I don't really like to make a tenuously off-topic post but SURELY Selebus is not looking for 'the leaker.' That would be absurd. I am aware that a few years ago he managed to release the game in such a way it wasn't leaked for a week, and in that week he received an uptick of subscribers large enough it's possible that he is still chasing that high.
I wouldn't worry about it too much, it sucks now but you need to remember it is on him.
He has an extensive track record of being nasty to people.
Ironically the only reason I never backed him back when he had that 1 week period and patreon is because he'd treated a few people poorly in this thread and it put me off.
As dumb as it sounds to make a moral comment in regards to a game about fuckin high schoolers it's more about the treatment of customers, I get having problem users and imbeciles that take the piss but Sel has repeatedly done his
fans dirty. He'd be much more successful if he shut the fuck up and got on with his work, not that I think talking in Discord will hurt his progress much, but he's done petty shit before and that
does eat your time.
A lot of these self absorbed people don't seem to understand is that pirated games can increase revenue, there's several games on this site I backed after pirating it here first and this extends to other things too. Used to pirate all the time as a kid, its like a demo, I liked what I saw and I'd buy it later, I didn't and I'd move on.
The latter doesn't even apply to Sel cause this game is
objectively good, even if niche due to the severity of what it portrays.
TLDR: Don't let it get you down he's an ass surrounded by boot lickers and yes men.
People who stalk porn game pirating forums to rat you out to their overlord aren't worth worrying about.