill me if you dare.)
I haven't been replying to you since you openly professed further dialogue would be pointless and that no mind-changing would occur. That is a sentiment entirely expressed in your attitude - opting to take shallow reads in attempts to "win" and "score points" instead of engage in meaningful dialogue. I think you *almost* have an awareness of this, but are falling prey to it yourself - your focus is entirely on "beating me," not understanding, and that is why your whole post here is talking in circles, mostly irrelevant, and not worth replying to. As you said: no mind-changing will occur here. The fact you've kept trying to argue in 5 posts after that is pretty eyebrow-raising but you do you.Damn man, this might have meant something if you hadn't spent your entire time (etc)
That's so weird! I said that about you... so you made the choice to fulfill my prophecy? Incredible.I haven't been replying to you since you openly professed further dialogue would be pointless and that no mind-changing would occur.
If my reads are so shallow, feel free to address a single one on its face, as I've addressed every single one of yours on its face. Or just respond to me in replies to other people, that's fine too. You do you.That is a sentiment entirely expressed in your attitude - opting to take shallow reads in attempts to "win" and "score points" instead of engage in meaningful dialogue.
You keep calling everyone stupid and accuse me of wanting to beat you? Bro...I think you *almost* have an awareness of this, but are falling prey to it yourself - your focus is entirely on "beating me," not understanding, and that is why your whole post here is talking in circles, mostly irrelevant, and not worth replying to.
I enjoy a bit of intellectual sparring, but in the absence of any resistance, punching bags are useful too.As you said: no mind-changing will occur here. The fact you've kept trying to argue in 5 posts after that is pretty eyebrow-raising but you do you.
Definitely above average.Sensei’s penis is quite large, isn’t it?
Please be a little aware here. I have no interest in "intellectual sparring." Your style here is even that which most disgusts me, the point-by-point quotation where one scans a large body of text for perceived weak points and quotes them individually to unload sharp barbs one by one to establish the appearance of an overwhelming rhetorical victory. This is how creationists beat atheists in debate, you know. I have no interest in scanning your post for its (numerous I might add) weak points and stabbing them one by one, inspiring you to scan my rebuttals for weak points to stab one by one, etc etc... unto infinity. It is very unpleasant experience for anyone actually interested in communication and not "sparring." And subsequently, after this I will continue not replying to your posts.That's so weird! I said that about you... so you made the choice to fulfill my prophecy? Incredible.
If my reads are so shallow, feel free to address a single one on its face, as I've addressed every single one of yours on its face. Or just respond to me in replies to other people, that's fine too. You do you.
You keep calling everyone stupid and accuse me of wanting to beat you? Bro...
I enjoy a bit of intellectual sparring, but in the absence of any resistance, punching bags are useful too.
I wonder if Himawari's will be bigger than his when she's an adult.Definitely above average.
He's addressing you point by point you pretentious ass.Please be a little aware here. I have no interest in "intellectual sparring." Your style here is even that which most disgusts me, the point-by-point quotation where one scans a large body of text for perceived weak points and quotes them individually to unload sharp barbs one by one to establish the appearance of an overwhelming rhetorical victory. This is how creationists beat atheists in debate, you know. I have no interest in scanning your post for its (numerous I might add) weak points and stabbing them one by one, inspiring you to scan my rebuttals for weak points to stab one by one, etc etc... unto infinity. It is very unpleasant experience for anyone actually interested in communication and not "sparring." And subsequently, after this I will continue not replying to your posts.
You say you have no interest in "intellectual sparring," yet you continue to call people stupid, which is the intellectual equivalent of sucker punching them in the face.Please be a little aware here. I have no interest in "intellectual sparring." Your style here is even that which most disgusts me, the point-by-point quotation where one scans a large body of text for perceived weak points and quotes them individually to unload sharp barbs one by one to establish the appearance of an overwhelming rhetorical victory. This is how creationists beat atheists in debate, you know. I have no interest in scanning your post for its (numerous I might add) weak points and stabbing them one by one, inspiring you to scan my rebuttals for weak points to stab one by one, etc etc... unto infinity. It is very unpleasant experience for anyone actually interested in communication and not "sparring." And subsequently, after this I will continue not replying to your posts.
That's an elementary school level interpretation of what's occurring. Reading someone's text with malice, identifying potential rhetoric weak points, attacking specifically them, shedding off context, no principle of charity in sight... That's not a meaningful discussion, "addressing someone point by point." That is, as he alludes to with his imagery, hitting a punching bag. Understanding someone else is like having two worlds unifying; it's like an uncomfortable object being wedged into the head until the sensation fades and one realizes they see the world in an new light. Understanding someone else is not giving shallow, snide "rebuttals" to basic claims which must subsequently be re-stated and re-explained in different words to avoid whatever rhetorical trap had been laid. Spend time on the internet and you'll see shit like this non-stop without the two parties ever agreeing or changing their mind. The reason is that it is a hostile exchange done for personal satisfaction and venting. It's no wonder one would develop an instinctual understanding that they will be unable to change the other party's mind no matter how much they yap on the keyboard.He's addressing you point by point you pretentious ass.
