I like the idea of getting shaving helpBurningSun: Reference : Showering with the "Lesbians"
So far, there seems to be 2 main routes:
1 - Is a girl who asks for "Lizzy's" assistance to "wash" her back.
( I'm not sure if this route goes beyond washing her "back" or not, as I usually opt for the 2nd route)
2 - A girl notices Lizzy in the shower, and proceeds, to help her "wash" her body! If Lizzy allows it, she feels weird, and yet excited by it.
If , later in this route, Lizzy, still gives no resistance to this "help" the girl will proceed to "fondle", and eventually, "finger-fuck" Lizzy's vagina, causing her to Orgasm !
When Lizzy needs to shave, there are dialog choices :
1 - tells the girl, she can't "wash her back", due to her (Lizzy) needing to shave.
2 - tells the girl, she needs to shave, and doesn't want/need her help "washing" at this time.
This all leads to a request, regarding a "further" procession of these routes, as in, the girls proceed/offer, to "help" Lizzy shave, and as before, the player, can choose for Lizzy to resist their help, or give-in, and let them help ! (involving some steamy sex scenes), furthering her Bi-sexual experiences (or for some who play her as lesbian, take her further down that path, if there is one ?)
Of course, this may already be planned, or even in game, ( and I have yet to "trigger" it to happen).
If not, then here is the "thought"/"suggestion" for them to be implemented / included to the game.
EDIT #1 :
Was just thinking further, as Lizzy, has been visiting the Night Club, and how some actions there,( as in, going "Home" with a girl, & having sex), could "influence" her reactions, favorably with "giving-in" to the manipulations of the "showering lesbians" !(as in all those "checks", that are done , behind what we know or see, as you have stated many times in your explanations . . . . . yeah, I've been paying attention
Hmm yeah, so if Lizzy has had some lez-exp, she gets more open to the idea? Hmmm interesting idea. I'll look into that one as well.
Fixed both of the above issues for the next version.BurningSun:
"Henry?" you call, but there is no response.
Got this error :
{ Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: missing ) after argument list }
'He might be in trouble' you think as you wonder what to do. Then you see the keyhole and you instantly drop down on your knees and you take a peek.
While going through the "Henry & Bibi Relationship" Path ! . . . . just to let you know(latest version, by-the-way) .
PS - Noticed this minor mistake :
"Bibi? The girl from next-door? "
{ actually, Henry said to you, (Lizzy), that she lived , one-floor upstairs, over your apartment, which is not "next-door" }
(if it was, it'd make trying to 'catch' her at home so much easier) !
Hi Armelle69,BurningSun:
Thanks for your answers.
Of course it's sane to create a game that YOU like above all.
And my opinion is... only my opinion, ok.
But that doesn't mean that some of my advices are to be taken lightly
If you always answer "no, because" to anything people propose to you... Then you're stuck, and your game will collapse (or interest just a little portion of what it could have reach).
CHanging some things is not necessarily a treason : it can be an improivement.
The first thing I said, ok, it's maybe semantic question : what is "laughable easy" ?
In MY opinion, well, if you call it "laughable", it has to be... laughable. If someone chosses this difficulty mode, it's probably because he wants to test the game without playing it 250 hours, just to discover it's not for him. Or just he likes this sort of game bing really easy, without stress, and wants to discover the story (instead of living his every day life, once again).
Ok, it's better if you give some improvement in her money... But still, with 600 it won't be "easy" (even less laughable), it will only be "a-little-less-hardcore-but-still-much-more-difficult-than-IRL".
You wanted your game to be really hardcore. Like, much, much more difficult than it is in real life. It's your choice, ok, I absolutely can't understand that point of view (cause my stress level is already high enough IRL ^^ and I'm looking for a relief when I play tthis kind of games), but ok, why not.
It's not realistic if it's too easy, of course ; but it's not reallistic neither if it's so much harder than IRL.
It's still your choice...
=> then just don't call this mode "laughable easy", if it's absolutely not true !!
- Your "easy mode" has probably no real difference with the normal mode (regarding the fact that the previous "laughable" was nearly identic to "normal")
=> With the changes you implement in "laughable", maybe this level could be considered as "easy" ? Under the condition that these changes make indeed a perceptible difference with the "normal" mode.
