3.40 star(s) 17 Votes


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Would be really helpful if i could take a look at black console report.
If anything, getting error details can be helpful in solving this.

If you have some knowledge about running games from console, we could try that to get proper error message.

we go console (run cmd.exe)
we change default path to game path
for example, if game is located on E:/games (Its always better to keep your game folder path simple), and your default path is on drive C, we go like

E: (changing drive to E)
cd Games/lewdmaze (going for game folder)

After getting to game folder, we run

java.exe -Djava.library.path=native/windows -Xss50M -jar LewdMaze.jar

That should launch the game properly.
If its crashed, all error messages will be saved inside opened console, it wont close itself unless youdo it manually.
After that, you go screenshot for error, or just pull whole console by rightclick - select all - rightclick again to copy.


New Member
Apr 25, 2020
Would be really helpful if i could take a look at black console report.
If anything, getting error details can be helpful in solving this.

If you have some knowledge about running games from console, we could try that to get proper error message.

we go console (run cmd.exe)
we change default path to game path
for example, if game is located on E:/games (Its always better to keep your game folder path simple), and your default path is on drive C, we go like

E: (changing drive to E)
cd Games/lewdmaze (going for game folder)

After getting to game folder, we run

java.exe -Djava.library.path=native/windows -Xss50M -jar LewdMaze.jar

That should launch the game properly.
If its crashed, all error messages will be saved inside opened console, it wont close itself unless youdo it manually.
After that, you go screenshot for error, or just pull whole console by rightclick - select all - rightclick again to copy.
ok so its looks like its out of memory , I tried to give it more ram through the java control panel but that din't work out
Exception in thread "main" org.lwjgl.opengl.OpenGLException: Out of memory (1285)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.Util.checkGLError(Unknown Source)
at org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.glClear(Unknown Source)
at lewdmaze.display.Canvas1920x1080.a(Unknown Source)
at lewdmaze.LewdMaze.l(Unknown Source)
at lewdmaze.LewdMaze.i(Unknown Source)
at lewdmaze.LewdMaze.main(Unknown Source)
AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
>>Out of memory

This one is bad. It means one of 2 things
a) You have 32 bit Java installed, instead of 64 bit. Maybe few different versions, and game s picking 32 bit. Make sure its only 64 bit installed
b) You have really weak and outdated videocard, or maybe integrated one. And you limited additional video memory usage in BIOS settings.

Engine is saying it has no memory left to cache all these nice pixel animations, gameover CGs and other texture stuff.
Which is most likely indicating video memory, because if you have 64 java, it usually will eat necessary RAM regardless, on startup :)
Crashing in battles however means lack of video memory.


New Member
Apr 25, 2020
>>Out of memory

This one is bad. It means one of 2 things
a) You have 32 bit Java installed, instead of 64 bit. Maybe few different versions, and game s picking 32 bit. Make sure its only 64 bit installed
b) You have really weak and outdated videocard, or maybe integrated one. And you limited additional video memory usage in BIOS settings.

Engine is saying it has no memory left to cache all these nice pixel animations, gameover CGs and other texture stuff.
Which is most likely indicating video memory, because if you have 64 java, it usually will eat necessary RAM regardless, on startup :)
Crashing in battles however means lack of video memory.
than I gues I m fucked.
I m using 64b java
I have a low/low-mid[i don't really know about these things] laptop (i5-8250u 4gb ram ) So i think it should work ,but again a don't know about these .
Well anyway thanks for your help. Great game tho , and good luck to you


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
4Gb Ram may be also an issue, if came with integrated video.
Its pretty limiting, if you dont have external videocard - basically integrated video will eat up chunk of your RAM.

If thats the case, you can try going for BIOS settings, increase allowed video memory (i quess up to 1Gb maybe)
After that, close all other stuff like browser, torrents, discord etc, and try to launch game again.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
0.7.147a is out for Patreon.
Two versions, one "normal" universal, another with integrated OpenJDK

-Added Slug lady x Elf animation cum loop
-Added Ant x Catgirl gameover CG
-Added OpenJDK version for Windows, it should fix some errors with graphic crashes and couple Java issues.
Also it means no need to install anything, you can run it As Is without installing Java.
Its only windows version for now, and needs some testing.
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Reactions: Croy and Dixen Chix


Mar 25, 2020
0.7.147a is out for Patreon.
Two versions, one "normal" universal, another with integrated OpenJDK

-Added Slug lady x Elf animation cum loop
-Added Ant x Catgirl gameover CG
-Added OpenJDK version for Windows, it should fix some errors with graphic crashes and couple Java issues.
Also it means no need to install anything, you can run it As Is without installing Java.
Its only windows version for now, and needs some testing.

Where can i download it?


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
On main Patreon page, its pinned after gallery rewards.
Or wait a bit, it will be public relatively soon. We rotate versions periodically.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Doubleclick on them? Can also click slot and select item.
Note, item must fit specific class, aka you cant equip bow on melee.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Only the mega link seems to be working, the others appear to be dud right now.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
when i extract the zip file it doesn't extract into a file and a cant find the file to start the game ?
If your game folder has NO executable files, its most likely unpacking tool error.
Try using latest 7zip or latest Winrar, sometimes one help, sometimes another.
Old packing tools can shred game files into separate pieces, breaking .exe in process.
We dont use hardcore encryption, so sometimes old unpacking tool can recognize game files just as another archieve, shredding it to pieces.


Feb 3, 2018
There an animation gallery or the like available?
yes, but only for patreons.
will there be some lore one day? like: where did the dungeon came from? city's lore? how are the MCs people/race? how did the two protagonist meet and how is their relationship with each other?
Among other things...
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Reactions: Captain Crash


Mar 4, 2020
yes, but only for patreons.
will there be some lore one day? like: where did the dungeon came from? city's lore? how are the MCs people/race? how did the two protagonist meet and how is their relationship with each other?
Among other things...
Making up a Lore is easy, how you will be able to tell the story is the difficult part especially they still need to fix a lot of the dialogues and texts in the game.

Maybe this game would have its lore made and grammar fixed up after they've done a few more lewd scenes, they are doing ok with the text and dialogue but there's still a lot missing on some items.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Yeah english is not my native so we will definitely need a writer at some point :)

Ingame gallery will be added too eventually, just thinking of good ways to make it both grindy AND rewarding.


Feb 3, 2018
Yeah english is not my native so we will definitely need a writer at some point :)

Ingame gallery will be added too eventually, just thinking of good ways to make it both grindy AND rewarding.
what some games do is unlock gallery scenes as you see them in the game
But that's more grindy than rewarding...
3.40 star(s) 17 Votes