Seeing as English is not my first language, no, I haven't forgotten such a thing. But, the burden is on you, of understanding what you're reading in an English Speaking forum. Specially since your answer implied that reviewing meant paying for something. You can use a dictionary to get the actual definition of a word in your own language.
That one was such a non-sequitur (just to make sure, that means that your sentence about the links had absolutely no logical conection that could be followed to the previous one) that I didn't even bother replying to that. Even after your clarification, I'm struggling to understand what you mean by that, but seeing as we've established we're both non-English speakers, we're probably losing a lot in translation.
This is a FORUM, not a private messaging system. When you respond to somebody here, you're doing so in a place where anybody else involved in the discussion can reply to you, not just the OP.
Also, I don't see how criticizing your own criticism to somebody else's criticism to a fourth person would either be wrong, or count as trolling. I'm pretty much saying I agree with the first reply, and that I disagree with your reply to that one