VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch. 1-7 v1.0.0] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is in a word a masterpiece. Sometimes a lot of dialogue can get boring and feel like it's just dragging things out. But this game has fun and quirky characters and great dialogue between them which is a thrill to discover. I honestly think this is en example for all devs to look at. It feels like I'm laying it on pretty thick here, but I have played a whole lot of these games and this is easily in my top 5. It's well deserved praise!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    No no no.. this game is wrong on so many levels!

    I shouldnt 'care' or 'feel guilty' about the characters, anxiety? Anger? where's my bloodly corruption and lust points!! Damn it i even tried avoiding temptation and your MAKING me do it :cry: i only want to be a good 'caretaker'

    Anyways.. that aside this game so far is great, i wasnt sure about the graphics strangely enough in the screenshots but in game they are excellent . I also was wary of 'story driven' as that can simply mean lots of text about bugger all but I was getting so absorbed in trying to keep anxiety and anger down and everyone happy I was actaully surprised when it started to get suggestive! Not done that in many games on this website ;)

    It's not a 'frap fest' as it says and if your not into slow burners or story its not for you but it's definently one of my favourites just the right pace, humour and i hope it keeps going even though it's put me through the 'moral' (look it up) meat grinder and my anxiety is now 15 out of 10 having to make these decisions!

    *goes back to rocking back and forth saying 'i want to be good, do i want to be good!' :rolleyes:

    On a quick note, i did feel some comments were racially borderline in the thread ( i would say are they 10 or what? but sadly they probably are!). Each to their own I suppose but personally i love women of every race (except the Irish) and love to see a bit of diversity (damn it Denise why are you so cute!) i mean no matter what colour our skin, surely we can agree being a perv is universal :love:
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Chapter 3 and below rating: 4.5 stars

    This was my number 1 favorite game back in the end of 2019 when I discovered it, until sometime in 2020 when the next update happened.

    For me, the game peaked when
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    . After that scene all the tension began evaporating. Prior to that scene the story felt taboo and the dark music fit really well with the events in story.

    In the early stages of the game while all the pieces of story were being put together, the erotic scenes were restrictive which was great for building up desire. But now after the story has progressed with the mysteries of the past uncovered and the main characters pretty much bonded, the sex scenes are still restrictive: handjobs, subtle blowjob, and no penetration. Which to me causes the story to feel dragged out. Once you're getting a handjob, the relationship is now a sexual one. So sex is next logical step. It should be on all characters minds.

    This all reminds me of another game which Denise
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    . So clearly the dev is taking inspiration from it.

    In all honesty, the story should have been approaching a close after the bar scene, and the characters should now be fucking each others brains out. Honestly, what compelling story is left to tell at this point?
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably one of the top 5 games on the site currently. The story is ticking along at a good rate and there is enough sexual content per chapter to keep most perv's happy.

    The renders are top notch and I personally like the more realistic Models used for the characters, especially the models for the "Wards". This is one of the few threads I check daily to see how the next update is progressing.

    Chapter 6 Update

    Another great update, downloaded a few games to play same day and Light Of My Life game hogged all my attention so I didnt get to the rest. With some other games I find myself skipping the dialog as its shit, but Naughtyroad's dialog adds to the eroticism of the picture/scene. 10/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of, if not, the best story-driven porn games I've played so far. Yes, it may seem fairly slow porn-wise but I think it's well worth it and makes the sex scenes even better payoffs. The writing, characters and plot are all strong points and the slightly cartoony 3d models used are so much better than the uncanny valley 3d models used in most porn games now. Still, I do wish some of the models, especially the coven, were made to be more attractive. I'm willing to wait as long as need be for next chapter. Also, I've never seen a game approach taboo topics as well as this. Thanks, Naughty Roads!
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    You know it's actually good? The graphics are unique shall we say but that's not actually a bad thing. It makes the game feel fresh compared to so many others which use cookie cutter, if you've seen one you've seen them all, characters

    The plot is porn game generic, again, not the worst thing. It knows what it is and sticks to it. The tropes are there; the highly educated about everything but sex younger girl, the angry for some reason older girl, the sad yet dedicated MC who'll just do whatever it takes to support those he cares about. Add to that some interesting plot points and it's actually a very enjoyable game.

    I certainly look forward to future updates.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is far above average with a sometimes gripping story and quirky humour. The characters are belivable.
    The artwork is top notch with models far away from the unreal silicon fantasies often found in Adult VN)
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Models and photo are amazing, the story is very good and a good NTR system. All is good in this one ! I very interresting in the futur updates, I want to see where this can be progress. Good dev, good plot, good game.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    I usually like to write more detailed reviews, but I just felt uninspired by this game.

    If I had to use a couple of words to describe this game, they would be dull and repetitive. While I believe the day by day approach can work, and a lot of authors have done so successfully, Light of my Life fails to add anything close to resembling fun repeatable content, so the passing of repetitive days with new dialogue/scenes sprinkled in every now and then is nothing more than a slog.

    And I'm just going to come out and say it; the pacing is garbage. There's a slow burn, and then there's whatever this falls into. I've only had to use it so heavily with a couple of other games, but all I can say is thank god for my auto clicker.

