
Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
BurningSun: Reference : Showering with the "Lesbians"

So far, there seems to be 2 main routes:
1 - Is a girl who asks for "Lizzy's" assistance to "wash" her back.
( I'm not sure if this route goes beyond washing her "back" or not, as I usually opt for the 2nd route)

2 - A girl notices Lizzy in the shower, and proceeds, to help her "wash" her body! If Lizzy allows it, she feels weird, and yet excited by it.
If , later in this route, Lizzy, still gives no resistance to this "help" the girl will proceed to "fondle", and eventually, "finger-fuck" Lizzy's vagina, causing her to Orgasm !

When Lizzy needs to shave, there are dialog choices :
1 - tells the girl, she can't "wash her back", due to her (Lizzy) needing to shave.
2 - tells the girl, she needs to shave, and doesn't want/need her help "washing" at this time.

This all leads to a request, regarding a "further" procession of these routes, as in, the girls proceed/offer, to "help" Lizzy shave, and as before, the player, can choose for Lizzy to resist their help, or give-in, and let them help ! (involving some steamy sex scenes :devilish:), furthering her Bi-sexual experiences (or for some who play her as lesbian, take her further down that path, if there is one ?)

Of course, this may already be planned, or even in game, ( and I have yet to "trigger" it to happen).

If not, then here is the "thought"/"suggestion" for them to be implemented / included to the game :giggle:.

EDIT #1 :
Was just thinking further, as Lizzy, has been visiting the Night Club, and how some actions there,( as in, going "Home" with a girl, & having sex), could "influence" her reactions, favorably with "giving-in" to the manipulations of the "showering lesbians" ! :giggle::devilish: (as in all those "checks", that are done , behind what we know or see, as you have stated many times in your explanations . . . . . yeah, I've been paying attention :sneaky:!)
I like the idea of getting shaving help :) Will look into it for sure.
Hmm yeah, so if Lizzy has had some lez-exp, she gets more open to the idea? Hmmm interesting idea. I'll look into that one as well.

"Henry?" you call, but there is no response.

Got this error :

{ Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: missing ) after argument list }

'He might be in trouble' you think as you wonder what to do. Then you see the keyhole and you instantly drop down on your knees and you take a peek.

While going through the "Henry & Bibi Relationship" Path ! . . . . just to let you know ;) (latest version, by-the-way) .

PS - Noticed this minor mistake :
"Bibi? The girl from next-door? "
{ actually, Henry said to you, (Lizzy), that she lived , one-floor upstairs, over your apartment, which is not "next-door" }
(if it was, it'd make trying to 'catch' her at home so much easier :whistle:) !
Fixed both of the above issues for the next version.
Thanks for your answers.
Of course it's sane to create a game that YOU like above all.
And my opinion is... only my opinion, ok.
But that doesn't mean that some of my advices are to be taken lightly ;)
If you always answer "no, because" to anything people propose to you... Then you're stuck, and your game will collapse (or interest just a little portion of what it could have reach).
CHanging some things is not necessarily a treason : it can be an improivement.

The first thing I said, ok, it's maybe semantic question : what is "laughable easy" ?
In MY opinion, well, if you call it "laughable", it has to be... laughable. If someone chosses this difficulty mode, it's probably because he wants to test the game without playing it 250 hours, just to discover it's not for him. Or just he likes this sort of game bing really easy, without stress, and wants to discover the story (instead of living his every day life, once again).
Ok, it's better if you give some improvement in her money... But still, with 600 it won't be "easy" (even less laughable), it will only be "a-little-less-hardcore-but-still-much-more-difficult-than-IRL".
You wanted your game to be really hardcore. Like, much, much more difficult than it is in real life. It's your choice, ok, I absolutely can't understand that point of view (cause my stress level is already high enough IRL ^^ and I'm looking for a relief when I play tthis kind of games), but ok, why not.
It's not realistic if it's too easy, of course ; but it's not reallistic neither if it's so much harder than IRL.

It's still your choice...
=> then just don't call this mode "laughable easy", if it's absolutely not true !! ;)
- Your "easy mode" has probably no real difference with the normal mode (regarding the fact that the previous "laughable" was nearly identic to "normal")
=> With the changes you implement in "laughable", maybe this level could be considered as "easy" ? Under the condition that these changes make indeed a perceptible difference with the "normal" mode.
=> then apply these changes to "easy mode", for it to have a reason to exist. It will still be harder than IRL, but, regarding the difficulty of what you consider "normal", it could fit the definition.
=> and delete the "laughable easy" mode.
And the day you'll really consider creating something "laughable easy", you'll do it. Something easy enough for people who play it can say "of, yes, it's laughable !".

You can't say that you wanted your game to be only hardcore, if you pretend to give the oportunity to choose the level of difficulty !
IMO : it's a great idea to give people that possibility. And I believe this has to be a really difficult thing to implement in the game. But you dit it. Or at least, you creat the oportuiniity to do it.
=> Then why the hell don't you adjust these levels to match the definitions you gave ?

The second thing is that there are limits, that really don't have any meaning.
I don't know if they are really that difficult to avoid, ok. But if you fight hard to keep these limits, you'll miss your goal.

- ok, wahing dishes, I understand that's something lik a bug if you wash dishes before going to work. You talk avbout fixing that => that's cool, cause it's en emergency. BUt not as much as the 2 following :

- why the hell can't I look for another job, while I'm a librarian ?
The first day I arrive, I find 3 joib oportunities. Great luck ! Proibably the only luck I will have in the whole game.
Then why 2 of them disappear as soon as I choose one of them ? (and I can't really choose the 3 of them, regarding I have to be pretty for modelling, and I'm not... rich enough to be pretty (which is another reaaaally strange point of view...))

