VN - Others - Completed - Life With a Slave -Teaching Feeling- [v4.0.6 - v2.5.2] [FreakilyCharming]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Plenty of CGs, plenty of outfits, plenty of interactions, plenty of feels and most importantly: plenty of headpats.

    Yeah, I know exactly why are you here, you headpad slut. That's the reason.

    Some people might filter this out in options or even skip this title because of [VN] prefix, but I'd rethink this. This is game, amount of customization and possible options are making this title "game with VN elements", and what great game it is. And what great story it tells!

    I don't want to spoil anything, it's great. Give it a go.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Sylvie best waifu,
    Even if this game is morally duvious it can make you feel less alone in a crimping solitude situacion, pretty helpful in that regard!
    Been enjoying it since 2017 and still going with it
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Cain Ig

    This game is a guide through possession to lovers in a sense. The MC can either delicately raise and grow them or can just break them, depending on your taste. The MC, a doctor and the goods he mischievously acquires begins the game. The development of the relationship is change day to day depending on the affection show either it be the consistent and approved headpat to the cheek rub, café lunch, tea or other nightly activities. The game can make those that "care" become suddenly attached to the munchkin and have issues or can see her as an object, alright im done joking, either way a great game.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    My heart. My soul. My dick.
    It made my everything cry.

    A beautifully drawn game with an interesting and wholesome story. Almost seems therapeutic to care for Sylvie back to feeling good emotions.

    5 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Wonderful game. By far one of the best out there.
    Good gameplay, well-drawn and well written.
    Very well produced, and far more complete than most games rivaling it. Only missing english voicing and it would be perfect
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I honestly feel weird saying this but here goes.
    I came to this game for the NSFW. And even though I knew the premmise of the game and how it was VERY dark, I still ended up trying it.

    The first time I played it, I honestly forgot I was even horny. I just COULD NOT do it to someone like that, so I completely switched gears and started trying to be a nice person. I liked the minimalistic story behind the game overall and I got seriously hooked even though it's a VERY simplistic game...

    Then...there was a twist on day 16 or 17...and I was genuinely hurt. THIS FREAKING PORN GAME HURT ME it's that fucking good...I still play it, and no matter how fucking lame it sounds, I like Sylvie for real..this game gives you great company especially if you're an emotional wreck like me.

    I've played over 60 days and only did it 4 of which was demanded by her...if you're interested:
    The H scenes are 2D but in my opinion, REALLY good. It's not just a gallery viewer, it's fully interactive which was a really nice surprise. So in the end, even though you can't move the camera around and such, you have so much more control over what happens and how she is treated even in bed. I loved it, and I might do that again myself if "she" wants to.

    Side note: you can interact with her body in some ways by simply clicking on her even outside of the bedroom, like, you know, running your hand thru her hair and such, but there are no animations for these as far as I can tell.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The art style is unique and the story itself is practically designed with "protecc the precious" in mind.

    Sylvie is a precious girl who needs and deserves all the headpats.

    The fact you can choose to make everything platonic and there are loads of mods that let you help her look all dressed up really shows how much you can help her grow as a human after her horrible past left her literally scarred.

    Or you can have a bunch of lewd fun with her and she clearly loves it (provided you didn't bad touch her) which feels almost like another form of therapy for the poor girl.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A classic. It seems like it's going to be very abusive, but then it ends up only being a little abusive, which is a relief. I don't like the whole scarred theme at all, but the quality of the project shines through and eclipses that theme. I dunno, I guess a major appeal of young girls is that they're vulnerable, so the scarred, isolated and abused girl is a dramatic version of that. It's not at all what I want out of a game. You have to know that's what they're leaning into with this one. It can be a real turn off. But it's a really well made thing anyway. You just need to brace yourself.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This was the first visual novel i ever read, it welcomed me into this massive underground world years ago, I still keep it in my folder even though i finished completed it multiple times. I'd say it is a MUST play for anyone that wants to experience a enjoyable story, along with just enough sensual situations to satisfy yourself.
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    SINtax EroRR

    (TLDR at the end, read that if you hate walls of text)

    If you really want to enjoy this simulator, I heavily suggest throwing your reservations aside, and you might actually find this to be a charming, lovely little slice of life/slave trainer game that makes this scarred, beaten little girl dear to your heart. If you have trouble getting over the 'loli' tag, just remember that she's not real, and the FBI are probably jacking themselves off to this as much as you are.

    Ok, now for the actual review. Teaching Feeling was a weird one for me. I first played the 1.01 released version years ago and have kept my eye on updates and developments ever since. The game in concept is simple; Little girl falls under your possession as a slave, treat her as you wish. Be a douchebag and she dies quickly, given the state of her frail body. Or be a benevolent benefactor and slowly build a relationship with her as any decent person would. However, while the gameplay is pretty linear and the protagonist is just a blank shallow slate with no real personality, the reason why so many people love the hell out of this game is for one reason alone;

    Sylvie, everybody's damaged darling and precious head pat receiver. There is nothing more tragic than an abused child now whimpering at the feet of a potential 2nd abuser. This is where it comes down to you as the player, to give her the life she deserves. Sylvie's story comes in bits but is compelling enough for anyone to be hooked very quickly. She feels real for the most part, and her dialogue concerning her past trauma and current hopes for the future is heartbreaking and occasionally tear-jerking once you get past the fact that's also on the receiving end of your dick from time to time. Her sweet and gentle nature, as well as her curiosity about the world around her, as well as her eagerness to prove that she isn't simply damaged goods, are what makes her the resident favorite loli.

