
Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
chrissi75 ich schätze mal dieselbe Antwort wie im April auf deine Frage. Wohl eher nächstes Jahr, da wir (hoffentlich) noch mit einer 0.8.9, 0.9 und 0.10 beglückt werden.

Q: When will we be able to play Paris or Berlin?
A: same answer as in April, maybe next year, as we will hopefully get a 0.8.9, 0.9 and 0.10.

But until then, we are Amsterdamned (1988). ;)
A little off-subject, but :

Thanks for showing the "translation" of that person's question, and your reply ;) !

When someone speaks here in what I believe is a language , like German, I try to figure out what they are saying. :unsure:

Then, seeing the translation, I see where I was, right, or wrong . . . . Thanks again :giggle: .
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Jul 6, 2017
A couple/few things :

1 - Can you still meet Bibi on the Beach, (her offering to apply Sunscreen lotion), after you've spoken to her back at the Hotel ?
( for the Henry Sex for Rent Path )

Hotel = the "rooms" where they live? Sorry, this just throws me, I'm a "country_boy", we live in houses, not Hotels, (Apartment Buildings, are a different matter), thus I'm not used to the idea of people "living" in Hotel rooms, as opposed to just renting them short-term, etc. :confused:. ( Guess that's a 'city/other country' thing, I suppose) LOL :LOL:

2 - BTW - I'm getting more and more frustrated, as I play each New game,( 1 or 2 per up-date), and STILL, not getting/finding/discovering the trigger(s), to the "Street_Rape" event .
Is it still active ? I've seen the Images/videos, in the folders, but nothing I've tried, has worked, and I've done various combinations of stats levels !
Even though, it's considered a "bad" event, and HARD mode, is supposed to have a "Higher" chance for those events to happen, it still eludes us . :oops::mad::(

Unfortunately, unlike some others have done, I'm not "tech-savvy" enough, to open the game files, to ferret through the code, to find what triggers, the sort-for event(s). (Plus, I'd have NO Clue, Where in all that Code, to even look ! o_O)

Just seems a bit, unbalanced & impossible to get, with RNG, also being a factor, besides , needing to meet certain specific stat levels .

3 - The Crunch Fitness & Health Club - Seems that should be more aimed at later-game. Most of our MC's, can't access it's use in the first 2 weeks, or more, easily . The costs to enter & use the facilities, is out of balance, for what our MC's can afford early game, (unless you use some form of Money-cheat :oops:). It always seems to be "found" with-in the first couple of weeks, before the MC has any real cash flow/extra money, to be spending on something so costly.

I'd much rather have a better chance of finding the Dance School early on, it's much more useful & affordable early game, then the Fitness Center. (and before The Club, is available, which is also costly, but more useful then the Fitness Center early on)
Maybe switch the "chance-to-find ratio", between the two, giving a better chance to find & access the Dance Studio, early on, instead of finding the Fitness Center.
That's my request .
Hi Highland_Hunter,
1) No I don't believe so.
There are many places like this throughout Europe. Once big old house chopped up in a lot of little 'houses' or rooms that are rented out, with a community kitchen etc. Are they hotels, or rooms for rent, or what? I don't know, but there are a lot fo them out there :)
2) Which event exactly? Tell me the name of the vid and I'll let you know how to trigger it. Those particular scenes should be hard to trigger imo. There are other HTML games out there where it occurs from day one nearly every day. I think that is silly, so I made them hard to trigger. Likely Luck needs to be low, but let me know the vid and I'll get back to you.
3) Hmm okay, I'll switch them around.

When Patricia offers you either become an official worker at the library or leave after working few weeks. Of course I chose to stay and she tells me to come back after few weeks and when I do I get black screen.
Trololol85, Aha, I think I get what you are saying. Going to test this. Thank you for getting back to me!
wen kan man endlich die anderen orte spielen , ich meine paris oder berlin?
chrissi75, höflich am Ende des Jahres; Paris.
how to meet Bianca
XXlinked, There are a few seperate events with Bianca. The first is a random encounter during the day at the park with low luck (40 or less)
Second one then is available at the beach; Sleep naked, be dumb (10Intel) and low-ish Morale (50).
Third is during the library job; a random workday. This event can trigger at any time, but will refer to previous events if they happened.
Lastly you can meet Bianca during one of the endings of the Loanshark. Have low luck and it will trigger a different ending then normal.
Good luck.
Hi, i have a general idea for the game, not sure if it would be to complex to implement it and it depends how you aranged stuff in the code.

