19 Jan 06:17
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v0.3.6.1 Update: A hotfix was released very shortly after this post was made in order to address a couple of major game-breaking issues. The patch notes and download links have been updated below.
Hello again!
I've got the vast majority of Axel's quest content added now, but it's still got placeholders for the loss routes and the post-quest Vengar/Murk interactions. As you've no doubt already noticed, I've really struggled with getting this quest content designed, coded, and written. I've learned my lesson, and won't attempt to add such a relatively complex quest all in one go again. I've particularly found it hard to design/write the more 'non-con' aspects of this quest, so I now know in future to keep them a lot simpler when adding those sorts of scenes (or at the very least, add them in smaller stages).
I will be adding the dialogue for the loss routes over the next few versions, but I've already spent so much time on this quest that I'm going to have to move on and primarily focus on other things. Speaking of which, for the next release, I'll be focusing on getting Helena's romance content added, as well as some Enforcer encounters and size-difference mechanics/content.
I'm sorry once again for how long this Axel quest has taken me to get done. The next set of content should go back to fitting into weekly or fortnightly releases. If there are any major bugs in this version, I'll get a hotfix out on Tuesday night, but if not, then the next release will be a preview here on SubscribeStar in a week or so from this post. The next full, public release should then follow on a week or so after that.
Thank you all for your support and patience!