A bit of an immediate update but I checked the save file and the whole thing is basically gone. If you've ever looked at the save files, you'll know how much there is to it. I still don't know what caused it but I'm left with just this;So, I've encountered this bug where I've gotten to the end of the main quest, or near enough, on the latest version. I saved and went to do something else for a while and when I came back, I couldn't load the save file nor the autosave. I can load a previous save just fine and start, save and load a new game perfectly, but whenever I try to load my main save, nothing happens. I thought it just might be trying to load and left it for a bit, but there's no way it's that. I've noticed that when I try to load it, I can click on the back button, confirmation toggle button, and the main menu button, but nothing happens either.
I'm using the .exe version if that helps but I downloaded the .jar as well and when I tried loading it on that, I got the same problems.
The obvious answer is that it's a problem with the save files themselves, rather than the game, but I still don't know what's causing it. I had edited the save files previously to give myself a bit of a money boost, but nothing else apart from that.
I want to know if anyone's encountered a similar problem and if they managed to fix it, or at least found what was causing it.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<coreInfo weatherTimeRemainingInSeconds="18000" weather="CLOUD" version="" secondsPassed="74040" nextStormTimeInSeconds="279240" lastAutoSaveTime="0" gatheringStormDurationInSeconds="0">
<date year="2020" month="2" minute="0" hour="0" dayOfMonth="19"/>
<slavery generatedUpkeep="0" generatedIncome="0"/>
<ralphDiscountStartTime value="-1"/>
<ralphDiscount value="0"/>
<scarlettPrice value="15000"/>
<eponaStamps value="0"/>
<kalahariBreakStartTime value="-1"/>
<daddyResetTimer value="-1"/>
<impFortressAlphaDefeatedTime value="-50000"/>
<impFortressDemonDefeatedTime value="-50000"/>
<impFortressFemalesDefeatedTime value="-50000"/>
<impFortressMalesDefeatedTime value="-50000"/>
<impCitadelImpWave value="0"/>
<murkPlayerTfStage value="0"/>
<murkCompanionTfStage value="0"/>
<offspringDialogueTokens value="2"/>
<slaveTrader value=""/>
<slaveryManagerSlaveSelected value=""/>
In case you didn't notice, those were all catagories that were supposed to have lines of code between them. And there's nothing, not even a shred of my player data.
So to summerise, after pretty much reaching the end of the main quest, my save decide to jump off a bridge and now I have no way of recovering it or even knowing what caused it.