After deciding to focus on the scenes for an update or two more and you still being the only person to ever complain about it, I decided to stick to my original thought, that most people use their PC/phone's master volume rather than the renpy one.
I'm sure that what you're saying is true, and I use my PC's master volume as well. But lowering the master volume doesn't solve the problem of the audio being incredibly unbalanced. No matter how low you set your master volume, the sex sounds are still much louder than everything else in the game with no way to adjust that.
You could've opened up any of Lily's scenes as an example to see just how glaring the imbalance is.
Just because only one person takes the time to mention a problem doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist or isn't worth fixing. But in the end it's your game, you decide what you want to fix and what not. All I did was point out a problem, if you think it's not worth your time then it is what it is.
I'm sorry, but if you did not care at all for the added time of day and addition of hidden NTR into the game nor understand what the point of the "turning point" is then you're not really my target audience to begin with.
I wouldn't say I don't care for any of that, I just didn't mention it in my message because there were other things on my mind that I wanted to talk about, which in this case were my thoughts on "Turning Point 1" and some of the events leading up to it.
It's very easy to say "you're just not my target audience" whenever someone says something bad about your product, but that's just a poor way to cope with negative feedback which causes you to not acknowledge that there might be some truth to whatever that person is saying.
But alright, let's set aside my personal opinions on "Turning Point 1" and focus more on what I think your point with that segment might've been.
I'll name a few possibilities of what I think your point might've been after playing through it;
'To show us that Lisa's sex life is lackluster and empty without Kord'
- Already knew that, this was pretty obvious from the start so I have my doubts this was specifically your intended point.
'To show us that Lisa misses Kord when he's not around'
- Didn't need this segment for that, she already made it clear that she views Kord as more than a friend so it only makes sense that she would miss him.
'To show us that Lisa gets jealous whenever Kord has sex with others'
- We already saw that through her interactions with Lily so again, probably not the actual point.
Or, going by the name of this segment;
'To show Lisa's "turning point" where she gets ready to admit to herself that she's not merely doing all these things to help Kord, but actually wants to do them herself resulting in Lisa giving into him more easily'
- The problem with this one, is that nothing like that is really happening here. At least, no more than it already has been happening, so if this was the point it kinda missed the goal. My experience was just me clicking through several days of nothing much happening, with Lisa getting increasingly sexually frustrated and it then ending with an anti-climax.
Of course it's possible that I missed some meaning behind it all, and if that's the case feel free to let me know what that is because I would be curious to learn how much I missed the mark.
Listen, it's not like I hate your game. In fact it's the opposite, which is why I came back to check it out again after a fairly long time. I know my previous message sounded harsh and may have been a bit more blunt than I would usually intend, but I stand by what I said. It was getting frustrating to see the game stagnate like that after the handjobs/facials started happening.
It really felt like progression kinda halted for the rest of the current content (including "Turning Point 1", as I personally didn't feel like there was any notable progress during that part), which was disappointing because I do like this game and I'd like to see it become the best it can be.