i like this game quite a bit.
one thing that bothers me a lot (and i imagine it's being implemented further as we type) is the enchantment system--it doesn't seem to be able to change the direct damage of a weapon, it's damage type, or add any additional effects (for example, being able to add a DoT poison or burn effect to a venomous or firebranded weapon would be aces, or adding an effect to a lust crystal that disintegrates or unequips clothing or items an enemy is wearing based on a percent chance or some such). being able to change those kinds of things would be an enormous improvement.
the perk tree is also pretty lackluster. i appreciate that some of the unlockable active perks are used in combat or out of combat, but the passives are either A. too few OR B. too small to really warrant getting them. certainly, 2 is better than 1, and it's not like i have to expend something else to get them, but perhaps rebalance the perks to +5 early, +10-15 mid, then +25-45, maybe 50 later on? This might also of course have to do with the average level of the enemies in certain areas as i never really saw enemies above 15, and i did all the main quest missions and most of the side quests i think.
i'll also say, many of the weapons appear to be weak compared to the punch crystals you can get due to the martial arts active perk. even the chuuni succubus' scythe only does about 160-240, whereas my poison crystal can do 210-450 or so with maxed stats. even the bonk bat (which is abnormally strong for how cheap it is early game btw) doesn't really get past 80 or 90 damage late game. seems like the scaling for melee weapons, 1 or 2 handed, doesn't really scale very well vs unarmed weapons (punch crystals, especially poison ones).
last thing i'll say, and i think this might be a bug, is thusly: when in the encounter screen (e.g., "wot have we 'ere" where you can choose to fight, fork over flames, or submit your boinkables like a beaten dog) it seems if i go to any other screen, like the main menu or inventory, i can't get back to that encounter screen, and if i keep exploring in the same square, i keep getting more and more and more and more encounters. if i decide to fight after accruing all of these encounters, i have to fight ALL of them, as it counts for every enemy accrued in the square. this can be a good way to grind xp later, but is incredibly difficult early, and seems to bug out after i lose.
Otherwise, I really like this game, and have hope for it's future. Keep workin on it, and make it grande