Keep posting through the pain, man.That's an elementary school level interpretation of what's occurring. Reading someone's text with malice, identifying potential rhetoric weak points, attacking specifically them, shedding off context, no principle of charity in sight... That's not a meaningful discussion, "addressing someone point by point." That is, as he alludes to with his imagery, hitting a punching bag. Understanding someone else is like having two worlds unifying; it's like an uncomfortable object being wedged into the head until the sensation fades and one realizes they see the world in an new light. Understanding someone else is not giving shallow, snide "rebuttals" to basic claims which must subsequently be re-stated and re-explained in different words to avoid whatever rhetorical trap had been laid. Spend time on the internet and you'll see shit like this non-stop without the two parties ever agreeing or changing their mind. The reason is that it is a hostile exchange done for personal satisfaction and venting. It's no wonder one would develop an instinctual understanding that they will be unable to change the other party's mind no matter how much they yap on the keyboard.
That said, I'll leave the meta posting at that. You all can continue gossiping and shitting on an internet stranger as you like whenever they displease or offend you in some way.
You can't claim to want "meaningful discussion" when you have been insulting people since your first post here. You came out swinging and are now trying to play the victim, pathetic.That's an elementary school level interpretation of what's occurring. Reading someone's text with malice, identifying potential rhetoric weak points, attacking specifically them, shedding off context, no principle of charity in sight... That's not a meaningful discussion, "addressing someone point by point." That is, as he alludes to with his imagery, hitting a punching bag. Understanding someone else is like having two worlds unifying; it's like an uncomfortable object being wedged into the head until the sensation fades and one realizes they see the world in an new light. Understanding someone else is not giving shallow, snide "rebuttals" to basic claims which must subsequently be re-stated and re-explained in different words to avoid whatever rhetorical trap had been laid. Spend time on the internet and you'll see shit like this non-stop without the two parties ever agreeing or changing their mind. The reason is that it is a hostile exchange done for personal satisfaction and venting. It's no wonder one would develop an instinctual understanding that they will be unable to change the other party's mind no matter how much they yap on the keyboard.
That said, I'll leave the meta posting at that. You all can continue gossiping and shitting on an internet stranger as you like whenever they displease or offend you in some way.
it's fine to prefer an "aggressive manner of argumentation" over dishonestyYeah, absurd psychoanalysis. Minds are infinite in their complexity and motives are infinite in their arbitrariness. Going around making absent-minded theories as to the inner workings of someone's mind and explaining behavior in a way convenient to you is pretty absurd. If you did that to people in real life they'd punch you in the face or otherwise ostracize you. Ever heard of the fundamental attribution error? It's a bias in which people observing others explain behavior by identifying them as "fundamental attributes," like someone kicking a vending machine to get a drink is just "an angry person" and that's why they're kicking the machine. Whereas if they are the one kicking the machine they instead explain it with momentary or circumstantial reasons, like, "I'm not an angry person today is just a bad day." The position that authors are in is one where thousands of readers are constantly psycho-analyzing them and reading into statements and assigning them fundamental attributes to explain any given act of behavior. That is more depressing than anything. And so far from Selebus being a particular misanthrope in this regard, it's weird people online being weird but not getting the normal social rebukes since it's the internet.
> I'm talking about how he treats people on his discord: he's just a dickhead at times
I would be much more offended by an author lying to my face and talking circles around me to extract more income than one being frank and honest even if their honest opinion happens to be a hostile one. Seriously, why do people bemoan dishonesty so much but then react with such violent negativity to actual honesty when they come across it? Really says a lot.
> I think you're referring to argument in the idealized sense of philosophical debate - that is not what he engages in
Almost nobody engages in idealized philosophical debate. It's too hard for people. Their minds are too inflexible and focused on arguing against what instinctively feels wrong to them rather than searching for a deeper truth. The litany of Tarski is a rare and forgotten song. Ergo, I don't see any reason to demean Selebus's aggressive manner of argumentation. People are, indeed, fragile things, and it is the case that any ounce of hostility can shatter fragile hearts. But one concerned about and focusing all of their dialogue on not upsetting anyone will likely not be able to find themselves honestly speaking about anything. If some shattered hearts are what it takes for honesty I will take it. And those who can't handle it are indeed free to hide away out of side while bemoaning what a meanie someone was to them.
I'm not a victim. I'm just not interested in talking to that guy for the reasons described.You can't claim to want "meaningful discussion" when you have been insulting people since your first post here. You came out swinging and are now trying to play the victim, pathetic.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpymc", line 28, in script
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\ast.py", line 914, in execute
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\python.py", line 2028, in py_exec_bytecode
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 28, in <module>
File "renpy/common/_layout/screen_main_menu.rpym", line 35, in _execute_python_hide
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\ui.py", line 297, in interact
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 2702, in interact
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\core.py", line 3518, in interact_core
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 998, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\transition.py", line 47, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 998, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 998, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\screen.py", line 714, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 998, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 244, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 998, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 244, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 998, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\layout.py", line 244, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 962, in event
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 897, in handle_click
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 313, in run
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 320, in run
File "renpy/common/00action_file.rpy", line 452, in __call__
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\loadsave.py", line 769, in load
File "C:\Users\Selebus\Documents\RenPy\renpy-7.3.2-sdk\renpy\loadsave.py", line 63, in loads
Lessons in Love 0.44.0
Fri Oct 04 21:01:46 2024