- what is the point in playing the most ugly girl of the all town ? The only way to not be is to "cheat" with make-up, clothes, jewelry... And maybe with time, some tanning and sport I'll get some points... But always much lesser than can afford me a basic make-up

- Nobody has to be pretty to work as a librarian. So, I don't have to put any make-up. Make-up is expensive, someone who has no money won't put make-up for a job that absoluytely don't need it (and keep it for when she'll really need it).

=> These 3 are necessary for your game to be a bit realistic. These difficulties are free, without any meaning, that only destroy the realism (and the possibilities) of the game, without adding anything useful.
Hi Armelle69,
Both the easy and the laugh difficulty have been adjusted for the next version after your posts. See below for a quick overview:
Starting Money255295425600
1st day Librarian29324961
1st day Cleaning31425464
1st day Flower28365166

I'm not sure if I like this as at higher level it would mean hundred + Euros per working day. But I'll do some more testing.

You can only have any of the 4 jobs at a time. They overlap, so in order to keep things simple coding wise, it is simply not possible to look for a new job while still having the old one. Just quit and get a new job (either by phone, or just not show up). The jobs are overhauled and I will make it easier to quit jobs if not having a phone.

Lizzy is not ugly at all. Some people only want her to wear some makeup as she works in representative jobs. Looks are overhauled in the next update though. I think it is a little easier now. Please wait for the update and let's continue the chat okay?

And I forgot !
There are problems with the equilibrium of some stats.
Dignity increases too easily, while liberal collapses too fast. Is that because of the "laughable easy" (which would be a contradiction) ? Or is it worse in "normal" mode ?
Because when I'm (at last) brave enough to do something, and that everything is going well, there is no realistic reason for me to be afraid to do it again thereafter (topless at the beach, showing boobs to a stranger in a bus, mutual back-washing with another girl...).
It's amazingly frustrating when you make real huge efforts to be able to do tyhings, you manage to do them, and without any reason you can't anymore.

A simple shower can't decrease liberal nore increase dignity (because tou have a distinction between dignity and hygiene ; or dignity is ill defined)
Personally I've never had any issue with these stats 'recovering' too fast. They honestly don't recover that fast, unless you only do decent things all the time. One shower a day -take quick showers to avoid dignity buildup- is not destroying your 'work' I'm sure. The increase or decrease in principle have nothing to do with the difficulty settings. Having said that, the easier the setting, the less chance on bad stuff = less change in the stats like liberal and dignity. But you don;t need low dignity to unlock stuff. Make Lizzy dumb and see what happens or drunk for that matter.
I want this game to be a slow burn, not a game where all kinds of crazy smut happens within the first two weeks. There are plenty of those kind of games out there. This game requires some patience, some 'work' or 'grind' as some call it. It is the way I like it. I'm sorry.

Sep 29, 2019
I like the idea of getting shaving help :) Will look into it for sure.
Hmm yeah, so if Lizzy has had some lez-exp, she gets more open to the idea? Hmmm interesting idea. I'll look into that one as well.

Fixed both of the above issues for the next version.

Hi Armelle69,
Both the easy and the laugh difficulty have been adjusted for the next version after your posts. See below for a quick overview:
Starting Money255295425600
1st day Librarian29324961
1st day Cleaning31425464
1st day Flower28365166

I'm not sure if I like this as at higher level it would mean hundred + Euros per working day. But I'll do some more testing.

You can only have any of the 4 jobs at a time. They overlap, so in order to keep things simple coding wise, it is simply not possible to look for a new job while still having the old one. Just quit and get a new job (either by phone, or just not show up). The jobs are overhauled and I will make it easier to quit jobs if not having a phone.

Lizzy is not ugly at all. Some people only want her to wear some makeup as she works in representative jobs. Looks are overhauled in the next update though. I think it is a little easier now. Please wait for the update and let's continue the chat okay?

Personally I've never had any issue with these stats 'recovering' too fast. They honestly don't recover that fast, unless you only do decent things all the time. One shower a day -take quick showers to avoid dignity buildup- is not destroying your 'work' I'm sure. The increase or decrease in principle have nothing to do with the difficulty settings. Having said that, the easier the setting, the less chance on bad stuff = less change in the stats like liberal and dignity. But you don;t need low dignity to unlock stuff. Make Lizzy dumb and see what happens or drunk for that matter.
I want this game to be a slow burn, not a game where all kinds of crazy smut happens within the first two weeks. There are plenty of those kind of games out there. This game requires some patience, some 'work' or 'grind' as some call it. It is the way I like it. I'm sorry.

Some times you can not chose what shower you will do.You do the normal one automatik and for that you get then Dignity.And many events that you cant avoid add even Dignity you need days weeks to lower it to 0 and then in 1 Day without you can avoid it you go again to 25-30 Dignity why you run in to many events that rise it.Dont remember where it was Bar in the club or at the Beach Party but if you drink a Cocktail you get even Dignity that's stupid if i get Drunk as innocent Girl i lose Dignity by drinking Alcohol.
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Dec 2, 2018
Hi Armelle69,
Both the easy and the laugh difficulty have been adjusted for the next version after your posts. See below for a quick overview:
Starting Money255295425600
1st day Librarian29324961
1st day Cleaning31425464
1st day Flower28365166

I'm not sure if I like this as at higher level it would mean hundred + Euros per working day. But I'll do some more testing.

