Have only played for a little while so far, but it seems everything is forced on you without choice. Odd choice to force everything when there is no harem tag. Basically it's a screw all without choices. The only choices I've had so far is to give "Mom" a kiss on the cheek before leaving for school, and then telling the truth about where I was. When it came to sexual stuff, no choice at all. You're forced into it. Same with the blackmail. Forced into it with no choice.
Overall, if you don't mind all that, the game is alright. Dialogue is kind of basic, typical perverted MC (who is also kind of a jerk to everyone) who just creeps on his "family" and everyone else. Bipolar friend who goes from being a perv to a weakling to a jerk all in a matter of seconds and constantly changing his attitude. Female "family" members who are constantly checking out your package
and a "Mom" who just randomly masturbates in your bedroom when you're gone (wtf?).
I mean, if you don't mind all that and just want a porn game, then this game is right up your alley. But I don't think this is for me. I like being able to choose who I have sexual relations/romance with. Not a fan of being forced without choice. But best of luck with your game still. No bad feelings towards it, just not my cup of tea is all.