What's funny is, I probably understand Rin the best of all the characters. I have suffered from severe clinical depression and bipolar episodes since I was in my early teens. I never turned to direct self harm like she does, but instead took the road of violence and high risk - drugs, alcohol, fighting, street racing, motorcycle racing, dangerous sports. When I loved; it was all-out obsession to the point of ruining friendships. Fortunately I learned to control things as I got older. I viewed it as "caging the beast" and still do. People around me helped me greatly and I eventually got professional medical help. I am at a much better place now. Playing LiL is difficult sometimes, but also cathartic - it feels like someone else understands. Without the right support (friends, family, professional) it's a road that quite often leads to a cliff. Of all the people in the game I do NOT want Sensei to be a shithead to - it's Rin
aaaaaaaaaand on a more upbeat note -
Molly being all mature after the Rin thing, and with her hair down - major turn on. She has boosted WAY up the list of girls now
She has gone from "cute but annoying redhead" to being on the "favorites list"