- Jul 6, 2019
- 150
- 93
my time isn't wasted because i don't have time worth being wastedI expected this "you don't get it" or "not for you" because you created non-canon in your head of what isn't here. A 14+ hour read of literally nothing happening? That isn't patience or misunderstanding, it is a bad game you all hope becomes better. Echo chambers are bad and you shouldn't get so upset someone wants the game to be anything other than the most blatantly shit it can be in every aspect. Sorry your safe space was invaded by critical thinking beyond a middle schooler level.
It is a horrendous spooky game. It is a horrendous h-game. It is a mediocre story telling game. It doesn't respect any of your time invested and pretending there is deeper meaning is a pathetic non-excuse. Have you people never played any other vn, ever? Even a 4 hour read like DDLC completely annihilates the pretend meta/horror garbage this game conned you into believing. After 5-8 'happy' scenes it all boils down to "lol spooky game for middle schooler brains", it does NOTHING but setup nothing at all. Like every scene in this game so far. Imagine telling your "friends" you need to read a VN for 14+ hours and accept no conclusion to anything in the game, also the writing is bad. You are close to Higurashi and Steins length at that 14hr point. Actually good VNs.
There is no meta story here. Injecting random nothing into scenes isn't meta or story. Imagine playing ANY OTHER VN and you find out all the background noises and scenes names combine to unlock a hidden "meta" website url to cover for when the game is junk. There is no hidden meaning, you just want there to be to cover for the mediocrity of a story that is swollen with nothing but more patreon characters added. I did get off the ride but too late, hopefully I can warn others it can never be a good title without fundamental fixes. Fixes/redos needed from the start and a second writer that understands how to write phycological content if it NEEDS to be forced. Fixes so the happy garbage can be redone from children tier to maybe high school tier. Currently this vn isn't story focused, it has NO focus but adding more words without substance to keep patreon payments.
Don't be mad your time is wasted and you are accepting it. The happy scenes mean nothing. You fucking know it. I bet in your head they do but they don't. Your confusion isn't depth. How mentally slow can you be to call others toddlers for respecting their time to avoid pretend depth? There is no fucking hidden lore or meaning to any of it, just shit writing that you eat up. It can all be summed up into a sentence of "lol so it isn't as it seems IT IS ALL A GAME!!!", the game makes the same sense if you skip every happy scene, meaning they are useless.
anyways happy scenes do mean stuff, they give lore and explanations, examples being baby finches happy scene