Depending on the player style, decisions the player is doing over and over again will be counted (like hidden skills). Either for (some) each single event or maybe for "packsackes" of events that are thematically close. For example, whenver the player does something that has to do with lesbian sex, the counter for lesbian sex is increased and while playing the game, those events are more likely to be seen. It would also be possible to add a negative counter for events the player avoids and those would be encountered less often.
This would give the player the possibility to follow special fetishes, depending on his taste. There could be several groups, like exhibition, (public) prostitution, gangbang, rape, lesbian, and so on.
I know, it depends on how you organized things in the code how hard it would be to do something like this. But i think it would be nice to deal with the frustation of getting events a lot you don't like and getting events you like not that often.

Another idea would be, if it will be possible to wear (or own) special outfits, that those outfits can increase or decrease special stats. Maybe if you can own just one at a time, that every night for example dignity is deacreased for a fixed amount (slutty clothing), or your dignity is increaded (formal clothing). In this way you could influence a single stat at a time you want to boost or decrease.

EDIT: Another idea. Hide the numbers for the skills needed for workplace and give them names like, beginner, good, masterfull or something like that. When you work at a job, then they could tell you, you have to become ... to keep your job.
Hi, i have a general idea for the game, not sure if it would be to complex to implement it and it depends how you aranged stuff in the code.

Depending on the player style, decisions the player is doing over and over again will be counted (like hidden skills). Either for (some) each single event or maybe for "packsackes" of events that are thematically close. For example, whenver the player does something that has to do with lesbian sex, the counter for lesbian sex is increased and while playing the game, those events are more likely to be seen. It would also be possible to add a negative counter for events the player avoids and those would be encountered less often.
This would give the player the possibility to follow special fetishes, depending on his taste. There could be several groups, like exhibition, (public) prostitution, gangbang, rape, lesbian, and so on.
I know, it depends on how you organized things in the code how hard it would be to do something like this. But i think it would be nice to deal with the frustation of getting events a lot you don't like and getting events you like not that often.

Another idea would be, if it will be possible to wear (or own) special outfits, that those outfits can increase or decrease special stats. Maybe if you can own just one at a time, that every night for example dignity is deacreased for a fixed amount (slutty clothing), or your dignity is increaded (formal clothing). In this way you could influence a single stat at a time you want to boost or decrease.

EDIT: Another idea. Hide the numbers for the skills needed for workplace and give them names like, beginner, good, masterfull or something like that. When you work at a job, then they could tell you, you have to become ... to keep your job.
I think it is more annoying at it is at the moment. Because you never know if you have to increase a stat needed for a job further or if it's enough. Because even if it's high enough, the game tells you to increase it anyway. Therefore there is no clue in the game. And then you will get fired because you cannot increase it fast enough when you go to work and realize your skill is not high enough.
I realized this in my current game. I have all job skills on 30, because that is what you need for all jobs but got fired from the maid job, because there you need more. Cleaning seems to be tough ^^
This would easily solve it.
Hey @ Klausus,
I really like the idea and I have even thought about it before, but I wish I had know what I know now about the game and the coding when I started. I would have done a lot differently. To change this now is a hell of an undertaking and frankly I do not feel up to it.
The game, when I started making it, was designed to do one thing, slowly corrupt the girl coming to town, whether she wanted to or not. So that was the start and it is pretty hard to change a lot of things in-game now without completely messing things up.

I'm working on outfits btw. Wardrobe is planned for the update after the next one.