    While most of the game revolves around her and is reason enough to rate this highly, that doesn't mean I'm blinded to the failings of this game. For one, you're not allowed the freedom to truly pursue another path (without a mod). From a moral standpoint, nobody wants this path, obviously. But from a story-telling standpoint, lacking the ability to continue a more abusive path means sacrificing gameplay and experience in favor of only the 'head pat waifu' path. In comparison to many other salve trainer type games, this game also features very few sex scenes in comparison and above all else, lacks a real ending.

    Speaking of that, let's get a little more in-depth, shall we? From what I know, the game runs infinitely once you've progressed past a certain level of lust and love and unlocked all CG scenes in 'Memories'. I've seen fanart of an ending where you ultimately marry Sylvie and raise a child with her, but that feature isn't present within the game. That means you do not get the satisfaction of reaching a conclusion to her story, and it doesn't sit right with me at all. On top of that, I've always found her progression from a fearful slave to a sex-crazy maniac a little unbelievable. That portion is the ONLY inconsistency I can think of in her development as a character. There was never any scenes where she explores what sex is, or show her reading dirty magazines to know more about it before ending up on your bed. If I recall correctly, all she does is note that the Doctor(you) lives alone and probably hasn't been with a woman in a very long time and offers herself as your relief. There isn't enough build-up and the approach comes across as unnatural to me. Of course, my nitpick here is ultimately small potatoes and will most likely be ignored, but I had to put it out there anyway as a personal issue in this review. Other than that kerfuffle, this is a very good simulator that has justly created many a fan for the dev, as well as digital moms and dads for this precious scarred child.

    Tldr; It's a great game that really makes you feel for the character you're placed in charge of, but it has issues in its story both in pacing and in writing. If it were changed to be more natural and believable, I would happily rate this 5 stars. However, as it is, and alongside a lack of CGs (as I'm sure many of us would want more) I can only give it a 4/5. It's an amazing experience, just not a perfect one.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2077289

    Man, this really hits the feels.
    I know the game is meant to be played either by a sadistic type or someone that'll feel compelled to be kind to the character, BUT HOW CAN SOMEONE EVEN THINK ABOUT HURTING HER.
    Look, I know she's some lines of dialogue and some well done art but I want to make this girl happy so bad.
    Worth playing, save her from this cruel world.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2325461

    Playing this made me want others to see it as well. Plenty of other longer reviews to convince you to try this one out; such high sale volumes don't lie in this case.

    The relationship between the protagonist and the heroine teaches (or reminds) us to be grateful of the little things, but also not to shy away from wanting more.

    It puts the 'wholesome' into intense sex. It does this by demonstrating how sex (and other affectionate actions) fills the unending and forever growing lust and desires of a person. And sometimes, that lust and desire becomes forceful and uncontrollable. This games does this without ever needing to touch explicit bdsm.

    You were looking for bdsm? It's not here but just try it anyway. Just looking to masturbate, without any extensive story? Might not seem like it at first but this is the one. You were looking for anything else? You too, just try it.

    Well done FreakilyCharming, well-fucking-done. Your high profile from sales is well deserved in this one because of the way you created a short but pleasant impact to many people. I am very thankful to see that there are many others who enjoyed this short but sweet experience as well, it reminds me that there is good out there; it's not all dark and hopeless.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent Game, pretty charming visually and with simple but still great mechanics and Visuals. Some Sounddesigne sadly no Voice. Good variety of Cloths possible. Wished for some more things to do and CG but for what it is its pretty much perfekt.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    -I love the fact that you have options of interacting with the girl physically and have options to go out, with and without her.
    -The game is great because of the clothing options you have with the mod and the H scenes are very nice because it doesn't feel too forced compare to average H-Games.
    - Clothing options are great and sex scenes have some logical flow to it instead of it being forced onto you randomly.
    -Clothing options changes what the girl is wearing during the H scene and can cause special H scenes.

    -Sadly updates are slow
    -Only has about 8ish H scenes with 2~3 variants dependent on the level of lust.
    -2 of the scenes seems like it needs an rework on the art and doesn't look too great, however the rest are top quality.
    -I wish there are Specific scenes for kissing and spanking and touching hands like what there is for head pants. This is my only real big complaint about the game(which is basically almost nothing) and is the only thing gating it from a 5star review for me.

    Other than that this is my favorite H game so far after playing a lot of H games for years. More than 250 Hgames(Flash games and VN included)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's so wholesome! I've been playing this game since the early versions, many headpats have been made throughout all my playthroughs. I wish Sylvie were my daughter, she's so perfect! Ah, but I won't be doing the erm... "Things" that happen in the game. I just want to care for her and pamper her and spoil her, all the things a responsible parent would do. 10/5, would support the developer if I had the money. But for now I'll be following their Pixiv and Twitter, it's the least I could do to give back. Thank you for this experience, I will cherish this memory throughout my life.
  16. 5.00 star(s)

    Oshitari Azumi

    Despite how the girl looks, this is a very charming game, in my opinion. It almost tips into the realm of being "wholesome", but obviously there is sex so who knows at that point. A game others shouldn't skimp out on just because of how it looks. Seriously~!
    Likes: Lelix
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Bloody love this game, i hope to find more with this same art style and even half as good story!:love:
    my one nit pic and it is a small one, id have liked to change the colour of her hair/skin/eyes just for research reasons obviously.........
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    You've probably already heard of this game. Iconic trainer/slave game with a nice story and good game elements. Some of the events are well hidden, so you spend hours on the game buying different clothes and going to various places.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The vn incarnation of the "i want to protect her" meme, an abused and battered slave girl that you take care of and develop a sweet and wholesome relationship with.

    Really good and unique art, very likeable girl, good sex scene, really recommended !
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Never see this kind of game, so the gameplay is just to make the right choice but the stroy prety damn good and hope this game will get multiple end base on the choise you pick. oh and the good part obout this VN is the nut part is moving not only picture.