Lying? Where's she lying? Or would you count release estimates as promises?
I mean, the entire version 0.4.0 and the promised contents turned out to be straight up a lie. Hell, even internally in the game's comments and to-do lists it wasn't even listed as version 0.4.0.
The entire thing was a cash grab.
Oh, and every time she said she was working on something specific, only to not touch it for months. Like, say, the encounters she talked about in today's update where she was supposedly working on them back in like, February and they're not started because she was doing something completely different. Or when she said she would stop working on side content. Or when she said she'd stop doing systems updates until after the fields content was released. Or a ton of other shit, from big to little.
And then there's all the shit in the game. There's still shit all over the game that says like "feature coming in v0.4.0" which is honestly just laughable. Most of which was confirmed to be completely scrapped for the time being, even though the messages are still in game. I guess she didn't take notes lol
Oh, and lets not forget the blog comments. The damn coward. But I guess I wouldn't want people calling me out on my bullshit publicly either. 500 to 900+ comments on every update laughing at you for being completely incapable of even meeting blog update deadlines was probably a bad look.
But she said she was going to turn them on with v0.4.0. And then, said she'd turn them on with v0.4.0.5.
But she didn't.
So that's a lie.