3.40 star(s) 17 Votes
Mar 18, 2019
Probably here, already asked, but what class is the best for an elf / cat?
From my experience, make Cat Girl a warrior, because you will get better swords from enemy drops or chests early in the game. For Elf I pick Mage, because her Holy spell does dirty damage and she can heal, if you're short on potions.

Put Cat Girl on the front line to keep enemies busy, while on the back line Elf will neutralize enemies' annoying back line. However, the elf will be prioritized target for enemies. Maybe it's just my game, idk.
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Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Sometimes game freezes when opening lootbox .. gotto force close the game ... no way to close the lootbox
Can you specify game version please?
Also, more description would be nice. Does it happen if you open box and get attacked by enemy at same time?


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
>>I'd say the game's in a very weird state, tbh. Updates seem to be pretty frequent but the game honestly hasn't changed much in the three-ish years it's been in development. The battle system, dungeon exploration, and UI are about the same as they ever were, despite needing massive improvements in my opinion.

So true. I'm mostly spending current support income on lewds tbh :D And a bit on battle sprites and new objects for 2nd stage.
For coding part, me trying. A bit slow cuz my programmer is currently having a baby and irl stuff, cant really bother him much. But i'm learning.

>>No sprites, noise, weird animations

Guys, its all Java issues. Make sure you have 64bit only, make sure you have actual videocard (integrated video sometime fails).
Overall, if you can play modded Minecraft no prob, you should have no issues with this game either.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
Probably here, already asked, but what class is the best for an elf / cat?
That is a hard question to answer as it requires knowing what your goal is, as well as your play style. If high physical damage is your thing, Nia (kitty) as a warror is good for raw damage, as is Celeste (elf) as a ranger. This combo will give you a party that can smash through the early game with high damage and flawless single turn victories, such as imp-succubus and goblin. Even with a full team if you let Nia get jacked by the spell then the other will usually die with one shot from the arrows. The only issue with this team is that you are forced to rely and potions which, although will help, are not as good as either of the magical heals. Another thing about this team is that while Nia will really only have to worry about spell damage, Celeste is still as brittle as ever and should be treated as a glass canon.

Nia (warrior) is the heavy melee hitter of your group and the tank. Her warrior currently gets the best weapons very easily and early if you do quests, and has heavier armor. Celeste (duelist) is supposed to be a weaker, but quicker and more accurate version of this, but I have seen her miss far more often than Nia, and does far less damage while being harder to get upgraded weapons as you need to progress and craft. While she is faster, as in she gets to attack faster than Nia would, the lack of damage and durability makes her more of a consolation so shaman Nia doesn't get jacked before she sets her stuff up. Duelist also doesn't have a usable skill, aside from the generic hentai test, so until this is updated, she is an attack spammer. Unless you are using Nia for something other than melee, this is probably her weakest role as she is supposed to be a quick and accurate character. However, having not played her assassin class, I can not confirm which is weaker.

Comparing the two magic heroes, I would have to give it to Nia (shaman) since hers are all group based and continue for a few turns. Both poison and nature heal take effect the turn they are used, so you damage the enemy team or heal yours, then do their thing after the turn for either you or the enemy. Compared to Celeste (priest) who, while doing more per single use, has to be able to use the spell or it's useless. Considering that preparing for a charm or futa by casting it the first turn will let you stay on top of whatever damage being done, assuming you have the defense to survive their physical attacks, you can either attack while the enemy is busy or heal to keep a less durable character alive. The same applies to her damaging spell which causes damage, then after every enemy turn causes damage. Since it seems to do the same percentage of health loss to all enemies regardless, it is deadly at every encounter and smashes bosses. Being able to kill units while you keep someone alive is invaluable. Poor Celeste just becomes a target since her high damaging spell triggers aggro and the enemies seem to target high single use attacks over a higher attack that is a composition of all units. Since her heal can't work if she is stunned, it loses to Nia's.

The two quick classes are supposed to be nice at smashing heavy armored units, but as I have not seen anyone that would constitute as heavy armored, they would mainly be for their speed. Both classes also seem to hit about the same as the heavier hitting classes, just with less damage Honestly, I have only used Nia's (monk) version so far, and the only difference was that she did much less damage, but could attack faster. This can help if you were to smash through a weaker front line troop so that another front line troop could use a stronger attack on a back line troop, but so far that isn't as relevant as by the time you can do that, the enemies in the back would be pretty weak anyway. Still, one less charm could save some time, or a potion at least. I haven't tried Celeste's (assassin) version of the quick class yet, but I assume it is the same as the others, which is her being faster with more accuracy, but weaker both in damage and defense/hp. Again, unless you need someone to tank for Nia, or just another person to do damage without magic, I don't know if I could recommend her for a melee clas.

