I don't know why someone like Banu would continue to wear her hijab, in combination with other provocative clothes? The whole purpose of wearing a hijab, is to protect a woman's modesty from head to toe. Which is kind of undermined, if she's wearing shorter skirts or outfits displaying her ample cleavage. If Banu was as dedicated to wearing a hijab and all it represents, as she claims, should would never dream of going to the office wearing an open topped blouse, with cleavage showing or wearing any skirts that didn't cover all her legs.
At no time during this game does Banu display the modesty, that is supposed to be associated with a woman of strict Islamic faith. Her continued wearing of the hijab, is an anachronism, because by the time the game starts she's already started dressing like most women in the west.
Which begs the question why the Dev continues with her wearing one, all the time, when she's started dressing more and more immodestly? The game obviously isn't set in a Middle Eastern country, where women are required to wear hajib's. If I was to guess I'd say they were in Lebanon, which outside of Israel is probably the most liberal country in the Middle East. Once she's started to become more free in what she decides to wear, it makes no sense for her to continue to wear the hijab, as if it was essential to her very being. It doesn't protect her, it doesn't make men respect her more, it doesn't even make her appear more religious or devout. Because all of that is blown away by all the changes to the rest of her clothing choices and the way she's decided to live her life. Continuing to wear the hijab has become merely another fashion choice ( as demonstrated by Hicran, who seems quite comfortable dispensing with it, on occasion, even in public). So please Mr Dev start to reflect this in the game.