All jobs will tell you if you need to increase a skill to advance (In grey and bold). If no skill increase is needed, they won't mention it in most cases. Working on removing all of those cases.
Am I suppose to get a cocaine event where you pull out a bag of it somewhere and snort it in the park bathroom even though I've never seen it before?
HI ChaosEggman, No you are not supposed to get that. Are you sure it was in the park bathroom? Do you remember if you went to the bathroom, by chosing it from the menu, or if an event directed you to it?
Just finished my first playthrough playing through the maid story. Ending up in a cage... anyhoosie. Starting off at 48 on the list.
LaraWolfe, You don't like to be caged up? :D Hope you enjoyed your 1st playthrough enough to try it again.
What do you mean with 48 on the list?
right i got it at 100% drunk lol seems a bit high

and now when i try and whore i always let them do it for free how do i get money again lol
Hi pinkycat,
You got it 100, it doesn't neccesarily mean your Lizzy will only do it at 100 :)
There are 3 variables that could cause Lizzy to actually take the money:
1) Drunk at 80+
2) Dignity 40-
3) Cum desire 40+
If any of these three is true, Lizzy will be able to take the money.

hy. i bought the map, i can't buy other, it says it is in your inventory but is not there. Can you get bugged like this?
Once you've bought it, you should have had a little pop-up. That pop-up will tell you what has been 'discovered'. From that moment onwards you can visit additional places and the map is gone. You don't need to buy the map again.
Hope that helps.
BurningSun: Latest version :


GloryHole, at the Mall, 3rd floor, Cum Craze, Lvl. 2
She advertises sucking cock for a few Euros, but after deed is done, No Euros are given !
Text states she "grabs the money off the floor" !
Same happens if she "rides" the cock also.

Also, money amount on left side bar, doesn't change either, so that indicates, nothing was given. (as it isn't just an error in the main window.)

I didn't think Euros stopped being earned, till/at around Lvl. 5 ?!
Highland_Hunter, Hmm I'm guessing your Lizzy has been a lvl 4 or higher cumeater before? It sets a variable once to lvl 4 and I think it doesn't get changed back. The gloryhole is old and needs a rework pronto...


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019

@Highland_Hunter, Hmm I'm guessing your Lizzy has been a lvl 4 or higher cumeater before?
(Yes, several of 'my' Lizzies have ! Sometimes 2-3 play-throughs per up-date, though, not complete play-throughs, (short attention/patience :oops: span, mostly patience :p, or frustration when something refuses to TRIGGER !) Ummm, sorry, Calm now.

It sets a variable once to lvl 4 and I think it doesn't get changed back.
What if you get 'cured' at the Health Clinic ? ( ehh, you Can get "Cum-Craze" cured ?, right ??? ):eek:
If so, Can you Not, start the Cum-Craze again from zero, and earn coin again, till you get to level 4/5 ?
(Never, ever got any 'cure' before, So have no idea how/if, it works :rolleyes::whistle::unsure:.)

The gloryhole is old and needs a rework pronto...
(Yeah, . . . I'd like that . . . ehh, maybe :unsure::oops::p:LOL: . . . . )


Active Member
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Jul 6, 2017
Highland_Hunter, Found the gloryholy issue. Discrapancy between the variable for free rides to be set (set on cumcraze of 75) and the textual framework (set to 80),

So it could happen that upon triggering at say cumcraze is 76 and then when the textual bits are added, they return whatever they need to return where it says 76 and not the text from 80 which is the free ride.

Blah blah blah, never mind. I fixed it now :)

Waiting on the video you are trying to unlock ;)


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
I mean this list..

...............................\/....................................... P.S. I loved the cage ending. Hehe


Active Member
Game Developer
Jul 6, 2017
I mean this list..

...............................\/....................................... P.S. I loved the cage ending. Hehe
Aha :D totally missed that. Even just then I was like.. whaat? A bunch of dots and a V? The reason why it threw me is that in many passages in my game I put ---------------------------------------V----------------------------- between each event where the V stands for finished :)

Anyhoosie (just learned that word) 48.. alas already 51 out of 77 games. I guess it's kinda meh. Interested to learn your pro's and con's so far.



Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
Anyhoosie (just learned that word) 48.. alas already 51 out of 77 games. I guess it's kinda meh. Interested to learn your pro's and con's so far.

