No i waited for someone to post 3. Let her open the box and thats the way you do it. It is from the lonely island group on youtube my daughter forced me to watch more than once. Lyrics are stupid af but the songs of those fellas are catchy af i am telling you.
Yes and yes. We pick everyone. No one is safe. And Redheads are freaks in the sheets which should account for picking her also along the way....... ok let's be honest here she kinda hot so ofc we bang her as well i mean a single man with 2 adult daughters and no women in sight? Ofc we bang everyone we can get.
And it is fiction so we can get away with it if we screw up and reload a save.
I do believe you can start from your former save unless something would be screwed up in the versions but it worked so far so i believe NR will make the next version as well compatible with the saves again. If not he will surely let us know.