You can only have any of the 4 jobs at a time. They overlap, so in order to keep things simple coding wise, it is simply not possible to look for a new job while still having the old one. Just quit and get a new job (either by phone, or just not show up). The jobs are overhauled and I will make it easier to quit jobs if not having a phone.

Lizzy is not ugly at all. Some people only want her to wear some makeup as she works in representative jobs. Looks are overhauled in the next update though. I think it is a little easier now. Please wait for the update and let's continue the chat okay?

Personally I've never had any issue with these stats 'recovering' too fast. They honestly don't recover that fast, unless you only do decent things all the time. One shower a day -take quick showers to avoid dignity buildup- is not destroying your 'work' I'm sure. The increase or decrease in principle have nothing to do with the difficulty settings. Having said that, the easier the setting, the less chance on bad stuff = less change in the stats like liberal and dignity. But you don;t need low dignity to unlock stuff. Make Lizzy dumb and see what happens or drunk for that matter.
I want this game to be a slow burn, not a game where all kinds of crazy smut happens within the first two weeks. There are plenty of those kind of games out there. This game requires some patience, some 'work' or 'grind' as some call it. It is the way I like it. I'm sorry.

We'll see the next update, with the changes about money. I'm not sure I will "laugh" with the ease, but maybe we'll approach "normality".
And I understand the "job" part. Indeed, in a future update there should be a way to resign without having a phone, lioke just by talking to your boss.
(but still : it would be better if you had a phone right from the beginning, unless the game occures in 1998 ^^ )

Concerning beauty :
Yes, regarding the effects of the stats, she's ugly. Working as librarian doesn't require a make-up, it requires beauty : I tested it, with a high beauty score (clothes, jewelry), without make-up = no problem.
I don't know your habits concerning real libraries, but here in France, you can find guys and girls who aren't good looking at all. Like, a lot ^^ Its a job full of book-nerds, and they aren't all of them make-up experts.
=> In any way (needing make-up, or needing beauty) : it's a really useless requirement. No, a librarian work will never require you to be pretty, nore having make-up. The only effect of that limitations are :
- takes 1 click to put make-up
- costs money, while you don"t have much
- being completely inconsistent.
If you want your game to be a minimum realistic, you really should drop this counterproductive limitation.

recovering stats :
Then it's a strang thing that happens with me ... ?
Yes, dignity increases really easily. With nearly every "normal" stuff I do. I don't remember which exactly but... work maybe ? Shower, nearly sure... Resting maybe ?... The fact is that it increases everyday. I really have to fight against it (which requires spending a lot of money).
Sale (opposite ^^) thing with "liberal" : it really collapses, every day (and I have to fight it).
If I play again the game with the new version (not sure, I have to say), I'll take note of the moments one increases or collapses.
Maybe something random (like "when you take a shower you have 30% chance toincrease dignity"), and I wasn't lucky, it's possible.

I can (perfectly) understand the fact that you can't have extremaly lewd things right from the beginning.
I have to say that when my MC first showed her boobs in public, I was really surprised ^^ I founded it a bit quick (but yes, I really put efforts to this path, so why ot after all).
But the reason I talked about this is that I couldn't do it again after that : my stats increased/collapsed, and I didn't manage to correct them (well, yes, I managed, after many days, and spending a lot of money, which caused me problems with the landlord).

What is grind ?
I can understand your will to make it a "grind" game. But for it to be enjoyable, you have to add a lot of things, and it will be a lot of work. Because if nothing happens to your character in 30 days, it just will be boring.
You need your character to discover things, meet people, find new stores, new places (like an hidden place in the park)...
WHat's interesting in grind games, is that you have to leav your life, while discovering the world around you. You're not an exhibitionist or an alcoholic from the beginning, but you can discover that some people are easy with that stuff, fining it strange, talk to them a bit later, and why not taking this path, step after step.
It's not because it's "grind" that it has to be only "shower-job-food-sleep" day after day (ok, it's carricature, you can do some little stuff, but still : you don't meet anyone)

I suggest some options :
- meeting and talking with random people who talk about stuff (like you already cross someone with weed sometimes), like a girl about the fun being pantyless, or her sexual life
- having an old tv from the beginning (that's prorammed to crash after 50 use for example, then you'll have to buy a new one later when you'll have enough money) ; and on tv you can see some things that can make you change (erotic film, coverage about drugs / underground life, sexy advertisement...) (you didn"t know this stuff before, cause your family where extremely prudes)
- have a friend from the beginning (like ancien school mate), who guides you in the city, who will show you the places you need, who will make you discover things ("Oh my god ! But you don't have underwear ??"
- making few little steps, instead of only big steps (showing your boobs in a public bus without hesitation, it's a huge step ! To only one stranger, in a discret place (toilets ?), after a talk in a pub, it's a small step)
- ... and I had another idea, but lost it while writing the other 3 ^^

Of course, I know, al of them require a huge amount of work.
But these "basic events" are what's necessary for your game to be interesting right from the beginning. Nothing urgent to work for the time she will be a whore, if nobody ge'ts to there because of the lack of "game" in the beginning.
Your game can evolve slowly, grindy, while having a lot of things to do right from the beginning.
Many many things can make you liberal grow, and your dignity decrease, even in everyday life. (and that could require to change teh scale of your stats : not 100 in the beginning, but 200, or even more)

(once again, I wanted to make a quick answer ^^ )


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
Some times you can not chose what shower you will do.You do the normal one automatik and for that you get then Dignity.And many events that you cant avoid add even Dignity you need days weeks to lower it to 0 and then in 1 Day without you can avoid it you go again to 25-30 Dignity why you run in to many events that rise it.Dont remember where it was Bar in the club or at the Beach Party but if you drink a Cocktail you get even Dignity that's stupid if i get Drunk as innocent Girl i lose Dignity by drinking Alcohol.
Well you honestly do not need dignity to be at 0 at all. To have most options available at all times dignity concerned, be around 30-40. There are only a few which need less than that. Mind you most events check multiple stats. Certain events require Intel to be low for certain options, some morale or money etc etc.
Point is, everyone, stop thinking you need dignity at 0 for lewd stuff to happen.