=> then apply these changes to "easy mode", for it to have a reason to exist. It will still be harder than IRL, but, regarding the difficulty of what you consider "normal", it could fit the definition.
=> and delete the "laughable easy" mode.
And the day you'll really consider creating something "laughable easy", you'll do it. Something easy enough for people who play it can say "of, yes, it's laughable !".
You can't say that you wanted your game to be only hardcore, if you pretend to give the oportunity to choose the level of difficulty !
IMO : it's a great idea to give people that possibility. And I believe this has to be a really difficult thing to implement in the game. But you dit it. Or at least, you creat the oportuiniity to do it.
=> Then why the hell don't you adjust these levels to match the definitions you gave ?
The second thing is that there are limits, that really don't have any meaning.
I don't know if they are really that difficult to avoid, ok. But if you fight hard to keep these limits, you'll miss your goal.
- ok, wahing dishes, I understand that's something lik a bug if you wash dishes before going to work. You talk avbout fixing that => that's cool, cause it's en emergency. BUt not as much as the 2 following :
- why the hell can't I look for another job, while I'm a librarian ?
The first day I arrive, I find 3 joib oportunities. Great luck ! Proibably the only luck I will have in the whole game.
Then why 2 of them disappear as soon as I choose one of them ? (and I can't really choose the 3 of them, regarding I have to be pretty for modelling, and I'm not... rich enough to be pretty (which is another reaaaally strange point of view...))
- what is the point in playing the most ugly girl of the all town ? The only way to not be is to "cheat" with make-up, clothes, jewelry... And maybe with time, some tanning and sport I'll get some points... But always much lesser than can afford me a basic make-up
- Nobody has to be pretty to work as a librarian. So, I don't have to put any make-up. Make-up is expensive, someone who has no money won't put make-up for a job that absoluytely don't need it (and keep it for when she'll really need it).
=> These 3 are necessary for your game to be a bit realistic. These difficulties are free, without any meaning, that only destroy the realism (and the possibilities) of the game, without adding anything useful.
Both the easy and the laugh difficulty have been adjusted for the next version after your posts. See below for a quick overview:
Hard | Normal | Easy | Laugh | |
Starting Money | 255 | 295 | 425 | 600 |
1st day Librarian | 29 | 32 | 49 | 61 |
1st day Cleaning | 31 | 42 | 54 | 64 |
1st day Flower | 28 | 36 | 51 | 66 |
I'm not sure if I like this as at higher level it would mean hundred + Euros per working day. But I'll do some more testing.
You can only have any of the 4 jobs at a time. They overlap, so in order to keep things simple coding wise, it is simply not possible to look for a new job while still having the old one. Just quit and get a new job (either by phone, or just not show up). The jobs are overhauled and I will make it easier to quit jobs if not having a phone.
Lizzy is not ugly at all. Some people only want her to wear some makeup as she works in representative jobs. Looks are overhauled in the next update though. I think it is a little easier now. Please wait for the update and let's continue the chat okay?
Personally I've never had any issue with these stats 'recovering' too fast. They honestly don't recover that fast, unless you only do decent things all the time. One shower a day -take quick showers to avoid dignity buildup- is not destroying your 'work' I'm sure. The increase or decrease in principle have nothing to do with the difficulty settings. Having said that, the easier the setting, the less chance on bad stuff = less change in the stats like liberal and dignity. But you don;t need low dignity to unlock stuff. Make Lizzy dumb and see what happens or drunk for that matter.BurningSun:
And I forgot !
There are problems with the equilibrium of some stats.
Dignity increases too easily, while liberal collapses too fast. Is that because of the "laughable easy" (which would be a contradiction) ? Or is it worse in "normal" mode ?
Because when I'm (at last) brave enough to do something, and that everything is going well, there is no realistic reason for me to be afraid to do it again thereafter (topless at the beach, showing boobs to a stranger in a bus, mutual back-washing with another girl...).
It's amazingly frustrating when you make real huge efforts to be able to do tyhings, you manage to do them, and without any reason you can't anymore.
A simple shower can't decrease liberal nore increase dignity (because tou have a distinction between dignity and hygiene ; or dignity is ill defined)
I want this game to be a slow burn, not a game where all kinds of crazy smut happens within the first two weeks. There are plenty of those kind of games out there. This game requires some patience, some 'work' or 'grind' as some call it. It is the way I like it. I'm sorry.