That was a wicked good update, Ayane going 'do it' on Kirin was delicious, Sana going to town on herself was

, the girl who's name should be a flower... any ideas Bargle? Also, what do you make of Sana and Sara being aware of the Happy stuff? Any dissections of the flashing text images in this update or that new circle entity?
Her name would either be Sakura or Daisy. Sakura because Sensei waxes philosophical over the smell of Ami's cherry blossom shampoo, Daisy because both Teacher wore one in her hair, and Ami has started doing so lately (and Mystery Girl has also worn one in her hair during at least one of her appearances).
The flashing text at the end of that scene is the poem "Posession" by Mark Van Doren, followed by "There is no Holiness in purity, but there is holiness in me." That appears to be an actual message from someone, rather than a quote from anything. At least, a google search didn't yield any matches.
This sequence repeats in the following scene if you select the all-cap option with Sana (which also causes you to miss Ad infinitum) The images are in the game/images/misc folder, or you can google the poem. The full poem is included in the game.
The circle thing is not entirely new. We've just never seen a face for it before. We finally have a name and something like an identity for ////lowercase, who has spoken a few times. I suspect this might be the third god, as the game hasn't really gone into much detail.
This does lead me to some confusion, as we now have Nozomu, the God of Wires, HOPE, and pareidolia as possible members of the trinty. Either two of these are the same entity, or one of them isn't a god, and I'm not sure which of those is true.
I'm also not sure which of these is User1.
Sara's reaction gives us a lot of context to the bit from the end of the beach event where someone is whispering in her ear. She's bound to the Angels in some way, and very clearly does not want to be.