If you can show me how you regain 25-30 dignity in 1 day (or 2 days for that matter) let me know.
I don't believe it and if it does happen it is a bug.

You could also say: "Hey dev, I noticed that drinking cocktails in the club raises dignity. That's not correct is it?"
Sounds a lot nicer doesn't it?

Removed the dignity increase when drinking a cocktail at the bar.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
otherthan working as a model or through foud's path , how to meet donny
Go to the Beach, take a walk. There's an event when your walking the Beach, you'll come across him photographing a beautiful model.

Not sure if you need to have known him before hand or not .
Both times my MC found him there, she knew him from Fashion Model job, so it didn't 'trigger' anything for her.
But the fact is , the event is there, ( maybe as another way to get the fashion job ?).
Just remember, it's a 'random-event' , chances may be slim to trigger .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
BurningSun :

This passage : ("Edited" for clarity):geek:

"Someone gives you a flyer to some shady looking "club". It's nothing interesting really and you throw the flyer away as you head towards the city center. "

Is it 'bugged' ?, as in, isn't this the same "Club", that while 'roaming' the streets, you can discover ?, or find a flyer for yourself ?, or find it on the Message Board back in the Lobby of your Hotel ?

Is there some "stat" that isn't 'high/low' enough to trigger, for us to get the flyer ?

OR, Is this just a mean TEASE :oops::cry: ! . . . . . . . (LOL :p)

EDIT #1: (for purpose of adding another Query to BurningSun, without "clogging-up" the thread :ROFLMAO:)

Just found the "Miranda Sex Shop", (yeah, another "new" playthrough :ROFLMAO:) . Now unless your doing the "Cleaning Maid" Job, it's kinda useless, right ?
I mean, that " French Maid Outfit ", doesn't trigger anywhere/anything else, other than for that Job, RIGHT ???? :oops:

Contents of shop :

French Maid Outfit € 195. Try or Buy

Dildo € 28. (Not implemented yet) Look or Buy

Strapon € 49. (Not implemented yet) Try or Buy

Slutty Outift € 298. (Not implemented yet) Try You do not have enough money.

Even though they say you can "Buy" them, they are "NOT implemented yet" !

SO, When can we expect them to be "actually" available/useful ?
Especially the "Dildo", the one that 'shows' up in the shower randomly, is just too damn infrequent !
( maybe even the "Strap-on" could be useful . . . . eventually , like with Bibi, or Summer, or ??? )
Last edited:


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
We'll see the next update, with the changes about money. I'm not sure I will "laugh" with the ease, but maybe we'll approach "normality".
And I understand the "job" part. Indeed, in a future update there should be a way to resign without having a phone, lioke just by talking to your boss.
(but still : it would be better if you had a phone right from the beginning, unless the game occures in 1998 ^^ )

Concerning beauty :
Yes, regarding the effects of the stats, she's ugly. Working as librarian doesn't require a make-up, it requires beauty : I tested it, with a high beauty score (clothes, jewelry), without make-up = no problem.
I don't know your habits concerning real libraries, but here in France, you can find guys and girls who aren't good looking at all. Like, a lot ^^ Its a job full of book-nerds, and they aren't all of them make-up experts.
=> In any way (needing make-up, or needing beauty) : it's a really useless requirement. No, a librarian work will never require you to be pretty, nore having make-up. The only effect of that limitations are :
- takes 1 click to put make-up
- costs money, while you don"t have much
- being completely inconsistent.
If you want your game to be a minimum realistic, you really should drop this counterproductive limitation.

recovering stats :
Then it's a strang thing that happens with me ... ?
Yes, dignity increases really easily. With nearly every "normal" stuff I do. I don't remember which exactly but... work maybe ? Shower, nearly sure... Resting maybe ?... The fact is that it increases everyday. I really have to fight against it (which requires spending a lot of money).
Sale (opposite ^^) thing with "liberal" : it really collapses, every day (and I have to fight it).
If I play again the game with the new version (not sure, I have to say), I'll take note of the moments one increases or collapses.
Maybe something random (like "when you take a shower you have 30% chance toincrease dignity"), and I wasn't lucky, it's possible.

I can (perfectly) understand the fact that you can't have extremaly lewd things right from the beginning.
I have to say that when my MC first showed her boobs in public, I was really surprised ^^ I founded it a bit quick (but yes, I really put efforts to this path, so why ot after all).
But the reason I talked about this is that I couldn't do it again after that : my stats increased/collapsed, and I didn't manage to correct them (well, yes, I managed, after many days, and spending a lot of money, which caused me problems with the landlord).

