At first I thought the three Gods were close to Rudolf Steiner's dark trinity:
HOPE (slash Nozomu?) corresponding to Lucifer:
A spirit (in this case God) concerned with sensuality and ego. 'Do the sex, everyone loves you'.
HOPE gets some kind of 'loosh' from that presumably. Sensei seems very jacked in to HOPE.
The Wire God corresponding to Ahriman-
A God concerned with material reality, the physical, the measurable, information.
If it was ahrimanic it would say that there is nothing but the 'physical' and anything that appears to the contrary is an
illusion; an after effect of the programming necessary to make beings act and perceive a 'self'.
(To what degree do any of the characters have free will, and to what degree are the 'Gods' actually Gods?)
The Final God would correspond to Sorath, the sun demon (a negation, a void, a black sun)
and presumably would be revealed later as by far the greatest evil, and the thing setting up the game
(if true to form- corrupting the necessary and human traits of HOPE and the Wire God to evil ends)
Think of it as a lovecraftian being but with true malice.
As is said at the beginning of the game, and I remember being reiterated at least once:
"Nothing is real, after all."
"Nothing will ever be real."
"Not me, not you, not the characters in this game."
"We're all just air."
I now think that is probably just Selebus and there is no 'Sorath' God but it would be a nice twist if the meta-narrator turned out to be the big baddie and the initial premise of "come live a new life in beautiful Kumon-mi" was
further fucked into the horror of being an active, not passive, participant in some kind of evil loosh cyle... thing.
Hmmm... Reading over this I think there is something in all this crap^ but more that it's:
I have seen Yaldaboath be called the clock God before, so maybe things will take a gnostic direction and the world-prison the characters find themselves in can actually be overcome.
Deff will replay and pay better attention.