Well I have still only played through it the once, I will likely play again at some point, probably closer to finished. In my opinion though the main negative is the game is a little too grindy. Now I'm not the type who will play a game over and over until I see all the content it has to offer. I do like to see a variety of content though, which this does have. But for me the story beats were too few and far between and it just felt like I was going through the daily grind doing nothing but managing numbers until I got the next page of story. Then back to the grind.
And I totally get that some people like that, I personally do like some management systems in games like Life Choices, it's simply this particular game feels like a lot of bone and not a lot of meat if you know what I mean.
And starting out at 48 out of 74 isn't exactly what I would call bad. Most of what I would call bad games or games without much to them are now in the 70s and high 60s. And the list is mostly geared towards my tastes and while the story of LC does fit those tastes well the grind and management of it out weighs that for me quite a bit. If I were to try and give a good comparison I would say something like Perverted Education is more my style. The money management is there, the looks management is there, you have chores and tasks to do almost every day, but those all feel like a part of the story. Rather than just shower, makeup, go to work, manage numbers, go to sleep, repeat.
Thank you for your explanation. There is definitely some truth in what you are saying. Certain elements are not implemented yet, like the phone, boyfriends/hookups, and some other equally important things. I believe especially whne finally I get the phone properly implemented and Lizzy getting calls from employers to do stuff, friends to go to places and lovers to meet them, The game will suddenly feel a lot less grindy as those kind of events will break up the routine by a lot.
So I guess until that time; Have fun with all the other games on this site and I'm sure at some point we'll speak again
Lechon, I'm working hard to get it finished before the end of this month, but as always, that is no promise.
Concerning Ver.;
BuG : When there is an event/encounter, where stats are supposed to change, by a
positive amount,
Luck isn't being altered by
negative amounts, even though the event states/displays, it should be altered by a
negative amount !
This is why we are having so much trouble getting
Luck stat lowered, it refuses to comply to the
negative amount being applied to it !
I saw this when, the event where there's a guy, runs up to the "character", and pulls down their skirt, (and sometimes Panties, too ), and runs off again. That event displays a
-1 to Luck, but the 'stat' doesn't change .
Look into this Please, unless some one has already alerted you about it . Thanks !
Highland_Hunter, Hmm sounds odd. It could be that your luck was already relatively low. The lower it gets, the harder it gets to lower it even further. This also works the other way around; The higher it is, the harder etc.
This happens with a few stats and is done in order to make it harder to reach extremes like 100 and 0 and make it easier to steer away from those extremes when needed/desired.
I'll doublecheck some of the events though to be sure.
Is there any actual pregnancy implemented in the game yet? Also what is there to do in the club aside from gloryhole and flirting?
Do I have to dance many times at the club for that? Do I need to be drunk or something?
The dancing stuff seems quite grindy. I still haven't managed to unlock the stripclub despite going to the club on every opportunity and dancing the entire night for like 5 weeks... Also do I meet Madiba just by sleeping on the beach? Any conditions? (topless/nude)
OK thank you. Another question I have is does the phone actually do anything? I have contacts of all those people like James and the model I work with but I can never seem to call them. Also, from the changelog it seems I can meet some people on the beach? I've joined a beach party before but haven't done anything but dance.
Really need help from finding Raul, I made a save right when I entered the club and have repeated it, dancing more than 200 times, still haven't seen him. My looks were 45 initially when I start dancing, and it never goes below 35 before I get tired. I sometimes get a scene with a pole dancer that raises my morale, does that have anything to do with it?
justforlustdoll, pregnancy is not in the game yet. Stuff to do/discover in the club:
1) Find Raul the club-owner (Make sure Looks are 35+ while walking around/dancing in the club - it is a random event. There are several random events, like meeting the couple with coke, a guy offering you a drink, a girl dancing on a pole and a few more. Every time you get one of those, you lucked out

Keep trying, but if by tomorrow you still haven't unlocked it, send me a save file and I'll check if anything somehow is wrong, or if you perhaps already unlocked it or whatever

2) Find the gloryhole in the toilets (Be very drunk or have very low dignity)
3) Flirt with people and get taken home for the night (be drunk, or have a high Liberal or low dignity)
4) Many, many events and most of these events can have different outcomes depending on Lizzy being drunk or not.
Regarding the beach and Madiba; Sleeping and or walking around on Saturday only.
The phone is only used for quitting your job at the moment.
You could meet Summer on the beach or Bibi or Madiba, depending on what day it is and where you are.
Have fun & good luck
1 i love your game and cant wait for the next update 2 i have tried looking but i can not seam to find the sorce of Biancas one sean in the park called parkgforced do you happen to know were the original is or at least its name.
sebbunny, Great to hear you like the game! I wish I knew the source as I may be able to use more of it. Sorry for not being able to help you more.
Hey gusy, please help me.
If i want to apply for a new job, either photo or libary, they dicline me saying that I am drunk.
But I am not...
DeepInvader001, like others already mentioned, your Lizzy is an alcoholic. get rid of the addiction in the Health club/Spa and then you will be able to get the job.
Good luck!
Cheers all