A couple/few things :
1 - Can you still meet
Bibi on the Beach, (her offering to apply Sunscreen lotion),
after you've spoken to her back at the Hotel ?
( for the
Henry Sex for Rent Path )
Hotel = the "rooms" where they live? Sorry, this just throws me, I'm a "country_boy", we live in houses, not Hotels, (Apartment Buildings, are a different matter), thus I'm not used to the idea of people "living" in Hotel rooms, as opposed to just renting them short-term, etc.

. ( Guess that's a 'city/other country' thing, I suppose) LOL
2 - BTW - I'm getting more and more frustrated, as I play each New game,( 1 or 2 per up-date), and
STILL, not getting/finding/discovering the trigger(s), to the "Street_Rape" event .
Is it still active ? I've seen the Images/videos, in the folders, but nothing I've tried, has worked, and I've done various combinations of stats levels !
Even though, it's considered a "bad" event, and
HARD mode, is supposed to have a "
Higher" chance for those events to happen, it still eludes us .

Unfortunately, unlike some others have done, I'm not "tech-savvy" enough, to open the game files, to ferret through the code, to find what
triggers, the sort-for event(s). (Plus, I'd have NO Clue, Where in all that Code, to even look !

Just seems a bit, unbalanced & impossible to get, with RNG, also being a factor, besides , needing to meet certain specific stat levels .
3 - The Crunch Fitness & Health Club - Seems that should be more aimed at later-game. Most of our MC's, can't access it's use in the first 2 weeks, or more,
easily . The costs to enter & use the facilities, is out of balance, for what our MC's can afford early game,
(unless you use some form of Money-cheat 
). It always seems to be "found" with-in the first couple of weeks, before the MC has any real cash flow/extra money, to be spending on something so costly.
I'd much rather have a
better chance of finding the Dance School early on, it's much more
useful & affordable early game, then the Fitness Center. (and before The Club, is available, which is also costly, but more useful then the Fitness Center
early on)
Maybe switch the "chance-to-find ratio", between the two, giving a better chance to find & access the Dance Studio, early on, instead of finding the Fitness Center.
That's my request .