
Forum Fanatic
Sep 28, 2018
Therefore, there is no non-consensual content in LomL, and neither do any the characters think they are performing an non-consensual act. What's more there never will be such content either.
So, what you're saying is that Macy WANTED the bear to...you know. I suspected the bear forced his way onto Macy, but the thought was unbearable. However, now I'm very glad the bear knows what consent means. So he is clearly smarter than the average bear. Which is a good thing, because most bears are barely capable of getting honey out of a pot without getting their heads stuck in it.


New Member
Feb 19, 2018
Its not the direction I want it to go. I would prefer that the little one got NTRed to oblivion.
I'm sorry, I know that we are talking about an incest based VN, with tons of fetishes like preggo, anal, milf, exhibitionism and a bunch more, BUT WHO THE HELL WANTS THAT TO HAPPEN TO OUR PRECIOUS DENISE? The bright mind behind everything turning out the way it is turning out to be, the one who's taking care of the household and also the one who's putting her sister's necesities or desires before hers?

Don't get me wrong, I made up my mind just in case naughtyroad made us choose one of the sisters during the development of the story (which I'm glad he hasn't and hope/believe he won't do), and I've been team Macy since Chapter 1 and will be team Macy no matter what, BUT harming our Denise without any reason whatsoever? That's a big no no which could start a War.

And hear me, if anything happened to Denise, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. :D


Nov 23, 2019
I'm sorry, I know that we are talking about an incest based VN, with tons of fetishes like preggo, anal, milf, exhibitionism and a bunch more, BUT WHO THE HELL WANTS THAT TO HAPPEN TO OUR PRECIOUS DENISE? The bright mind behind everything turning out the way it is turning out to be, the one who's taking care of the household and also the one who's putting her sister's necesities or desires before hers?

Don't get me wrong, I made up my mind just in case naughtyroad made us choose one of the sisters during the development of the story (which I'm glad he hasn't and hope/believe he won't do), and I've been team Macy since Chapter 1 and will be team Macy no matter what, BUT harming our Denise without any reason whatsoever? That's a big no no which could start a War.

And hear me, if anything happened to Denise, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. :D
I think it's in everyone's best interest to select the "ignore" feature regarding the person you replied to - otherwise the thread derails, and not in the fun "bear, trebuchet, femoral-gluteal adipose tissue, popcorn" kind of way. :WeSmart:
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New Member
Feb 19, 2018
No worries, it will never, never, ever happen.
And yet again we've been blessed by Naughty's wisdom. Eternally thankful.

Jesus Meme2.jpg

I think it's in everyone's best interest to select the "ignore" feature regarding the person you replied to - otherwise the thread derails, and not in the fun "bear, trebuchet, femoral-gluteal adipose tissue, popcorn" kind of way. :WeSmart:
Hey, to each his own, but I'm happy that this game content lead us to discuss femoral-gluteal adipose tissue (hehe, nice), bears and trebuchets rather than arguing who's cucking whom. :LOL:
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Dec 2, 2017
Now, I am gonna say this with zero spite, there is not hate or anger behind this but...
Fuck you...
I just started Chapter 3... And Damn... Just... Yeah... fuck you, my heart...
You have some of the best story telling I have seen in a VN in a while, one which gives you the ups and downs of a good story as well as the fun bit. But still... Yeah...


Active Member
May 6, 2017
That whole thing read to me like straight out of Reddit. The crowd there is absolutely obsessed with consent. If any act, no matter how small is not signed in triplicate and notarized -> Rape. Age difference more than 3 years -> rape/grooming and so on. Slight exaggeration, by not by much. There's a lot of headshaking from this old geezer reading that place.

