I awaken... well i've been up for a while but i was stuck dealing with a temperamental air conditioner that decided to stop working whilst i slept, that was a headache to deal with but i finally got everything running smoothly again. Also, took forever to read the four point eight million posts since i went to bed and i ran out of reactions to give out so some folks that deserve a


or a

miss out, but i hope you magically get one in spirit.
The bit about pregnancy being a requirement wasn't meant to mean a girl has to be pregnant every time to get to the rooftop, just that we know knocking Ayane up and having the baby deleted via reset seems to have changed something about her, so pregnancy is a key, but how that key works i dunno and don't pretend to know how to take the idea further, only that that and having baby deletus occur is the only real thing that separates Ayane from Yumi and Tsuneyo.
This brings up another tick in my head to the idea that the box Maya takes to the roof is a box of baby things or at least baby related that she does a little ritual for. If her being reset crew is identical to Ayane then she lost her baby so i doubt she carries an aborted fetus to the roof, if the box is related to a baby, it's not a corpse, it's something more benign but again, i suck at theory crafting, this is just my working theory.
As for Daisy's name, i've just been calling her that cause others have and i'm pretty sure that started as a placeholder name cause of her cute girly hairpin, but i don't think that's her name. For one, every name is in japanese in the game so she'd be 'Hinagiku' which... is not very pretty. Himawari is very beautiful and there is a fuckton of sunflower imagery so that's what i went with though i can see arguments for Sakura, but the fact that we see sunflowers and Daisy so interwoven makes me think it's unlikely though. I'll be sticking with Himawari for now, that's my somewhat permanent placeholder for now.
I also wonder if Tsuneyo is like, 100% aware of resets and not bound by them but her autism and just plain comical 'everything that happens is normal' attitude would make it unlikely she'd even think to comment on it, it's normal, you don't go commenting on how normal breathing air is 50 times a day do you? She clearly pointed out the T-posing and yet was herself fine, unaffected, and left like it was no big deal so she's clearly different to at least a small degree and she's shown all sorts of insights when actually worked into a verbal shape that she could actually say something to make a listener aware what she considers normal is not what others might... maybe i suck at explaining that, i just mean that if it's normal to her, she won't comment on it, but if you are talking to her and somehow end up at a point in the conversation where she would reveal her odd knowledge because the conversation calls for it, like talking about random shit and breathing comes up and suddenly she's like "yeah, breathing is a thing most of us do, it's funny how Yasu never breathes but i guess that's normal for a marionette anyway... so want some noodles?"
If that's the case though and she is aware of resets and just considers them normal then i wonder what the foreboding she was experiencing was... dead dad might be more permanent? Fucked if i know, i leave this to the usual gang.
Running into a weird issue. Every time Osako speaks in an event, I get the error "Sayer os is not a function or string". Does anyone know what's happening or how to fix it?
The drm guy borked up the code, either stay away from Osako or replace the gui/rpy file with the one i uploaded several pages ago.