blackchimaera I dont think that level of the main character has that much difference to winning the game. For example you can enchant any item in inventory but also you can
disenchant items. Thinking about it i have simply disenchanted all items my mc uses and than enchanted
only the weapon (for higher damage output of mc).
This is very beneficial when you will gain Dark Siren's Scythe. This weapon does outstanding melee damage which can be very high if enchanted and also you can change the damage type of it. It can be Burning Scythe which will also be a fire type of damage.
Your level will describe how much of enchants you can take - for not collapsing(?). At level 50 of mc which is max, i have 110 points of Enchantment capacity:
View attachment 919346
Which i think is also from some Perk points invested at the Perk Tree, maybe being a Succubus, idk...
But to the point - that means i can put up to 110 enchant points on any weapon after changing their damage type to Fire - thinking of Dark Siren's Scythe:
View attachment 919354
Above image shows damage of this Scythe from inventory view - when not equiped. Now consider going to Perk Tree and take a look at "Elemental striker":
View attachment 919379
This Perk will increase Fire damage type output for +5%. This seems not much, but you can take this Perk for another four times at Perk Tree:
View attachment 919419
In total giving you +25% of Fire damage type - from five "Elemental striker" Perk points.
So now when you will equip Dark Siren's Scythe which is Fire damage type, also with five points invested into "Elemental striker" it will give much more damage than plain 126 - 154 points :
View attachment 919436
There might be also other Perks which increase this value which i have forgot to mention. So excuse me for not mentioning them.
But in overall i think that this explains my idea of making high damage from single weapon.