Optimized Mods for Lida's Adventures Ep1 v1.27 and Ep2 v0.8.8
The differences with the previous are with blue letters
Lida's Adventures Ep1 v1.27 optimized mod:
- Disabled the dublicated plugins.
- Added YEP_FpsSynchOption.js plugin.
- Modified the Dash speed from 0.5 to 1.
- Disabled the speedmanager plugin (not needed anymore)
- Disabled the YEP_EventMiniLabel.js plugin (it was responsible for the low fps on large maps)
- Changed the save slots from 50 to 100.
- Added the option to hide the text window with the control key.
- Changed the random talks waiting time in common events from 60 frames to 10 frames
Lida's Adventures Ep2 v0.8.8 optimized mod:
- Disabled the not needed plugins.
- Disabled the speedmanager plugin (not needed anymore)
- Changed the save slots from 50 to 100.
- Enabled the hide message plugin (hides the text window) with the "control" key.
- Re-enabled the dash option in 138 maps.
- Disabled the YEP_MessageCore plugin... (you can skip the dialogs with the "pagedown" key). If you keep pressing "esc" or "enter" you will skip the messages much faster...
- Disabled the YEP_EventMiniLabel.js plugin. (it was responsible for the low fps on large maps)
- Disabled the YEP_EventChasePlayer.js plugin. (it was responsible for the low fps on large maps)
- Disabled the YEP_X_EventChaseStealth.js plugin. (it was responsible for the low fps on large maps)
- Disabled the YEP_StopMapMovement.js plugin. (it was responsible for the low fps on large maps)
- Changed the random talks waiting time in common events from 60 frames to 10 frames. (why Terebonkoff forced waiting time of 2 seconds between responces is beyong my comprehension...)
Now both games should run smoothly on all maps, even on low end systems.
ps. if you want an even smoother experience you can disable the OrangeOverlay.js plugin.
Open "plugins.js" with a text editor search for the string
and change it to