Like the other user said, you can switch it back on. You should save often though, and if you encounter any weird points where the game seems to lock up for no reason try reloading and sending the follower home. Off the top of my head I think the imp fortresses or something down in Submission leave you unable to exit combat after winning if you have a follower, so you have to dismiss before the fight. Something like that, it's been forever.
Her post from April 9th states she will only release 0.4.4 when it's ready and gives no estimation date to avoid public disappointment. (Though how long that will last is another story...) Still, she's due a progress report so I guess she still missed 'something'. Not even her SubStar page has anything new.
hi there.......
is there any mod or cheat or anything that could allow me to transform any npc in same way as my character?(by a menu. without tons of craft or anything else)
also is there any way to have access to "full" transform menu for non slimes without "buggy" mode?
hi there.......
is there any mod or cheat or anything that could allow me to transform any npc in same way as my character?(by a menu. without tons of craft or anything else)
also is there any way to have access to "full" transform menu for non slimes without "buggy" mode?
There is no direct mod as far as im aware... but there is an ingame way to do so (It involved getting the Biojuice Item, this can be obtained legitimately from Slimes in Submission, the Slime Queens domain in the Bat Caverns or Illegally by using the "Buggy" cheat command*), then use of item on the enemy you want to change after defeating them (EXCLUDES UNIQUE NPC'S) then transform them however you want, then to lock this in use a slime to flesh potion (Obtained from enchanting a Biojuice cannister) to lock the changes in*.*
*Type Buggy while on any tile and it will open it, then go to spawn menu and look for biojuice cannister item
**Certain Transformations will not work when tranformed back to flesh however... (This applies currently to angelic transformations last I checked, all others are fair game), If you want to have those "angelic" tranformations you will need to keep them as slimes while sticking a sealed "hexed" item on them (So they can't change into a different form without your say so/removing the change blocker)
how hard it be to write a "simple" mod? that allows (full/debug mode)"transform" menu on every npc?
is there any modding guides?
as i could try do it on my own...
if there be a good guide... for transferring debug menu function to "usual" transform button and enable it for any npc at any time(even for sealed slaves).
missing "simple" slave transform(in form of spell) or some transform "shop" is kinda werid for such kind of game...
and also sealing "all" transformations "on will" is stupid... as that should allow player to transform anyone by "order" instead of just locking transformation function at all
hi there.......
is there any mod or cheat or anything that could allow me to transform any NPC in the same way as my character? (by a menu. without tons of craft or anything else)
also, is there any way to have access to the "full" transform menu for non-slimes without "buggy" mode?
transfrorming that way won't give me anything exept broken save as there is so much parameters that it won't be easy task
exept.... well... i was able to make some actual ferals and it worked
all i want is enable "transform" button for every npc at any time..... digging in files gived me nothing as i couldn't able to find any real "effects" only descriptions without any stats or actual scripts
as i actually found line
i can't find any of "CLOTHING_SPECIAL" or "CLOTHING_ENSLAVEMENT" scripts in game folder....
even unpacking jar file and digging deep in .class
gived me only a mess of 77 DebugDialogue.class files that could be any of them with lines i needed about transformation button in "buggy" window
and 8 EnchantmentDialogue.class that's also could be a needed thing but written as a mess and my knowledge in java is 0......
also there is actually dev's "to do" list and in suggestions list someone asked about "buggy" command be able transform party member but as file i have is dated 28 feb 2022... seems there is still no such functuion.....
Honestly, if you're not willing to save-edit. Then the only other option is to just create a new character and customize it via "BUGGY" and then export it once you're done. But if you want to change the story characters then you're mostly going to rely on save-editing.
also there is actually dev's "to do" list and in suggestions list someone asked about "buggy" command be able transform party member but as file i have is dated 28 feb 2022... seems there is still no such functuion.....
Honestly, if you're not willing to save-edit. Then the only other option is to just create a new character and customize it via "BUGGY" and then export it once you're done. But if you want to change the story characters then you're mostly going to rely on save-editing.
i want editing "on the fly" without any shenanigans outside of the game
and by just open one simple menu in 1 button press....
so any kind of editions besides that is not what i expect
seems like i won't get any actual help or even ppls interested in that function here..........
Well, that would abandon like > 50% of all the contents in the game tbh. If you can just one-step-edit every character, that would defeat the purpose of race (slime and demons) and enchanting items. And races + items are al that Inno's been pouring her heart out on the past year.
Well, that would abandon like > 50% of all the contents in the game tbh. If you can just one-step-edit every character, that would defeat the purpose of race (slime and demons) and enchanting items. And races + items are al that Inno's been pouring her heart out on the past year.
having it as "togglable" function or mod is all what i want........
seriously... i just like play games in as much "my"way as i can(cheats. mods. debug functions. anything that could make process easier).. and transform by one menu for every character is fits my view in such kind of game
as current transformation system is just overcomplicated big mess.. in game with magic don't have transform spells/shops or any other easy methods(by menu)....... 0 LOGIC....
also game code is a mess...
Most people around here are neither programmers nor interested in learning code. What's even more, we're not dealing with basic Ren'Py engine, we're dealing with a messy, homebrew version of Java and the entry-bar required to code/mod the game properly, without it holding your hands (aka modding templates), requires you to have some programming knowledge beforehand and a lot of patience.
You want everything simplified to the point it all just works with a single click from an in-game menu. I'm not saying I dislike the idea but given this game's history (and the dev we're dealing with) you're asking for a lot. Inno has been shirking her responsibility to the game for a long time now, with delays after delays, excuses after excuses, always getting sidetracked and procrastinating like hell. Modders sometimes do more than she does and they do it for free...
You want something like this done in a timely fashion, you either find someone to do it for you or you do it yourself. No other way around it.