    The dialogue is good; it's clear the author has talent, and the story is fine, but it just doesn't pull at me. I'm also not a fan of the attempts at comedy here; not sure what the author was going for, but in my opinion, it just doesn't really mesh well with the more serious story they're trying to tell.

    The music and visuals are solid; no complaints there.

    As for animations, to borrow a phrase from another reviewer, 'every scene is swimming around on the screen.' I can appreciate the effort; I love when games can add in subtle things like blinks or little eye movements, little sways; things to make the characters feel more alive, but there can be too much of that too, and this author just makes those little details obnoxious.

    And to borrow one more thing from that reviewer, 'and frankly, this loses an entire star because of it's the use of the MC's inability to control his erection as a plot driver.'

    Yes, Yes, Yes, YES, YES.

    Stop with this trope, for God's sake! As an adult male, I can control my erections perfectly well, thank you. I'm not in elementary school anymore.

    As for the character models, which I've noticed has been a stark point of contention about this game thus far, I'll be honest and say I didn't find them very appealing. It's clear that the author tried to do something unique by bringing more extreme versions of certain features which is fine, I'm all for breaking the mold, but I feel like they might have taken it a bit too far and it comes off as unappealing, to me, at least. If you like them, then all the power to you.

    Anyways, I could have said a lot more, but as I said at the start, I just can't really be bothered. I covered the main points; good enough. As always, I hope this helps someone.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Keep the great job sir! This game is other level, not the old same model on every game. They aren't the most pretty model tho but they are different. Looking for future updates and thank you.

    Anyway good job.

    Like the story btw
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyable game. I like the main story, its got a little more substance than most on here. The characters are some of the most unique and I really love them. .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a unique game. Yes, there is incest on the way. However, the sense of loss, love and guilt permeate every scene with the youngest desperately trying to put her family back together again. Sorry if the women are not supermodels, but they feel very real, very flesh and blood.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Updated Review for Ch 6. My last sentence of my prior review was I had no idea how it could get better, Ch 6 blew me away. Superb, I cant say enough, please give it a try and consider supporting this dev. An example for other creators to follow

    my old review below:

    OK like others, I stayed away as that preview art seemed off. What a mistake. Finally gave it a go. WOW, Excellent!

    Great Art, the beauty of it actually is amazing and nothin like the preview art had me thinking it was weird.

    Story is excellent. Far above others of this type, story makes sense, its engaging, and excellent flow. Its not a fap fest, its a slower burn, but by no means a boring non engaging storyline.

    I tend towards more MILF and mature games, most of the younger or (Daughter) type games I find kinda icky, with Dad being more a predator...not so with this game. A more natural flow, and a deeper story that surprising doesnt invoke that reaction from myself.

    Sex scenes are very well done, and fun. Slow to get to them but the immersion and engagement with those scends is very good.

    I am very restrictive with my patreon donations, but I will be heading over and helping this dev out a little bit.

    I am having trouble giving any ideas as to how to make this game better...its that good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is my absolute favorite game on this site. Story and writing is excellent, choices matter, and character design is unique and wonderful. Give this game some time, let the art and story sink in and you may love what you find.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The only negative thing to say is that it's too far between the updates. On the other hand, the updates you get are massive. Looking forward to the next chapter.

    Oh, and the progress is pretty slow but that makes it more realistic and it doesn't feel like Mr. Naughty is milking it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    My first thought when I saw this was that the characters are all kind of ugly. Once I played, I realized that I wouldn't have it any other way. The characters in this VN are among the best I have seen, and have a certain raw and flawed texture to them which is often lacking in other stories. This is not a story where you have a few archetypal characters aimed to hit specific fetishes. Instead, they are realistically flawed and insecure people, trying to figure out what they want, and the game is so much the better for it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Brilliant - simply brilliant.

    Storytelling A+

    The choice of models initially made me skip past this publication - and I must admit that it took the most of chapter one to become so familiar with the characters that the first impression was forgotten and replaced by genuine amazement of the artists choices to celebrate the wonderful diversity of the female body. I'm now just left with a lingering fear that all other publication from now on will seem to glammed up, so thank you Naughty Road for ruining VNs for me ;)

    Keep up the good work, can't wait for chapter 6.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games here.

    Pros :
    Awesome Renders
    Great Story
    Good Animations
    Long Gameplay

    Cons :
    Sometimes, when you skip images, there is a millisecond of black screen and the pictures gives you headaches.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the one game I play without modding for the first play through. The content has me reading and engaged for its entirety, encapsulating the essence of being there. The jokes are A+ and the devs deserve a ton of credit for time and effort. Thank you for a wonderful game and I look forward to the next updates.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I think in regards to quality/writing/scenes most things have already been said, in short, they are great.
    What I would like to mention is the fact that the models/looks were originally the main thing that didn't make me want to try the game out. However in the actual game 90% of the time your "not-daughters" look great, unlike in the preview photos shown bellow. So, if you were like me and the models were the main reason you did not play this then I highly recommend you give this a try.