come on guys these girls are very cute! is not the archetype of hollywood porn actress, and finally. it is very good!
Pc.. But i downloaded that from another place, so now is this wonderful update finish.... Now we only can do is waiting for next update...Which version (platform), because I played the Windows version of the game downloaded from the NOPY OP over the past two days and have not run into that error?
Ha ha yes..... but no you can not........can give my F5 button a rest for a bit. Thanks naughtyroad
naughtyroad, please do! I'd pay. (Of course assuming it's a decent enough price hehe..! -nervous_emoji-)Wow, a racist slur in the guise of a backhanded compliment. That's some quality trolling right there.
Speaking of which, since there quite a few references to M&D looking like goblins, and plenty-a trolls. I would like to present to you The Adventures of Goblin Macy and Denise.
View attachment 298652
Btw, I would totally love to make that into a game.
I would pay as well. And since steam allows now many things including erotica and porn i would love to see the next game about our 2 angels on steam so that patreons get it earlier but steam users can also pay up and give him more money to use for future projects and a dev team taking alot of weight off his shoulders.naughtyroad, please do! I'd pay. (Of course assuming it's a decent enough price hehe..! -nervous_emoji-)
Hard to say. I could say weeks but that seems very unlikely. Months would be more accurate. But before you think this is bad consider the following. It is one man alone in this entire project who sinks every spare time he has into this project. Also you do not get a tiny update but a full chapter instead. So it is worth the anyone whos been following this game. how long is the wait for new chapters usually?
What a bitch. Great story, but most of it was too dark to see.