Hmmm i have mixed feelings about this one, obviously u cant deny the quality of pretty much everything, the game looks gorgeous. Hell some of the animations are among the best i've seen so far!
On the flipside are things like the writing and story, the dialogue is a bit mechanical or unnatural, i dunno how to put it but it feels a bit of to me. Same with the story, everything is forced upon me and i don't seem to have any choice in how to react to situations or events that happen and this seems to carry through with the girls as well, ultimately i should always have the option to say no if i'm not interested. Don't know if this continues cuz honestly i stopped playing after the scene at Mrs. Rose's office.
Talking about girls, why do all those milfs walk around with their nipples out for all to see? i'm pretty sure that's not a thing when i'm walking down the street

Then the MC gets mad at his friend for staring while he should be getting mad at his mom for opening the door half naked, only to do the exact same thing to his friends mom 5 min later followed by him getting mad again at his friend for daring to check out his mom earlier. I mean hypocrite much? seriously...
In the end though it's probably the selection of girls that turns me off the most, Camelia and Karen are ok but none of the others really do anything for me and 2 ok girls out of 6 isn't really enough to get me invested... Maybe if the story was amazing that would keep me going regardless but so far it isn't pulling me in.
Not for me i guess, still best of luck to the dev with the project