Wait, what? In censored version she is an accountant? wtf, lol xD
I know, isn't that a violation of the virtual child labor act? (Note: This was just a dig at Patreon for their blatant censorship of pixels on a screen, the virtual child labor act does not actually exist to my knowledge)
but i downloaded the sex version and in the character thing it says niece
Because you have the uncensored version, Patreon counted Ami as incest content, so Selebus had to alter her relationship to the main character in the censored version, which calls her an accountant.
Yeah, that was Selebus' way of giving Patreon the middle finger after they came after him, telling him he needed to change things. So he changed things all right. lol
At this point, I would not be surprised if they pull some sort of 'it's child labor, get rid of it' line on him. They're already trying to act like pixels on a screen have rights and are subject to laws like real people.
Inb4 patreon comes after his ass again
Yep, can't let a completely fictitious girl have a job as an accountant, she's only pixel years old, she's too young to be an accountant.
So, I'm a bit curious. Let's say I give you 4 girls in the game that you want to see more content with.
Which 4 are you choosing?
For me, it's:
1. Yumi
2. Rin
3. Sana
4. Miku
Rin, Otoha, Chinami, and Molly in that order.
aw, the christmas update was actually really nice at points. I like the developments. I know it's a denpa, and that bad shit'll happen, but it's always nice to have good feels too
It is and emotion is something the game does very well, whether that's scaring us half to death that someone is going to die or giving us something really sweet and romantic.
The site sails the seven seas, if you get my meaning.
It means exactly what it says, sex scenes were removed on the order of Patreon.
If I had to guess why he hates F95 and doesn't come here anymore:
- It's a piracy site and this game is his full time job. I'd hate it too.
However there are other things:
- Anti-Loli (In a weird way, some games here are extremely loli while others get banned).
- It can be very toxic for developers. Discord is a better way of communicating for developers because it's a controlled environment.
- By not caving to F95/Patreon rules, he has total freedom over his work.
Exactly, though out of the two sites you listed, only Patreon is totally anti-loli while F95 does allow them within a certain guideline that is poorly defined.
That's so pepega. The reason why his game's popular is because of F95zone,a lot of devs tends to say shits like this after their games gets popular and big patreon money
Because the positive effect F95 has is only temporary. Once a game reaches a certain point, F95 begins to hurt it by providing a source for the game that doesn't add to his income. At first it provides exposure, but a game only needs that for so long before it can sustain its own exposure through its buyers. This game has already reached that self-sustaining point. There is another issue as well, this game uses a release schedule designed to iron out bugs for the public release, so what happens when a patron version that doesn't have all the bugs ironed out gets leaked? People complain about the bugs as if they were supposed to be ironed out already when that was a work in progress.
Once a dev goes full time, instant leaks become a threat to their ability to pay the bills.
If six updates in a row leak within 24 hours, people who sub are more likely to cancel, and new players are less likely to join.
Exactly, which is a major threat to someone whose income is based on subscriptions and not actual copies sold like Patreon developers.
now i checked this game and only me have that girls?

they are mine?
If you mean to ask if there are other men, technically no, they are off fighting some war we know little about or have already died in it while anyone incapable of serving for whatever reason also happens to be unable to take the girls from us.
Was planned for release on Jan 1, but Patreon forced him to rewrite half the game, which stalled development of new content.
Stupid Patreon, I'm still majorly pissed off at them for this.
Are the story and scenes worth getting into?Im just tired of other games,just searching for a good story with nice scenes.
If you're looking for good story, you've come to the right place. Just keep in mind that the story is the main focus, so the number of scenes won't be as high as other games that focus more on the scenes than the story.
question, what are torrents for if there are other download options, just curious thats all
They are completely unrestricted as far as speed and file size, both of which are problems with all of the sites that are still used on F95.
And how does that prove your point? You know, I didn't learn about his game here. No, you know where I found it?
His itch.io page. Fell in love with it, and wound up supporting him on Patreon until I couldn't afford to any more.
But my love of this game certainly wasn't because I found it at f95. So, yeah.. your theory doesn't hold much water for me.
It doesn't, he's using the same disproven defense of piracy that we shot down the last several times this discussion happened.
Okay ? if you enjoy the game awesome brah good for you i don't remember saying the game is bad... also just because you're from itchi.io doesn't mean everyone is from there you and i both know his most fans are from here there is no point of denying it. My point was the devs on the site develops superiorty complex after their games gets popular but they forget that they built their fan base HERE and their game got popular HERE,if it wasn't f95zone do you really think selebus would've 1047 patreons + SubscribeStar ?
A superiority complex means they think themselves better than us, that's not what's happening here, what's happening here is a developer who sees a negative impact on his income and doesn't like it. Yes, I do believe the game would have gotten to this same point, the only effect I can see is that it got the game there faster. That doesn't mean that the piracy is still doing good and, in fact, we have been given numbers in previous discussions in this thread that say it had a negative impact.
This game has gotten so dark, and the MC is such a piece of shit that I don't really enjoy it anymore. Everytime he opens his mouth I want to stab him to death with a screwdriver. I downloaded this update and realized I don't feel like playing it. Each update lately has gotten more and more like that. I put the last one off for a long time and it just made me hate the prick even more. For a while he seemed to be redeeming himself and fixing the things he had done or his personality. Now he's an even more vile and destructive person than ever.
I probably won't delete the game, and will keep checking on it to see what happens, but its too much of a downer and feels like a beating to play it right now.
The MC was designed to be hated and the darkness is part of the game's genre. This may just be a case of Denpa games not being your kind of game. Denpa games only ever get worse before they get better and this one has not yet reached its peak.
I would really love if you start to split the game patches in different installations with us having to grab a save file from the previous, or make it a way to play it, because it is getting too heavy to keep installed on the phone and also download it and install it over the previous, even the compressed version request you 12gb free...
This game is just getting too big for mobile, it has been for a while. It won't be that long before it gets so big that even what you suggest won't work. We are not quite at the second year mark, but we're coming into the second year of a multiple year development cycle, this game is going to be in development by design for several more years and with that comes size increases.