What is grind ?
I can understand your will to make it a "grind" game. But for it to be enjoyable, you have to add a lot of things, and it will be a lot of work. Because if nothing happens to your character in 30 days, it just will be boring.
You need your character to discover things, meet people, find new stores, new places (like an hidden place in the park)...
WHat's interesting in grind games, is that you have to leav your life, while discovering the world around you. You're not an exhibitionist or an alcoholic from the beginning, but you can discover that some people are easy with that stuff, fining it strange, talk to them a bit later, and why not taking this path, step after step.
It's not because it's "grind" that it has to be only "shower-job-food-sleep" day after day (ok, it's carricature, you can do some little stuff, but still : you don't meet anyone)

I suggest some options :
- meeting and talking with random people who talk about stuff (like you already cross someone with weed sometimes), like a girl about the fun being pantyless, or her sexual life
- having an old tv from the beginning (that's prorammed to crash after 50 use for example, then you'll have to buy a new one later when you'll have enough money) ; and on tv you can see some things that can make you change (erotic film, coverage about drugs / underground life, sexy advertisement...) (you didn"t know this stuff before, cause your family where extremely prudes)
- have a friend from the beginning (like ancien school mate), who guides you in the city, who will show you the places you need, who will make you discover things ("Oh my god ! But you don't have underwear ??"
- making few little steps, instead of only big steps (showing your boobs in a public bus without hesitation, it's a huge step ! To only one stranger, in a discret place (toilets ?), after a talk in a pub, it's a small step)
- ... and I had another idea, but lost it while writing the other 3 ^^

Of course, I know, al of them require a huge amount of work.
But these "basic events" are what's necessary for your game to be interesting right from the beginning. Nothing urgent to work for the time she will be a whore, if nobody ge'ts to there because of the lack of "game" in the beginning.
Your game can evolve slowly, grindy, while having a lot of things to do right from the beginning.
Many many things can make you liberal grow, and your dignity decrease, even in everyday life. (and that could require to change teh scale of your stats : not 100 in the beginning, but 200, or even more)

(once again, I wanted to make a quick answer ^^ )
Hi Armelle69,
Tanks again for your quick??? answer. You must have a typing degree otherwise it could not have been quick lol.

-I disagree with the Looks. Certain people in this world simply want people to look representative/pretty/slutty etc. You can do that in all kinds of ways, dress up, make up, nice hair, clean up, tats etc. In my game it is a little similar. I just made it easier to achieve certain look stats. You can mix and match, or only go for makeup or only for bling bling. In the future hopefully clothes as well. Don't see the stat as only a beauty stat. Lizzy has 0 Looks, so it must mean she is ugly. No she is not ugly, she just hasn't increased her overall looks by any means.
Hopefully that clears up the stat Looks a little more.

-Please give me some proper examples of where and how Dignity for example jumps back more than I don't know 10 points in a day? Then I'll look at it and fix it.
I'm playtesting the game right now (doing the library branch) and yes, at the beginning Dignity and Liberal hardly move, but once Lizzy starts camming for Zack, or later on gets the attention of Willem, Dignity drops and Liberty rises and there is nothing I can do to stop that, unless I go and actually look for events that increase Dignity and decrease Liberty.

-Grind is a difficult subject as it is very subjective. Grind to me, probably would be a slow death for you just as a grind for you probably would be a walk in the park for me :)
That is absolutely fine as we are different people. The trick is to find the right balance. I'm trying, honestly. And the balance has shifted towards the easy side a lot. If you were to play the original version (the one where only 1 job was available at the very beginning) you would have burned it for sure haha. Anyway point is, I'm listening and when I agree, or when you or anyone else can give me good examples and convince me it needs to change, I will. I have done so already man, many times.

In order to reduce the grind feeling, fun stuff needs to be added, reason and purpose need to be added. I'm trying and adding these slowly, a little bit at the time. I hopefully have done so in one art of the game in the next update (will reveal it soon). And I'm planning to do similar stuff in other parts of the game as well in order to break the grind.

-Meeting and talking to people is what I mentioned in my other reply to you. It is planned and I've already done a lot of work on it in the background. Have you noticed the changes to the diary page in the last update? All the pictures of people? Some have a little story there now (as if Lizzy made some notes) and you can track the relationship status on some as well. More is to come, more interactions are to come.

-Old TV is something I don't like really. TV is Henry's so if it goes kaput, you would have to deal with him. The idea behind it is nice though....
-Friend from the beginning will be Bibi. To come in one of the next updates. See what I wrote below in a response to highland.
-Little steps is what I am aiming for. The bus example you gave me surprised me. That should not happen. I checked the code and it could happen the very first day in the game and that is just dumb. So I need to change that, but not sure if that will happen with the coming update.

You are right about the interesting part. If people don;t get through the beginning cus they get bored and think there is nothing to do, then that is a shame indeed. But this game is in development. It is not finished. It is pretty damn big if you compare it to other html games out there, but it will need more work. A lot more and I'm aware of it.

Hope the above helps answering some of your questions/concerns.

Currently I'm finalizing a few things and I'm testing the game at the same time, killing as many bugs as I can before the BETA release on Patreon. I'm still aiming for the BETA release before the end of the month. This would mean a release here in roughly 2nd week of July.
otherthan working as a model or through foud's path , how to meet donny
HI XXlinked, Please see the details below the next quote.
Go to the Beach, take a walk. There's an event when your walking the Beach, you'll come across him photographing a beautiful model.

Not sure if you need to have known him before hand or not .
Both times my MC found him there, she knew him from Fashion Model job, so it didn't 'trigger' anything for her.
But the fact is , the event is there, ( maybe as another way to get the fashion job ?).
Just remember, it's a 'random-event' , chances may be slim to trigger .
If you know Donny already, he will not try anything. So it only works if you've not done the photoshoot job yet and also not met him through Faoud yet.
There are 2 events with Donny at the beach. One will never trigger and just make Lizzy look. If you encounter this one, you can still encounter the other one. The other one can trigger only when sleeping at the beach. When it triggers, you need to look good and be fit (35 Looks & 20 fitness) in order to trigger the events.

