He's right. Also, while I haven't seen them, it has to have massively changed the most recent Rin events added in 0.13.0p2, considering what happens in them on the good homie route.
Oh yeah, without going into specifics, there is a massive difference between the good homie and bad homie versions of the latest events. Like so much so that it actually made me grateful to be on the good homie path in my main save. I DO NOT want to go through a bad homie scenario, that is now the worst possible case to me.
I finished replaying through all the available content and man, I'm having withdraws haha. I need more Yumi and Maya, and god, that last event with Rin was sooo satisfying. It was like a weight off the shoulders, I wanted to scream finally! The wait was worth it though.
I know, it was so freaking sweet and adorable...and unexpected this soon, can't forget that. I was so excited and happy for them that I was almost crying tears of joy. I can only imagine the impact if it had happened later than it did, you know, letting it simmer a bit longer instead. Not that I would want that, just a random thought.
Neat, since even though I am a complitionist...I dont really want to see bad homie variant anymore...Damn this game is awesome!
No, no, and hell no. I am sticking to the good homie path like my life depends on it.
You can actually go right on the number needed, just don't go to the place it triggers. It is one of those events that requires a specific location.
Wait, so is there actually a way to play this game without feeling like a piece of shit?

Thx dude
Not so sure on that one, bud.
It's kinda the whole point of the game at this point...
Not really, there is a way to play without feeling like one because of events that could have been avoided like the Rin beach thing, but the game is supposed to make you feel that way in general.