Well I have still only played through it the once, I will likely play again at some point, probably closer to finished. In my opinion though the main negative is the game is a little too grindy. Now I'm not the type who will play a game over and over until I see all the content it has to offer. I do like to see a variety of content though, which this does have. But for me the story beats were too few and far between and it just felt like I was going through the daily grind doing nothing but managing numbers until I got the next page of story. Then back to the grind.

And I totally get that some people like that, I personally do like some management systems in games like Life Choices, it's simply this particular game feels like a lot of bone and not a lot of meat if you know what I mean.

And starting out at 48 out of 74 isn't exactly what I would call bad. Most of what I would call bad games or games without much to them are now in the 70s and high 60s. And the list is mostly geared towards my tastes and while the story of LC does fit those tastes well the grind and management of it out weighs that for me quite a bit. If I were to try and give a good comparison I would say something like Perverted Education is more my style. The money management is there, the looks management is there, you have chores and tasks to do almost every day, but those all feel like a part of the story. Rather than just shower, makeup, go to work, manage numbers, go to sleep, repeat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Well I have still only played through it the once, I will likely play again at some point, probably closer to finished. In my opinion though the main negative is the game is a little too grindy. Now I'm not the type who will play a game over and over until I see all the content it has to offer. I do like to see a variety of content though, which this does have. But for me the story beats were too few and far between and it just felt like I was going through the daily grind doing nothing but managing numbers until I got the next page of story. Then back to the grind.

And I totally get that some people like that, I personally do like some management systems in games like Life Choices, it's simply this particular game feels like a lot of bone and not a lot of meat if you know what I mean.

And starting out at 48 out of 74 isn't exactly what I would call bad. Most of what I would call bad games or games without much to them are now in the 70s and high 60s. And the list is mostly geared towards my tastes and while the story of LC does fit those tastes well the grind and management of it out weighs that for me quite a bit. If I were to try and give a good comparison I would say something like Perverted Education is more my style. The money management is there, the looks management is there, you have chores and tasks to do almost every day, but those all feel like a part of the story. Rather than just shower, makeup, go to work, manage numbers, go to sleep, repeat.

I think your a bit off base . . . comparing Life Choices with Perverted Education, is like comparing Oranges and Apples.
Yeah, they are both fruits, but no where near the same family(/genre).
As in your comparing a (born)Girl, Life Simulation, against a Male, turned/corrupted into a Sissy ! Nope !
( maybe, if the Male was finally, turned into an actual Female, then the 'Apple" would become an 'Orange', then they could be compared for there similar game-play . . . . of course, this is wholly MY opinion,(I may be a bit biased :sneaky:), others may OR may-not Agree :whistle: ).

So what your really saying, is you prefer, guys being turned into Sissy's, and being treated like girls, (and that's fine), but it doesn't really compare with a Girl (born or wholly-transformed) being forced/coerced corrupted from her normal ways, there's no comparison, really, especially, using the mechanics /grinding for the differences .


Game Developer
Jan 13, 2020
I think your a bit off base . . . comparing Life Choices with Perverted Education, is like comparing Oranges and Apples.
Yeah, they are both fruits, but no where near the same family(/genre).
As in your comparing a (born)Girl, Life Simulation, against a Male, turned/corrupted into a Sissy ! Nope !
( maybe, if the Male was finally, turned into an actual Female, then the 'Apple" would become an 'Orange', then they could be compared for there similar game-play . . . . of course, this is wholly MY opinion,(I may be a bit biased :sneaky:), others may OR may-not Agree :whistle: ).

So what your really saying, is you prefer, guys being turned into Sissy's, and being treated like girls, (and that's fine), but it doesn't really compare with a Girl (born or wholly-transformed) being forced/coerced corrupted from her normal ways, there's no comparison, really, especially, using the mechanics /grinding for the differences .
If you actually read what I was saying I wasn't talking about the genres, they are of no importance to my statement. I was talking about their methods of storytelling which is comparable between any two games when trying to explain one's game play tastes. I think Life Choices is too much management and not enough story, the management doesn't feel like it compliments the story due to lack there of. LC makes up for it with the multiple choices and routes one can take with the different jobs and side activities, but there feels to be little meat to the story, the story is what you make it. PE on the other hand uses the story, doesn't matter what genre that story is, to compliment the management aspects of the game and vice versa. This is because there always feels like the next piece of story every few days, while LC simply has you managing numbers (stats) for weeks (in game time) before you get the next little tiny tid bit of story, and then more managing numbers for a few more weeks to get the next one.