You can also encounter Donny at the pool. Swim around topless and have fitness of 20 or more and it can trigger. No looks requirements here - Donny is already happy seeing you topless ;)
BurningSun :

This passage : ("Edited" for clarity):geek:

"Someone gives you a flyer to some shady looking "club". It's nothing interesting really and you throw the flyer away as you head towards the city center. "

Is it 'bugged' ?, as in, isn't this the same "Club", that while 'roaming' the streets, you can discover ?, or find a flyer for yourself ?, or find it on the Message Board back in the Lobby of your Hotel ?

Is there some "stat" that isn't 'high/low' enough to trigger, for us to get the flyer ?

OR, Is this just a mean TEASE :oops::cry: ! . . . . . . . (LOL :p)

EDIT #1: (for purpose of adding another Query to BurningSun, without "clogging-up" the thread :ROFLMAO:)

Just found the "Miranda Sex Shop", (yeah, another "new" playthrough :ROFLMAO:) . Now unless your doing the "Cleaning Maid" Job, it's kinda useless, right ?
I mean, that " French Maid Outfit ", doesn't trigger anywhere/anything else, other than for that Job, RIGHT ???? :oops:

Contents of shop :

French Maid Outfit € 195. Try or Buy

Dildo € 28. (Not implemented yet) Look or Buy

Strapon € 49. (Not implemented yet) Try or Buy

Slutty Outift € 298. (Not implemented yet) Try You do not have enough money.

Even though they say you can "Buy" them, they are "NOT implemented yet" !

SO, When can we expect them to be "actually" available/useful ?
Especially the "Dildo", the one that 'shows' up in the shower randomly, is just too damn infrequent !
( maybe even the "Strap-on" could be useful . . . . eventually , like with Bibi, or Summer, or ??? )
hi Highland_Hunter,
The flyer is checking 2 things. First it checks how many days are passed since the start of the game - cannot be less then 15. Secondly it checks if you know the club already or not. If either of the above is true, it will give you the 'not interesting' remark. Otherwise you will learn where the club is.

Correct. Currently the sexshop is useless unless you need the maid uniform.
Not entirely sure when exactly these will be implemented. Probably once I finish Zack's story line and implement the webcamming storyline through Bibi. Bibi will become an important person in the game. Lizzy get's to know her early on and Bibi is not a very decent girl and will teach Lizzy all kinds of stuff including camming.

I've slightly increased the dildo chance in the shower for the next update :) Tip: Afternoon.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

Concerning the Fashion Job, "interview / photo-shoot" :

The Requirements are : +30 Looks, +75 Hygiene

( After the "interview", she'll only need, +20 Looks, for the photo-shoots, for 2 weeks, and then, +25 Looks after that for 2 weeks)

When you start , you have :
Make-Up = +20 Looks
Lipstick = +2 Looks

You purchase :
Nail Polish = +3 Looks
Razors = +3 Base-Looks

All this brings you to : +28 Looks

For those last +2 points of Looks, you need to spend, 50 (Panty & Stockings), to 80 (Perfume), Euro's ! (which will be very needed, for other than, "Beauty Items" )

( and when doing the "Hard" mode, you need to manage your money very carefully, so a large "pay-out", for supplies you only need for an "interview" , seem stupidly(her Intellect isn't, Zero, yet) waste-full, since you won't need to use those supplies again, till a month after, or so , when your character hits 3rd level of photo-shoots, and the MC should be able to afford it better by then.)

And Yeah, I know you can just "double-up" the Make-up, but again, that's a large waste of materials, since there is no place else, (like the "Club", which isn't available, till at least 2 weeks later), where you can use those extra "Looks" points to an advantage , at the least !

Also, I could SWEAR, I read a reply, by you, that said , you didn't need to spend any "unnecessary" funds to go to the interviews of any of the jobs, which is not true of the Fashion Model job.

Suggestion, change the +30 Looks, to +25 Looks, cause that's at least with-in the "means" of the starting allowances :
( Make-Up = +20 Looks, Lipstick = +2 Looks, are given at start, & Razors = +3 Base-Looks are also needed anyways = +25 Looks)

At the least, Think about it . . . . Please :unsure:.
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Jul 6, 2017

Concerning the Fashion Job, "interview / photo-shoot" :

The Requirements are : +30 Looks, +75 Hygiene

( After the "interview", she'll only need, +20 Looks, for the photo-shoots, for 2 weeks, and then, +25 Looks after that for 2 weeks)

When you start , you have :
Make-Up = +20 Looks
Lipstick = +2 Looks

You purchase :
Nail Polish = +3 Looks
Razors = +3 Base-Looks

All this brings you to : +28 Looks

For those last +2 points of Looks, you need to spend, 50 (Panty & Stockings), to 80 (Perfume), Euro's ! (which will be very needed, for other than, "Beauty Items" )

( and when doing the "Hard" mode, you need to manage your money very carefully, so a large "pay-out", for supplies you only need for an "interview" , seem stupidly(her Intellect isn't, Zero, yet) waste-full, since you won't need to use those supplies again, till a month after, or so , when your character hits 3rd level of photo-shoots, and the MC should be able to afford it better by then.)

And Yeah, I know you can just "double-up" the Make-up, but again, that's a large waste of materials, since there is no place else, (like the "Club", which isn't available, till at least 2 weeks later), where you can use those extra "Looks" points to an advantage , at the least !

