3.40 star(s) 17 Votes


Jan 6, 2019
Should i remove that crash and give it Warning type instead?
Could help relieve some headache in the future, since this sort of issue is difficult to diagnose since everything will seem to be good to go, but I don't think there are many people who disable their audio device lmao, so probably not worth troubling yourself over.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
There should be some to craft to 1 or 2 to buy. Is there no steel ones in Smith workshop?
I will check~


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Catgirl is main, yeah.
Maybe later we'll add some options to view cutscenes for Elf, but it kinda needs some mechanic idea behind.
Like, reason for people to switch characters, aside of just looking at new scenes.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
New demo is out.


-Added extra animations and new class-specific skills for both dullahan subclasses.
Now she looks cool and done.
-A bit of stats rework and extra balance for her. Now she is technically phys damage characters, but both classes skills are dealing magic damage. Hybryd girl, so to say.

-Added short dullahan Hire quest, and new CG scene reward for doing it.
Note currently there is no scene for losing it, but we'll add it as soon as possible, for sure
-Couple minor fixes.

Changelog is not very long this time, but hey, we're also done with some upcoming Mushroom alraune stuff meanwhile~
She should be out right after Dullahan lewds.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
Catgirl is main, yeah.
Maybe later we'll add some options to view cutscenes for Elf, but it kinda needs some mechanic idea behind.
Like, reason for people to switch characters, aside of just looking at new scenes.
maybe if you select X character as your main it could give a extra boost in growth to that character?


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
I was thinking about that, but kinda feels not enough.
maaaybe we'll add some map-wide mechanics. Like catgirl will be able to track monsters on whole minimap or get larger map, while Elf will be able to highlight loot and quest locations, exits and stairs down, etc.
We'll see~
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Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2020
I was thinking about that, but kinda feels not enough.
maaaybe we'll add some map-wide mechanics. Like catgirl will be able to track monsters on whole minimap or get larger map, while Elf will be able to highlight loot and quest locations, exits and stairs down, etc.
We'll see~
that sounds indeed good.
The Cat: excels at exploration and trap detection
The Elf: excels at monster attraction (more enemies in general) and finding extra consumables (herbs, fruits, enemies fluids).

If this can be done in such a way to be a mechanic were, If you select X character to be the Party Leader then the level design changes (monsters amount, loot amount, trap amount). It could be a good way to enhance the variation between levels and the way to clear them, even more if you can select those temporal characters like the Dwarf as Party Leaders to have specific bonus.


Apr 2, 2021
Probably around end of month or beginning of next.
We had like, most cancerous missile stormof all we had before, focusing power plants and other electricity pieces.
I'm sitting on slow mobile internet with candles, atm :/
ok thanks it would be a great addition in my opinion


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2021
I was thinking about that, but kinda feels not enough.
maaaybe we'll add some map-wide mechanics. Like catgirl will be able to track monsters on whole minimap or get larger map, while Elf will be able to highlight loot and quest locations, exits and stairs down, etc.
We'll see~
Just different dialogue could work. You already get different lewds from the imp tent depending on who you choose. Perhaps different scenes for the nurse depending on her is lewd.


Mar 2, 2018
Just different dialogue could work. You already get different lewds from the imp tent depending on who you choose. Perhaps different scenes for the nurse depending on her is lewd.
Speaking of tent scenes, i think few more tent scene pics for each character would be a great addition, making the imp tent a more interesting POI.
Could be an event with somewhat progression system. Each character gets more hardcore scene depending if it's their 1st, 2nd or 3rd time to sleep in imp's tent instead of payment for sleeping bag.
For example, 1st time it's a blowjob, while 3rd time scene is a 3some or maybe even gangbang with imp's friends.


Lewd Maze Developer
Game Developer
May 12, 2018
Hey guys, new demo is out for Patrons~
Hope you all had really good Xmas, and will have even better New Year holidays~

Changelog so far:
-Added Dullahan x Redcap main loop, its done, colored and shaded.
Cum animation will be coming soon~
-Added Dullahan x Leeches gameover CG, Dellie did a great job as always.
We'll also add variation for it later on.
-Fixed few bugs with missing animations, fixed dullahan skills a bit and merged few sprite files together to decrease loading time, should be a bit faster now. Still workin on 2-2 miniboss, she should be out soon too~

Next year looks promising for sure. Hype for Ant queen boss, and for next stage 3 too~

Althou power infrastructure bombing is slowing down my work a bit thou, but thanks to some madskillz power backups i still can keep up, so definitely looking forward to new monstergirls, bosses and events~


New Member
Sep 27, 2022
Greetings everyone. I want to ask a few questions:
- Every time I click on "Quest 2" option of Rowanne or deer girl in potion shop, it just pop back to the town screen. Was the quest yet to appeared or was this an error?
- Is there any tip or guide for the game?
- Is there any gallery option in the game?
Thank you.
3.40 star(s) 17 Votes