Thank you for your replies!
Yes, the game & its world are not complete and therefore everything (not just combat mechanics) could/will have adjustments, alterations, overhauls, additions, etc. for a long times yet.
Yes, the combat system recently had major changes and we all believe it still needs many adjustments.

We also know (by the game's change-logs) that this new system
will change in some way(s) because the game creator says it still conflicts/imbalances future plots and characters.
Why did I ask? Because I would like,
either, the game creation to be able to continue faster and easier,
or, to know if there are basic problems that might need fixing in the game universe. Therefore, "Someone might need to do something!" and I (and others here!) are someones who might be able to think of something that could help fix those problems, thereby freeing up time & resources for creators to create the game faster & easier, etc., ad infinitum. (Example: I have decades of experience managing business problems and creating/refereeing tabletop RPG campaigns and I know lots of other people
who would have more and better ideas and solutions to LT-universe problems than I would! So maybe I/we could help. *shrug*)
Therefore, I asked if the basic combat mechanics (fantasy weapons & spells attacks/defences) have been/are being taken care of or not, because, like, that is something I might have insight into. But I would like to at least know
if there actually is a problem before trying to dream up part of a solution for it on my own time.
I am sorry, now. I wouldn't have asked my simple question had I suspected it would cause so much anxiety & problems (and outrage?) for everyone.