Also, I could SWEAR, I read a reply, by you, that said , you didn't need to spend any "unnecessary" funds to go to the interviews of any of the jobs, which is not true of the Fashion Model job.

Suggestion, change the +30 Looks, to +25 Looks, cause that's at least with-in the "means" of the starting allowances :
( Make-Up = +20 Looks, Lipstick = +2 Looks, are given at start, & Razors = +3 Base-Looks are also needed anyways = +25 Looks)

At the least, Think about it . . . . Please :unsure:.
Hey Highland_Hunter,

I never said that. I mentioned that for the Balans job you didn't need anything at all, so maybe that is what you are thinking of?
Anyway, it doesn't make sense that for the interview you need 30 and then for the beginning of the job you need 20. So I changed the beginning of the job to 30.


Oh wait, I mean I changed the interview requirement to 20. :D
You only need 25Looks after 4+ weeks of working there and 30 after approximately 6 weeks (33 exp). For a fashion job I think it is fine like that. Also new looks changes are incoming in the next update. It may or may not be easier to get to those numbers, so right now I do not want to change anything till after the update as I need to know how good, or bad, the new Looks update work with the current settings.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

I never said that. I mentioned that for the Balans job you didn't need anything at all, so maybe that is what you are thinking of?
That's a good possibility.

I had the thought, (about interview Req's), in mind, and wanted to get it on "paper", before I'd forget it, So, that's why I didn't do the "research" I usually do, ( looking/searching, through all the posts, of the thread to find , what I thought I'd had read . That's why I said, I'd "Swear" I had seen it, but I wasn't 100% sure. All's good.

PS : I have just started a "Hard" mode game . . . . ( I'm determined to see her get "street-raped", The "Dark-side" has risen, and won't leave till "It's" satisfied :devilish:, and "Normal-mode" wasn't succeeding, as in, getting results :oops:, too much "teasing-a-possible-rape", but none actually happening ! Hell, there was hardly "any", finger-fucking . . . . The "Shower-Lesbians" got to "finger-fuck" Lizzy more, than the "Big-Bad-Street-Rapist" has done :LOL: ).

Because of "Hard" mode, is why the question, of the +30 looks, seemed to be out-of-sync, (for just the interview), cause of the "extra" expense needed to do that, ( my "Lizzy", had to do with-out a few "comfort" items, for a while, till they were an absolute necessity . (Just in case you had wondered ;) )


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

Fashion Model Job :

You only need 25Looks after 4+ weeks of working there and 30 after approximately 6 weeks (33 exp)

I didn't get the, +25 Looks, level of requirement,(in a previous, play-through), till day 42. (that's 6-weeks, from getting the job)

Are the conditions, to get to that level of requirement :
A "range", like between 4+ wks., to 6+ wks., using "RNG".
A "set-point", as in, the start of week 4, of the job.
Is it based on experience, and not, time (as in days, or weeks) at the job, as I had thought ?

level = a change in the requirements needed to do the job, as I interpret it, for my notes. (explained for clarity):unsure::)
( I just got the 2nd level of requirement, 10-Fashion Study, at 15 days (Photoshoot experience = 9)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

I don't know if this Bug, has been reported yet or not,(concerns ver. :

This event, is encountered in Bijlmer & Amsterdam North :

"Hey sexy, I'm Bert and I'm getting married tomorrow!" the guy in the ridiculous outfit tells you.
His breath is a bad mixture of booze, weed and probably some kebab too.
"Oh ehmm she must be a lucky girl!" you say while trying not to sound too sarcastic.
"HAHAHAHah ye she is. Listen I'm collecting panties tonight. It is my last assignments as a bachelor. Can you help me out?"

Give you my panties? No way dude!

Ehmm no sorry

My panties? Haha yea sure dude!

The Bug is :

That if you choose, the last option, you really don't give him the panties, irregardless of text & images !

They are still shown in your inventory, and on the "Diary" page, afterwards.

Events, that you encounter after, that have a "panty" and "no panty" version, show her with panties, which indicates, the game's code reads that she, still does have her panties, and didn't give them away.

So, this isn't working as intended, correct ?, and thus, it's a Bug, right ?
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Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017

Fashion Model Job :

I didn't get the, +25 Looks, level of requirement,(in a previous, play-through), till day 42. (that's 6-weeks, from getting the job)

Are the conditions, to get to that level of requirement :
A "range", like between 4+ wks., to 6+ wks., using "RNG".
A "set-point", as in, the start of week 4, of the job.
Is it based on experience, and not, time (as in days, or weeks) at the job, as I had thought ?

level = a change in the requirements needed to do the job, as I interpret it, for my notes. (explained for clarity):unsure::)
( I just got the 2nd level of requirement, 10-Fashion Study, at 15 days (Photoshoot experience = 9)

I don't know if this Bug, has been reported yet or not,(concerns ver. :

This event, is encountered in Bijlmer & Amsterdam North :

"Hey sexy, I'm Bert and I'm getting married tomorrow!" the guy in the ridiculous outfit tells you.
His breath is a bad mixture of booze, weed and probably some kebab too.
"Oh ehmm she must be a lucky girl!" you say while trying not to sound too sarcastic.
"HAHAHAHah ye she is. Listen I'm collecting panties tonight. It is my last assignments as a bachelor. Can you help me out?"

Give you my panties? No way dude!

Ehmm no sorry

My panties? Haha yea sure dude!

The Bug is :

That if you choose, the last option, you really don't give him the panties, irregardless of text & images !

They are still shown in your inventory, and on the "Diary" page, afterwards.

