Quick summary of the tavern:
You meet the owner who is a 7 foot she-shrek with a stone elemental that fucks people with a stone dick when they're bad. She also has a TF'd slave called Beer Bitch who's just a senseless bimbo wearing a literal barrel except with boob cutouts. If you order 5 drinks from her Beer Bitch, you get a token and with 5 tokens you can fuck the generic NPC Beer Bitch.
She-shrek gives you a quest that allows you to get her more beer bitches. You go to the other tavern and just go "something something good horsie" and he promises to deliver the barrels. You can see what they mean by this (it isn't hard to imagine) but I didn't care enough to go see the event. After you can go outside to the alleys and beat up people to turn into new beer bitches at she-shrek's tavern to add yet another generic NPC to get the same exact beer from but with a different name like Beer Slut or Beer Whore.
Oh and before you flirt with she-shrek, you need to have the martial artist perk or else you'll be locked into submissive sex the moment you press the flirt option. There's no backing out of it.
There's also dice poker, which is nothing different from the Gambling Den. You can get in a bar fight where you fight two random npcs and then watch (or don't) she-shrek's elemental fuck them as punishment.
There's a backroom with an NPC in it but you can't go back there and she-shrek tells you the gang leaders are back there and you most certainly don't wanna mess with them!!!! Maybe you need to prove to her you are the stronk by having the martial artist perk but I stopped caring and doubted it was implemented.
So what's the new part? That all sounds like the same generic, cliche garbage that was added in the pre-release.
Also, I still absolutely find the dice poker game to be the fucking worst. It's a boring, stupid game, implemented in the most boring way possible.
Like, writing a generic five card poker game is something I had my intro to programming students writing. It's super fucking easy. Texas holdem can be more difficult to write, specifically writing an AI that doesn't suck on your own, but even that's not that hard since there's some really well written AIs that you can base yours off of. So why the fuck did she write this really, really boring dice poker nonsense? It's like, somehow more boring that five card. Or hey, maybe do liars dice. Liars dice is a fun game if you want to do something different than generic poker. And its also really easy to program.
And then second off, the way its put into the game... Could you come up with a more boring way to add a poker mini-game? You bet a meaningless amount of money, and either win or lose that money. Or if you feel like it, you can have sex with a random NPC (don't do that, because it'll start keeping that NPC in memory forever...)
That's so god damn bland.
Why not just like, build a full strip poker system? That would at least fit into the existing game world in a more interesting way. Shit, you could do all sorts of random things. Add new interesting bets into the mini-game. Loser is forced to drink a transformation potion. Maybe have dice poker be a thing your slaves will play in their free time, and you could join in. Maybe a slave will try and gamble for their freedom. IDK, you could do just about an infinite number of things with a mini-game that's just, shitty poker/shitty liars dice.
This youtube video is about to end, so I'm going to stop now.
It feels like 9 times out of 10 when Patreon creators say they're "going through bad times" or "chronically sick" they're full of shit. They're just being lazy. Now some definitely do have this going on, but when its legit they tend to actually be less productive rather than not at all.
I definitely think that's the case this time.
Ino already said that she is tired of writing and don't wanna do it anymore. But she also can't swallow her pride and hire a writer. So excuses are the next best thing.
It's pretty obvious she hates doing the writing. Every single delay in the last like, three years (ever since the the huge delays for converting species to xml) has simply been down to Inno being incapable of just sitting down and writing a few generic paragraphs. In some cases, it's literally just a few paragraphs.
And I definitely think this supports my opinion that she got someone else to write the second half of Nyan's train wreck.