Reading some of the sex attitudes coming from there to the missus, her reaction is of the line : "Doesn't sound like they're having much fun". And that's her more PC take.
Yes, the "Western" audience is too sensitive about everything and always offended. Either they throw a tantrum over a game with loli, then several pages discuss whether the characters in the other game have the right to call each other "n-word". (Holly fuck, even the forum is censoring this word. This is insanity.) Now they are conducting an in-depth analysis of the presence of rape in the game. Call a forensic expert!
Play and don't get bullshit. Enjoy the game and don't be the knights in shining armor. The good thing about the game is that even in it there will be drugs, rape, blackmail and other child molestation, it will still remain just a game that has nothing to do with real life.


Dec 2, 2017
Note: I have been looking at the walkthrough in the OP, just to travel through the early game, though most of the walkthrough has been options I would choose normally so theres that. But I noticed that I haven't done anything different through the playthough so far yet when it comes to the "Bar Date with Macy" in Ch3, the walkthrough says that her Anger Points will result in 7 at the end of the scene which overlaps with the intro. But, mine doesn't I have 3 extra points I have no idea where they came from.


Active Member
Jan 3, 2020
Note: I have been looking at the walkthrough in the OP, just to travel through the early game, though most of the walkthrough has been options I would choose normally so theres that. But I noticed that I haven't done anything different through the playthough so far yet when it comes to the "Bar Date with Macy" in Ch3, the walkthrough says that her Anger Points will result in 7 at the end of the scene which overlaps with the intro. But, mine doesn't I have 3 extra points I have no idea where they came from.
The dev says you dont need to use it. I used it the first time I played throgh CH5, and didn't use it the second time when i replayed after ch6 was released, and I dont remember the differences really.


Dec 2, 2017
The dev says you dont need to use it. I used it the first time I played throgh CH5, and didn't use it the second time when i replayed after ch6 was released, and I dont remember the differences really.
Oh as I said, I used it just to see whats what as I play, generally the path presented is my play method so its not like I am following it directly more like treading the same path. But the Anger Count difference makes me wonder where I stepped differently or if its just a case of something changed between writing and current...


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
Note: I have been looking at the walkthrough in the OP, just to travel through the early game, though most of the walkthrough has been options I would choose normally so theres that. But I noticed that I haven't done anything different through the playthough so far yet when it comes to the "Bar Date with Macy" in Ch3, the walkthrough says that her Anger Points will result in 7 at the end of the scene which overlaps with the intro. But, mine doesn't I have 3 extra points I have no idea where they came from.
I wouldn't worry to much about those either. When emotions are all over the place, you'll get some pretty wild swings one way or the other.

I probably said this before but one of the aspects of the design of LomL that I'm not quite happy about is the LP/AP implementation.

With the hard cap of 10 meaning that LP (love point) start going to waste after chapter 2 or so, it was meant to indicate to the hardcore min-maxer that pursuing every last one of those was kinda fruitless, you should just let it go because you will not be locked out of doggy in lewd scene 24B because you missed to pick up one LP somewhere three chapters back and are now on 424 lovepoints instead of the required 425.

At the same time, with the AP (negative emotion points), the slow chipping away and the wild swings disrupting that, that was meant to convey a sense of you can't control bad stuff, but with the passage of time and good intentions, it will get better.

I'm not sure if either worked out as intended (or rather, I'm quite sure it didn't, for quite a few).
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Dec 2, 2017
Ok so previously I told you 'fuck you' for the start of Chapter 3. Add another for Macy's dream...
I am actually sheading tears here. Stop it...
No that last scene of Chapter 3 does not make anything fine... Damn it...


Active Member
Game Developer
Jan 8, 2019
64 GB Ram and yet i run into out of memory errors every 10 or so scenes? Is this common?
Given that that very same code base runs perfectly fine on very modest (sometimes aging) computers as well as an assortment of android phones and tablets of different ages and sizes, I'd say it's safe to assume the problems is with your device.

Make sure you use one of my distributions, make sure you've unzipped the game and are not running it from within the zip. Make double sure to not use any mods, and maybe if you've used the WT mod in the past, to start a fresh game. Consider going into your task manager to see if there is indeed a problem with RAM consumption for any app at all, and run a RAM check tool to see if there's no memory problems.
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