As for archers, I have only tried Celeste, and this seems to be where she shines. I tried this with Nia's warrior, my first time for this as well, and she was able to one shot just about every imp-succubus and even some of the big ones. She is still as brittle as ever, but now she is a true glass can and actually works well with any other front line unit. I mentioned her and Nia's warrior in the first part, but it works with the others as well, and could even work with the monk class as long as you keep the damage off her long enough to kill the back line units. Although I haven't tried it, this could even be a possible team up for the shaman (kitty mage) as the healing could keep kitty alive while you snipe people. Although, I would wait until more updates to to see if such a team is strengthened. This would be my preferred class for Celeste as she can stay back and smash magic users before they can get a spell off, or even halve a bosses life in a single shot, although if you are new you may want to have her mainly as the healer while Nia tanks, at least until you learn the units and how to manipulate the enemies better.

Now, for the part that is probably what you will want once you have shot and hit enough creepers, the lewds. Losing causes some sexy goof, but it only works for the last party member tapping out to whoever finished them. This is quite annoying in some cases as front lines can only hit front like, so the second dungeon is perhaps the hardest to get who you want without specific formations. For this, you could try using Celeste as an archer and Nia as a shamen. You may be brittle, but you will both be attacked by whomever you wish. Another reason is that both girls can hit whomever they wish, although Nia will end up killing anyone if you spell does too much damage, so you may just wish to use her for the group heal. Of course you could use any combo as long as they are both in the front or back, the idea is that Celeste can butcher who is likely to kill the wronger party member first, or take the last hit, while Nia casts heal, then tanks as well as she can. I haven't tried Nia's archer, but that may also work well with Celeste's high damaging single hit spell, which is really the one time you want hers over Nia's team-wiper. Just remember to keep Celeste from attacking until a stun spell has hit the tank of your party if you are using her as the archer.

This is what I have learned from playing the current free version, so things may have changed for those playing a current build. My advice is make a team for what you want during your current playthrough. If you want sexytime, try what I mentioned, if you want to kill people quickly with single shots and little mana usage, warrior kitty and elf archer, if you want something with magical healing, try shaman, for balanced you could do priest and warrior as that is more straight-forward. Finally, unless they change up the starting skills or add learnable ones, I would advise against certain classes in general, melee Celeste unless you just need fodder, and champion for others, Celeste with a bow every day. Until then, hope you get a use out of my little "character guide".
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Jul 1, 2017
The game is rough, but I like it a lot. The animations and images are top notch. I would not call the gameplay great perse, but it does its job in being padding without being too boring.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
The game is rough, but I like it a lot. The animations and images are top notch. I would not call the gameplay great perse, but it does its job in being padding without being too boring.
Agreed with the art. I don't know who their main artist is, but I like the style. My issue with the gameplay is there isn't much to gain from level gains, or money. Aside from stats, you don't get anything from levels, and after you buy the house, it just saves time from crafting some things. I am hoping for some new spells and maybe locking some equipment to certain minimum weapons. Also, can we get a stash in our house? You get plenty of of crafting gear from enemies that you can't use until you reach a certain guild rank, or get enough of another item, so it just fills ups your inventory.
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Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Demo 0.7.199a is OUT for Patrons~
Changelog for current demo so far.

-Finally added consumable with working skills and spells attached. Now you can craft some cool scrolls - for healing, buffing / debuffing, some damage.
And ofc, now you can craft working self-debuff potions to grab dem sweet lewds 24/7.
No more waiting for enemy to randomly fire debuff spell, just chug some potions down and get all the loving you want.

-Added lvls and lvl restrictions to skills, now we should be able to make proper progress with characters leveling up and opening more skills for player.
Still, need to think carefully about corrent lvl route to open them, because this stuff can throw last bits of class balance away.

-Added some minor tweaks and details to VN part in town, like for example in latest Kaeryn male NPC now has shadow shape and even his own gestures.

For other progress, still working on battle sprites, mino needs mage class attack and KO frame etc.
But we're also doing like 3-4 lewds at same time, like Brothel stuff for Kaeryn and Smith, and lewds for dullahan merc. A bit slow since we're trying to do everything at once, i quess.

On bright side, this month we had not that much of finished lewds but instead had a lot of wips at same time, sooo.
Every patron this month regardless of tier got access to small amount of current wip animations :p


Feb 3, 2018
now you can craft working self-debuff potions to grab dem sweet lewds 24/7.
Thank you so much for that. It seemed like the character on the back would get debuffed the less. With this new update I shouldn't need to modify their position to get the wanted lewds


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
Demo 0.7.199a is OUT for Patrons~
Changelog for current demo so far.

