I just hope it will be worth it, at least 2-3hours of gameplay would be nice after such long wait...May I ask what happened, why he delayed the update for so long..? I know I have no right to object as a non-sub but damn I would have been pissed as hell if I'd be one of them...
You can easily expect a few hours playtime, so long as you're taking the time to read and not just holding down the skip button.
And nothing happened, really? Until the last week or so, anyway. Naughty was having trouble with Android conversion. Got it sorted pretty quick in any case.
This game's updates always take a long time. Speaking as a patron from the first drop, I'm totally okay with this. Happy to give my money to Naughty and support development of this game with its incredibly unique visual style, fun characters and damn good story told in legitimate chapters with a beginning, middle and end.
Much rather do that than support development of the endless number of cloned-model games with a "story" that can 90% of the time be summed up as "you're a loser 'X'-teen year old guy who's just returned home after college/death of your father/abducted by aliens, except now you have the uncanny ability to seduce everything that moves because magic/mind-control drugs/alien technology, presumably bestowed by the same little green MFers that abducted you in the first place."
And, no shit most of those same copypasta type games end up taking just as long to crank out an update as Naughty does, after a year or so of development. Schedules start slipping, creativity (what little there was to begin with) dries up and the writer's block sets in, and then you're waiting six months between the remastered/revamped/rebooted updates which add nothing to move the story along.
Quality over quantity.