VN - Ren'Py - Light of My Life [Ch.8 v0.8.2] [Naughty Road]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion this is one of the most intelligently written pieces of adult fiction I've read in years. Quality assets, unique models, and well balanced use of humor and 4th wall breaking make this a hard recommend.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly the best written game on the site. Even if the models aren't your cup of tea, I encourage you to give this game a shot. It's a really emotional and erotic story. I think caring about the characters makes the experience better and the number of characters I care about in the dozens of F95zone games I've downloaded, I can count on both hands. Two of them are in this game. Good shit.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    [Ch.7 v0.7] Review

    (Yep. It is happening. I am writing a serious review on f95 and sharing deep personal feelings. Anyways.)

    I don't know about you, reader, but I am here, on this site, to make the pain go away for some time. I keep telling myself that it is better than drugs or drinking. Yes, I am an adult with adult life and adult problems, with tragedies that deeply damaged my life and I need to learn how to keep going.

    So I do kill time once-twice a week through pornoholic trips via games and VNs I can find here. What can I say? - about 95% of stories I download are poorly-written, cliche-puzzles or having a plot from 80-s porn and I need to turn my imagination on max to keep clicking and painting the story in my own head. "Maybe I should write my own game..."

    But once in a couple of months, maybe half-a-year, I find a GEM. A true talent. A masterpiece. It gets my whole evening or even a weekend day. I just keep reading, I forget about the "Tab" button and the "skip" option. Yes, my day becomes skipped and I do nothing useful - but this story, this ART of storytelling, is why I keep returning to this site. This is what I am looking for. A way to forget myself and my life just for a day and have an emotional rollercoaster mixed with porn... during reading this VN I admit I realised that I had tears in my eyes at some moments.

    Yes, I do understand that it is just because of the common path of the loss plot and my own life. I understand that the way women just jump on the protagonist is a harem anime-level. But maybe that is what I needed. A simple, yet wonderfully written, naive and... kind story. With no cruelty, no evil, no horror. Even though that similar story in REAL LIFE would be a true horror.

    It is not a super-porny, or fetish collector VN for hardcore porn experience. It is a kind, naive... LIGHT reading with porn in it. And it is not all about porn but about emotional connection, pain of loss (but a kind, light pain), and happiness. Where sex is love and feelings, connection and responsibility. At least in the first 4 chapters, then it becomes much more porn, much less feelings. But the way Ch.7 moved on - that was a great twist I really enjoyed.

    Thank you, Author, your story brough a little spark of joy for me. And by the amount of possitive reviews - I am not the only one who really enjoyed your work. Please keep writting. Have a good one.

  4. 3.00 star(s)


    its ok, waay waay too much txt to go through, maybe 20min of pressing enter before anything slightly erotic , im busy, i want to play an erotic game not a novel, story is well made only the length of non erotic scenes ruin it for me farr to long.
    visually great, animations are ok, characters looks wise are different from the regular model type that other games have which I think is good.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    There isn't really anything more you could ask for in a VN game. The story is solid and engaging with enough humour to bring a smile and chuckle from you many times but at the same time intense emotional moments of drama that can pull the feels and a few tears out of you. Any adult can empathize with as we have surely dealt with the same drama's in real life. Really well though out and blended writing.
    The graphics while a bit jerky during animations are well done and visually pleasing.
    The choices you make actually mean something unlike so many other "choice driven" games.
    If i have to have a complaint about this game it would be the loooong time between updates but even that is mooted by the fact each update is massive and worth the wait. Simply a masterpiece in VN gaming. Kudos to this amazing dev.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall its quite good.

    first thing first, the models. i love their bodies, they feel unique and real. faces are not my favorite but alteast they are very unique and far away from the same copy paste faces that are in every other VN.

    story is good, really good mostly. i only have one complaint about the story and its the unavoidable and unnessesary conflict involving the coworker and the older sister. i rejected the coworker at every chance but she keeps coming back. LEAVE ME ALONE!