But glad to know that games are all boiled down to their genres for you, things like story, game play, flow, art, and style, just don't matter to you.
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Feb 5, 2020
BurningSun, so when will be the next update :D I want to keep glitching everything that you add new heheh :devilish: :devilish:;)


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Concerning Ver.;

BuG : When there is an event/encounter, where stats are supposed to change, by a negative/positive amount, Luck isn't being altered by negative amounts, even though the event states/displays, it should be altered by a negative amount !

This is why we are having so much trouble getting Luck stat lowered, it refuses to comply to the negative amount being applied to it ! o_O

I saw this when, the event where there's a guy, runs up to the "character", and pulls down their skirt, (and sometimes Panties, too ), and runs off again. That event displays a -1 to Luck, but the 'stat' doesn't change . :oops:

Look into this Please, unless some one has already alerted you about it . Thanks !


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
1-Is there any actual pregnancy implemented in the game yet? 2-Also what is there to do in the club aside from gloryhole and flirting?
1-I'm not sure, as the many times,(through several play-throughs), my "Lizzy",had gotten 'cream-pied', she never got pregnant, and never used condoms) , so don't know if it's a thing as yet. Maybe someone else knows ?

2-Some random events, being noticed by some girl recruiter's looking for "Pole-Dancers", (iirc leads to the Strip Club, and it's events), etc.
Nov 28, 2019
1-I'm not sure, as the many times,(through several play-throughs), my "Lizzy",had gotten 'cream-pied', she never got pregnant, and never used condoms) , so don't know if it's a thing as yet. Maybe someone else knows ?

2-Some random events, being noticed by some girl recruiter's looking for "Pole-Dancers", (iirc leads to the Strip Club, and it's events), etc.
Do I have to dance many times at the club for that? Do I need to be drunk or something?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
Do I have to dance many times at the club for that? Do I need to be drunk or something?
I got it randomly, while strolling, the dance-floor ?, in the club, (wasn't 'fishing-for-it'), got a card handed, but didn't follow it up.
( was probably drunk a bit, or more, she usually is when attending the Club :rolleyes:).

Best thing is do a search ( very-top, right-side-of-page), for that topic, in this thread .
(pretty sure I saw something about it, when looking for something else)

But, if you can't find anything, then ask again, maybe you'll get an answer,
(just don't expect to get it instantly).

Good Luck.
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Nov 28, 2019
OK thank you. Another question I have is does the phone actually do anything? I have contacts of all those people like James and the model I work with but I can never seem to call them. Also, from the changelog it seems I can meet some people on the beach? I've joined a beach party before but haven't done anything but dance.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2019
OK thank you.1-Another question I have is does the phone actually do anything? I have contacts of all those people like James and the model I work with but I can never seem to call them. 2-Also, from the changelog it seems I can meet some people on the beach? I've joined a beach party before but haven't done anything but dance.
1-As of currently, the Phone is only used to "Quit" a job.
For now, the other stuff is mostly for "flavor", sometime in the future it will be more useful.
I think he has a "Road-Map", that's , more or less, up to date . . . you might find it helpful. :)

2-It will help, if your a little 'drunk', and dance a lot, at least that's how my Lizzy met a very friendly young-lady :p, (think her name was "Summer", yup it was), not sure about any others, but I just might, have not, triggered any others .
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Nov 28, 2019
The dancing stuff seems quite grindy. I still haven't managed to unlock the stripclub despite going to the club on every opportunity and dancing the entire night for like 5 weeks... Also do I meet Madiba just by sleeping on the beach? Any conditions? (topless/nude)


New Member
Aug 27, 2018
1 i love your game and cant wait for the next update 2 i have tried looking but i can not seam to find the sorce of Biancas one sean in the park called parkgforced do you happen to know were the original is or at least its name.
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