I kinda get what you're saying but you misunderstood a few things of which one is mentioned above.
This is a game in progress that came out 1.5 years ago. I mean, there are up to 300 events and loads of things to do.
Every update most characters get a bunch of scenes of which the one that gets the most content is decided by the Subscribestars. So if you're wondering why the mayor or the principal don't have heaps of naughty content yet, it's because they're on the back burner.
The way this game evolved is for every character to have a bunch of scenes so you get to know them after which things take off.
Sophia doesn't disappear at all and I'm not sure how you got that impression.
Nani is the only character that's basically finished because of various reasons, mostly technical.
Everything you're asking for is already in the game or at the very least set in motion but it's either darker corruption kind of stuff or starting your own happy harem but not both of them at the same time. ||It's also pretty obvious MC is working towards owning the mansion and a harem on the good path or a brothel kind of thing on the dark path. The whole game is basically a goofy rag to riches kind of story while MC stumbles upon bizarre situations. Slowly changing along the way|| having said that things don't happen overnight but we're seriously working very very hard on this game and it shows if you just check out the updates that have come out in the past year or so.
Making a game is hard. Creating the UI, managing assets, sounds, programming... I would know, I am a programmer!
I can use photoshop and have done some quick model modifications in blender (free 3D modelling program) but I hate playing around with models and pictures and assets. It take FOREVER to draw, model, animate, etc. Then one must piece all this together... Ive done all this stuff.
Im not saying this game is crap. Please listen to what I am saying. The presentation is awesome. A LOT of time has gone into this game. I think it is good and more importantly, it is fun.
Now, I know how annoying it is to go through code. To change one little thing and some random issue arise somewhere else. Some time you don't notice until a few versions later and cannot figure out what it is. Ive already had to fix other ppl code and it was a nightmare of surprises....
That being said. The game lacks consistency. I know it's a lot of work... But the player gets lost. You need to organize and track the girls better.
I'd add a girl like Chloe in the girls log tracking. Id all all of them, even the mayor. Even those girls in the Lab you impregnate.
Id fix the issue with Nani. Don't need to get all her assets... just keep her somewhere. when you go there to visit her, you can replay some sex scenes. And she is done. She is one of your girls.
Id add a bunch of rooms in the mansion. One for each girl you will own (which will be all the girls you track in the girl tracker list, which as I said should be all the girls in the game)
I get that that is lots of rooms, so instead, make it 1 room, with the option of girl to bring into it. and then load that room and give options what you can do with the girl.
In the list of girl trackers, Id also order them in such a way to have the main girls up front. Perhaps even have a mark or color to display girls key to the game-story and the more background girls.
And for god's sake, the key ones should be just that. Do not invest a lot of story and work to have her be forgotten.
I did finish Sophia. Love level 3/5 Corruption 4/5 "This is it for this version"
Had sex with her 1 time only. Was gone most of the story. Left after I found her as a streetwalker, that's basically it...
I get that the game is unfinished. I get that. I am merely offering constructive criticism and giving some feedback.
From my perspective, one girl disappears because of "technical" issues. Many are not in the list of girls in the game (Mayor, cafeteria girl, etc) and many in the list are going nowhere, have been abandoned, or are not completed yet. So I think, ok, it's this version. The game is still being updated. I get that. But then.... I notice that There is a lack of consistency in the attention given to each girl. That some non main girls are more involved than others. And I get worried. I wonder if I want to keep following this game, if it knows where it is going.
In game design, which is difficult to make, you need a pay off. You need a balance between boring and easy and difficult and frustrating, but at the end you need to give a reward and head towards a goal.
All I am suggesting for you, is to make the goal a bit more clear, to organize the girls a bit better and clean things up a bit, most UI wise, so it isn't even re-doing the game.
I like what you got and I get you are adding things. I suggest adding a better girl tracker and tying things together with all girls in a room. I know it is heading in this direction.
Another hard part in game design, I find, if the finishing touches. This game is already quite long. I think it's time to start polishing up for the final 30 or so days, as things come together. The harem is built, the mansion filled and the game finalized. The tracking cleaned up and everything coming together. This is the hardest part, mostly kuz developpers are tired of the long hard process up until then.
Anyways I wish you guys good luck and I hope you can see where I am coming from. As a player, this is the main confusion I find. You need to figure out where you are going, get all the girls together and move to this goal for a final. Just a bit of organization and goal orientation.