I highlighted that last part of your post. If you want a wardrobe AND have it reflected in gifs in the game, then I can tell you now that that will not happen as it is simply impossible to adjust all the vids in game as per what the player could wear.
Take for example the tiny event which is in game now when walking through the streets and tripping. It is accompanied with a vid showing a woman in jeans tripping in the streets. If I were to adjust that scene for a skirt, dress, sport outfit then suddenly I would need 3 more vids/pics to adjust that scene. BUT that scene also happens at night, so another 3 pics/vids.
I think with the above example in mind you'll understand that it is not possible to do a wardrobe check at the start of every event in game. Too much work, overkill, are there even vids/pics? etc etc.
Need to try and find a middle ground. So at the moment I am thinking of: Sets that can be saved. Set is worn day after day unless changed by a player or forced somehow through an event.
Changing of clothes is already partially in the game (Beach & Spa), but how to handle the following: You are at the park and decide to do Yoga. Force Lizzy to change somewhere first? Or just just write it in text that Lizzy is changing if she has the appropriate clothes?
The above shows a few things/hurdles to think about. Think with me please