Events, that you encounter after, that have a "panty" and "no panty" version, show her with panties, which indicates, the game's code reads that she, still does have her panties, and didn't give them away.

So, this isn't working as intended, correct ?, and thus, it's a Bug, right ?
Hi Highland_Hunter,

It is based on Experience. At certain experience intervals certain events happen. Those intervals or thresholds are fixed.
Yes absolutely a bug. I fixed it for the next release. Thank you.

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Dec 2, 2018
Hi Armelle69,
Tanks again for your quick??? answer. You must have a typing degree otherwise it could not have been quick lol.

-I disagree with the Looks. Certain people in this world simply want people to look representative/pretty/slutty etc. You can do that in all kinds of ways, dress up, make up, nice hair, clean up, tats etc. In my game it is a little similar. I just made it easier to achieve certain look stats. You can mix and match, or only go for makeup or only for bling bling. In the future hopefully clothes as well. Don't see the stat as only a beauty stat. Lizzy has 0 Looks, so it must mean she is ugly. No she is not ugly, she just hasn't increased her overall looks by any means.
Hopefully that clears up the stat Looks a little more.

-Please give me some proper examples of where and how Dignity for example jumps back more than I don't know 10 points in a day? Then I'll look at it and fix it.
I'm playtesting the game right now (doing the library branch) and yes, at the beginning Dignity and Liberal hardly move, but once Lizzy starts camming for Zack, or later on gets the attention of Willem, Dignity drops and Liberty rises and there is nothing I can do to stop that, unless I go and actually look for events that increase Dignity and decrease Liberty.

-Grind is a difficult subject as it is very subjective. Grind to me, probably would be a slow death for you just as a grind for you probably would be a walk in the park for me :)
That is absolutely fine as we are different people. The trick is to find the right balance. I'm trying, honestly. And the balance has shifted towards the easy side a lot. If you were to play the original version (the one where only 1 job was available at the very beginning) you would have burned it for sure haha. Anyway point is, I'm listening and when I agree, or when you or anyone else can give me good examples and convince me it needs to change, I will. I have done so already man, many times.

In order to reduce the grind feeling, fun stuff needs to be added, reason and purpose need to be added. I'm trying and adding these slowly, a little bit at the time. I hopefully have done so in one art of the game in the next update (will reveal it soon). And I'm planning to do similar stuff in other parts of the game as well in order to break the grind.

-Meeting and talking to people is what I mentioned in my other reply to you. It is planned and I've already done a lot of work on it in the background. Have you noticed the changes to the diary page in the last update? All the pictures of people? Some have a little story there now (as if Lizzy made some notes) and you can track the relationship status on some as well. More is to come, more interactions are to come.

-Old TV is something I don't like really. TV is Henry's so if it goes kaput, you would have to deal with him. The idea behind it is nice though....
-Friend from the beginning will be Bibi. To come in one of the next updates. See what I wrote below in a response to highland.
-Little steps is what I am aiming for. The bus example you gave me surprised me. That should not happen. I checked the code and it could happen the very first day in the game and that is just dumb. So I need to change that, but not sure if that will happen with the coming update.

You are right about the interesting part. If people don;t get through the beginning cus they get bored and think there is nothing to do, then that is a shame indeed. But this game is in development. It is not finished. It is pretty damn big if you compare it to other html games out there, but it will need more work. A lot more and I'm aware of it.

Hope the above helps answering some of your questions/concerns.

- Quick answer : well... I WANTED to make a quick answer, but it seems I failed quite a bit...

- Looks : I can understand your point of view, of course... But not for a librarian job, and in the beginning of the game ! You have to be nearly as pretty as for a model job...
You can use that limitation for other activities, other jobs, why ot to be able to enter in the pub...
But, please, really, not in a lame library... ;)
It's THE basic job, which requires nearly nothing, and gets you nearly juste a basic salary to survive.

- Dignity / liberal : I didn't play the game from the last time, didn't have time. And as I said, I'll wait the next update to do it properly ;)
That being said, I don't remember it dropping 10 points in one day, of course. But it decreased enough (maybe in a few days) to block a possibility that I already triggered, and blocked it for quite a long time.

- Zack : I just saw him once. After that, still no news from him, day after day... So I thought that was the end of this path for this version of the game.
After that, I cheated to have money, and stopped going to work, to be able to discover the rest of the game (which need time and money... which are impossible while working).
The first day I didn't go to work, I had a message to tell me it was bad, and that I missed Zack. Just THE day I didn't go to work : hazard was probably not by my side..
So, I went back to work a few days after that... And still no news from Zack...
And no attention from Willem either of course.
I don't know how much time I have to go to work to trigger these events, I don't know if it's random...
And I think the problem is that we are in the unknown : there are some options, that we miss because we just don't know that they exist. So, maybe you should give some hints about this koind of stuff, in the game

- new people / relationships : good ! Did'nt try the last version though, but I think I will with the upcommig one ;) It's what your game needs to get consistance.
- TV : it could be just an old TV left by an ancient roommate, not necesseraly Henry's ;)
- Friend Bibi : cool ;)

Yes your game is really promising, even if I report a lot of proiblems ^^
I wouldn't take time to argue, if I thought that the future of the game didn't earn it ;)
I can imagine the work you have ahead.
What I'd like to point, what's important from my point of view is that you should apply your efforts in what's available in the beginning, instead of what will occure in the future.
If you can't have fun in your 20 first days, and even in your 10 first days, there is no point in working on what will happen in a job you just can't have before day xxx (I don't see how you can increase your beauty high enough to be a model, while you can inreease it only with money, which you don't have with your beginning work)
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