-Finally added consumable with working skills and spells attached. Now you can craft some cool scrolls - for healing, buffing / debuffing, some damage.
And ofc, now you can craft working self-debuff potions to grab dem sweet lewds 24/7.
No more waiting for enemy to randomly fire debuff spell, just chug some potions down and get all the loving you want.

-Added lvls and lvl restrictions to skills, now we should be able to make proper progress with characters leveling up and opening more skills for player.
Still, need to think carefully about corrent lvl route to open them, because this stuff can throw last bits of class balance away.

-Added some minor tweaks and details to VN part in town, like for example in latest Kaeryn male NPC now has shadow shape and even his own gestures.

For other progress, still working on battle sprites, mino needs mage class attack and KO frame etc.
But we're also doing like 3-4 lewds at same time, like Brothel stuff for Kaeryn and Smith, and lewds for dullahan merc. A bit slow since we're trying to do everything at once, i quess.

On bright side, this month we had not that much of finished lewds but instead had a lot of wips at same time, sooo.
Every patron this month regardless of tier got access to small amount of current wip animations :p
I find it a bit ironic that less than a day after I posted about the lack of skill restrictions and such, you post an updated build that answers all of it. Clearly I was the last voice for this.:cool:


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
>> Thank you so much for that. It seemed like the character on the back would get debuffed the less. With this new update I shouldn't need to modify their position to get the wanted lewds

She did get less aggro :)
Chars receive it based on damage they do plus have that "range" limit, where frontline enemies cant attack your backline -unless, backline is debuffed by ranged enemies.

>> I find it a bit ironic that less than a day after I posted about the lack of skill restrictions and such, you post an updated build that answers all of it. Clearly I was the last voice for this.:cool:

I kinda want to add a lot of new skills :p
But adding everything at same time feels really bad on balance and gives player no feeling of progress~
Current build also gives skills base for possible lvlup, like they can increase damage with character lvl or even gain additional effect. I really need to think it properly for balance sake.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
>> Thank you so much for that. It seemed like the character on the back would get debuffed the less. With this new update I shouldn't need to modify their position to get the wanted lewds

She did get less aggro :)
Chars receive it based on damage they do plus have that "range" limit, where frontline enemies cant attack your backline -unless, backline is debuffed by ranged enemies.

>> I find it a bit ironic that less than a day after I posted about the lack of skill restrictions and such, you post an updated build that answers all of it. Clearly I was the last voice for this.:cool:

I kinda want to add a lot of new skills :p
But adding everything at same time feels really bad on balance and gives player no feeling of progress~
Current build also gives skills base for possible lvlup, like they can increase damage with character lvl or even gain additional effect. I really need to think it properly for balance sake.
I knew that aggro was based on single highest damage rather than cumulative max damage. It explains why back-line elf usually gets targeted more than kitty. Makes the shrooms a pain to fight unless you use some nice strategy.

I haven't tried the current build, but that sounds good. I'm interested to see what the changes will be to the skills and leveling. You could always check out a game like FF12, or rather any of the PS1 games, if you are feeling ambitious about leveling systems.:coffee:


Aug 3, 2020
may i suggest adding a gallery feature? something to preview CG's or anims after beating or being beaten by an enemy. that or a way to instant loose a certain member of the party to see specific CG's or animations. it can be kind of annoying just hoping the AI will attack a certain member (i've had encounters where they've focused one character before and its kind of annoying)

other than that the game is really fun and the animations/art are 10/10


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
may i suggest adding a gallery feature? something to preview CG's or anims after beating or being beaten by an enemy. that or a way to instant loose a certain member of the party to see specific CG's or animations. it can be kind of annoying just hoping the AI will attack a certain member (i've had encounters where they've focused one character before and its kind of annoying)

other than that the game is really fun and the animations/art are 10/10
They updated the patreon version to have potions that force you into lewd mode so you can get the goods you want. No clue when the demo version gets it though.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
I never managed to get the second scene for the Catgirl with the nurse, it's always the first one which is triggered.


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
I never managed to get the second scene for the Catgirl with the nurse, it's always the first one which is triggered.
Go to the forest and get the futa debuff for the second one. It would be easiest to run after you get it, unless you are able to solo said mob, then just go talk to her while you have a dong.


Well-Known Member
Game Developer
Sep 4, 2017
Go to the forest and get the futa debuff for the second one. It would be easiest to run after you get it, unless you are able to solo said mob, then just go talk to her while you have a dong.
Sorry to have to make you repeat yourself, but I'm struggling to understand you're explaining.

Currently, when I'm going to the forest (2nd dungeon), Mushroom girls have the possibility to give a debuff to my characters ( this debuff being showed by a blue heart).

After getting this debuff, I can cure it using the nurse, which also display a specific CG.

However if I repeat this action, I always get the same CG, despite the fact there is a 2nd one.
3.40 star(s) 17 Votes