Wow. Finally finished this 600+ page thread. And let me just say. What. A. Rollercoaster ride. I'll admit I kind of skimmed the middle 500 pages or so. But it was interesting watching how excited everyone was and how engaging Sub was in the early 100 pages. I love watching him count up to his Patreon income goal so he could quit his job and work on LiL professionally. It was a little disappointing how, as time went on, some supporters confused financial support with ownership, despite Sub being very clear about how he wanted to execute his artistic vision. Kudos on sticking to your guns, though.
And the Patreon hullabaloo. It was interesting, although disappointing, but not surprising, how many people just jumped at the patch notes without doing any reading about the situation. I'll be honest, if I supported something on Patreon or Subscribestar, I'd keep up to date with what's going on. I can't imagine the supporters that threatened to pull their pledge because "removed all adult content" were pledging that much to begin with. The whole game is heavy on reading, checking some forums should be common sense, especially if you're financially vested.
Now the game. I'll be honest, I work a lot. I had a day off and my plans were, approximately, find a game with some action, kill about an hour enjoying my way through it, so to speak, then do a bunch of chores and errands, make a nice dinner, etc. Eight hours later I'm throwing some Ramen on the stove because I still haven't eaten, but I can't waste time when I NEED to know what is going on in this game. I only found this game about a week ago, and rushed it a bit not realizing exactly what I was getting myself into. I've actually just restarted to get a more immersive, less rushed, experience.
This is, by far, the best VN I've played through. Draw from that whatever conclusions about me you'd like, but it's true. I came for the lewdness, but I find myself staying for the story. I appreciate an engaging plot, and now I'm down the rabbit hole and in free fall.
Sub, please keep doing what you're doing. I've enjoyed watching both how you overcome the various roadblocks and how the story is developing. I'm considering creating a Subscribestar account so I can support you and your game, but it'll have to wait probably a month or so before I can update my budget to account for it. I'm very much looking forward to seeing how this game continues to develop.