Just wondering, if there a way to increase "comfortable depth" without increasing overall depth or taking size queen/masochist fetishes (in these cases it all just becomes comfortable)? Thanks again.
Also it could be much better if it didn't just give -10 arousal if it even 1cm "too deep" but depended on how "too deep" it is. Slowly increasing "comfortable depth" after few times fucked too deep could be fun too
Yeah, it would be cool if the system worked that way... but it won't lol
And no, there's not really a way to increase your comfortable depth without changing anything. It's just not that advanced of a system, sorry.
Sure. It creates change sometimes, and sometimes that change sticks. But ultimately writing long essays in praise or criticism is less appealing to me than producing something.
I mean, that's implying you can only do one or the other. I can spend five minutes writing a few thousand words in this thread and still have plenty of time for my personal projects and day job lol
I'm going to be traveling for work next week. Lots of time to work on my own game. I have a few more systems I need to create before I can start working on character simulation, which is the part I really want to work on. I might be switching from a text adventure sandbox game to a simulation/sandbox lol
Looking at Blaseball during the last few months has kind of made me want to build my own wacky character sim lol
Seriously though, as the person who gets the most flack about being on this site too much, I honestly think people seriously over estimate how long it takes to write a long post like this. My four minute youtube video I started while reading the thread is about to end, so I better wrap this up.