I like the update. The enforcer encounter is cool. You get more enforcer gear to steal, and the new sets are nice in that some of them only take up two slots. They're also a way to deal with encounters you can't beat, and they will enslave that mugger for you if you have a slaver's licence. You don't even need to enchant an item to enslave them. Nice!
If we get more of that content in exchange for losing companions, then I'll... accept it. Not gonna lie, the companion interactions are a main draw of the game for me, and I'm very unhappy to see them gone. But Inno also promised more slave and guest interactions in the manor, so who knows how that will turn out.
If we get more of that content in exchange for losing companions, then I'll... accept it. Not gonna lie, the companion interactions are a main draw of the game for me, and I'm very unhappy to see them gone. But Inno also promised more slave and guest interactions in the manor, so who knows how that will turn out.