    but the good things about the story is the MC is the passive protagonist. the sisters are the ones initiating everything. if the MC tries to initiate it backfires. i like this because almost all the time the MC is being super pushy, manipulative or straight down rapy.

    personally i dont like sharing, doesnt matter if its two girls, still dont like it. so when the game being such a slow burn and i choose to only pursue the sisters and no one else. it sucks even more that they are sexually intimate loooong before the MC is.

    so TL;DR, 4/5 star deducted for coworker not backing off and MC not being able to prevent the conflict that it would cause. and also for not being able to prevent/disable lesbian content.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I hate this game, not because it is bad but because of how fucking good it is. It is now the high water mark against which I'll be judging all other adult visual novels. Worse, it's given me a taste that I'll be uselessly hunting after for a long, long time. I don't expect to see another game of this calibre for years, if we're lucky.

    It's sweet, it's well written, and it burns slow, but when it burns, it fucking burns. It manages drama without characters being idiots. It makes every payoff delicious. And it makes you care about the characters so that every bit of depravity comes across extra debauched. Boy, does it make you care.

    Don't go looking for a quick, thoughtless wank. This is something to experience and cherish. It's like a good book that you dread finishing, that you wish could just go on and on. However, even knowing it must end, it's worth it. Just be prepared to invest hours and know that the investment is worth it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I was like "ha this game can't be so good" and I didn't play it for years. Like, literally, years. Let me type it again so I can use underline for emphasis now: years whoops years. But, I finally got around to being worn down by seeing it pop up in Latest Updates and being heralded as a masterpiece and:

  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Valentine Hashmi

    Been following him from the first day and the amount of effort author put into this game is undeniably great. He ok his time to create something amazing we could enjoy again and again.
    And as we all know Best things took there time to be ready to play so am not even going to complain about how it took him so much time.
    In the end we all know The Creator put lot of effort to create a really good adult game.
    My 5 start review is enough to appreciate his effort.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Nothing but the best from naughty road. I have been on this since day one and I'm loving it.
    This is the best game of all time in this genre, at least in my humble opinion. Someone get this dev a medal because he really deserves it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    really the best game for me. i enjoy the story, the charakters, and the look. the only downside it takes so long for a new version. but i guess quality takes time. i hope this game will never stop. 10/10
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Really well written and animated. Lots of everything in the right measure. Really good game overall, deviating from the the typical boring game. Keeps the player looking forward for more the whole time and in between chapters.
    Don't know what else to write xD.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent! Gripping story that made me feel for the characters, i cried, got mad and i laughed , that combined with the fantastic visuals, makes this easily the best visual novel i have played so far.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game too. The father saddened by the disappearance of his wife and the bringing together of these 2 girls. one managing it through rebellion and the other towards coming closer to the father figure. The design is original.
    Keep it up, can't wait to see more.
    nice job
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, graphics and animation. The story is to date the best I have come across. Would not be for everyone is heavy in story but if you like that them you definitely need to give this a try. Look forward to the next release.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    All the thumbs up for this VN.

    The story is well written, the characters are endearing...even the unlikeable ones, in their own way.

    I completely intended to skip to the H-Scenes but the story sucked me in within a few minutes and I was completely hooked.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    After so many tries, I can finally write my first review.

    I have to admit that I honestly had little interest in this game at first because of the characters, but it's these characters with their quirks and quirks that make this game so special, it's so lovingly crafted that it's hard to put the right words into a translator that they do the game justice.

    Another big plus is naughty visibility, even for people who don't support him ( of course I support him nervously looking left and right) they always get enough information about the state of things.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Le Dude

    SUBJECT: LIGHT OF MY LIFE will take you on a journey of self and how you relate with other people.

    I have been playing adult games on and off for years now. Long enough to know the difference between hack jobs and the people that are actually trying.

    This game is hands down (even though incomplete) perhaps the best adult game I have ever come across, and actually one of the best dialogue driven games I have played (to include non-adult themed games).

    This is a story game, and it really tells.

    Things I liked:

    1. The dialogue in this game can't be compared to anything else, especially for a Renpy based game (the script in so many other games can be absolutely ludicrous sometimes).

    2. The characters feel real to the point where I found myself relating to them and their issues.

    3. The characters have solid depth to them, especially the older gal, you can tell she is going through a lot, so when you finally make it with her it actually feels like a major triumph. The road getting there is long but well worth it.

    4. The creator of this game with the in-between cutscenes, and the solid sarcasm (like if you try to change the name of characters or your "member" to make it sound larger than it actually is). He also acknowledges a lot of what goes on with these games being released and condemns people trying to sell it.

    5. The fantasy metaphors used to explain the psyche of the characters in detail, so you as the player can understand what they are going through.

    6. Arguably the younger gal is the one that is probably the least believable, but she works well as a "vessel" to help you the player get to the next station of the story or advancing your relationship with the characters. All in all a very good use of what in other games would be wrote off as shallow, somehow turns that notion of a younger woman being naive into someone that is human, playful, and wants to explore a wider world.

    7. The graphics are probably the best use of this gaming software I have seen to date, and I am not talking about them being the best looking graphics (animations, renders, etc.). The characters are unique, and not recycled from another game. They actually almost look human, more realistic and less anime driven.

    8. The use of the deep metaphors regarding this particular taboo that makes you actively question the ethics involved and even somehow jumps into the realm of spirituality.

    I am going to be up front about this, whomever wrote the dialogue and the plot for this game is wasting their talents on porn/adult games.

    They have so much potential to do a lot more, and I hope they keep doing it.

    Take all of the adult stuff aside (especially the taboo theme of the game) and you have a very very interesting story worth exploring.

    I have NEVER had an adult game make me almost take a spiritual journey before now, and I have played a number of adult games (again on and off) for years.

    I will say that while it can be fun to explore this particular taboo via a video game, in real-life this type of behavior would be totally unacceptable and often in the real world is more sinister in nature than benevolent, so I would be an advocate against this sort of stuff in reality.

    I like the review of one of the other members on here (Fuchsschweif)
    that comments more in depth about the elements of this game are just simply unnatural and would not work in the real world.

    I think most people that are actually on this website would actually be advocates against this particular taboo, because we often see in the news how something like that is not only a bad idea but it is a type of manipulation that can be extremely damaging to individuals.

    In that respect to that, however, this game is still good, and even if you removed the taboo element from it, I think it would still hold up. Somehow the creators of this game managed to find an almost acceptable route to follow to pursue the ideas therein, which given the subject material is actually kind of impressive in its own right.

    Again, not supporting this type of taboo, but in this game in respect to the dialogue and the motivations of the various characters (to include the gals that are sentient actors in their own right) seems to just somehow work.

    Let me tell you, if you feel uncomfortable with this material, I don't blame you and it okay to walk away feeling icky.

    This is the first game I have seen in this particular genre where you the player truly question the deeper ramifications of having relations with another person (adults of course), and especially between people where this type of dynamic just wouldn't work.

    I give this game a solid 5 out of 5 stars:

    A. Ready for the next addition to the game
    B. Yes I should feel bad for enjoying this game, and yet I don't care
    C. Would play again, and would love to play other games from same creator
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I have one problem with this game, and only one. The depth of the story, my investment in the characters and their interactions, have left pretty much every other VN I play seem rushed and inconsequential in comparison.

    I cannot praise this story enough. If I had to make one complaint, it is that the bits of non-consent in the camping scenes made me a little uncomfortable, but that's purely a personal reaction and not something I would expect anyone else to share.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    It is the best game on this side, period. It is a very slow burn but man, the characters are just so good you feel that you are with a family of two beautiful daughters. One of two games on this site that makes the girls truly human, instead of simple fuck toys for people to fap all over. (the other one is Duel Family, shame its creator might have coc themselves to death or on their way there.)